It sounds like you're waiting for someone to say, "play him in another home". , you will have to deal with serious behavioral issues. It could also be a good idea to invite some friends and family members to bring their dog to your house to get an idea of how your Aussie will react to another dog being in their territory. Laura is a dog-lover with an animal-related degree and plenty of hands on experience. Cats for example can become very annoyed and possibly aggressive around an Australian Shepherd trying to assert his will over it. As the kids get older and more interested in him, he shows little to no interest. Everyone on this sub would probably rather see the dog go to someone who has the time to care for it, than someone who "means well" but cant. Which I take off when I get home. Join the 7-day free online course right away! Well, there is something calledlittermate syndromewhich you can read more abouthere, but basically, 2 puppies can get so attached to each other that it can cause extreme anxiety and behavior problems for one or both of them. If someday you upgrade to a house, most problems will probably disappear as you could let him stay outside most of the time. At this point, you have probably decided if getting another dog for your Australian Shepherd sounds like a great idea or not. And if you want to see crazy people, leave a barking dog in a backyard and leave the house for 8 or 10 hours. We took a tennis ball and she ran and ran and ran. Categories Australian Shepherd, Medium & Large Breeds. A good breeder will take this dog back, no questions asked. He ended up going to a family with a farm and was ten times happier with the open space. We have a Mini at our daycare that fits your description to a T. If your dog is anything like the one I know, the problem isn't exercise but rather anxiety. If you did not get this dog from a breeder, go [here] ( and ask for help placing him. Because the Aussie must be able to take his masters command in order to control livestock, he is very trainable, intelligent and willing to please without these traits he would be useless as a livestock working dog.A versatile working dog, he is used across America to work cattle, sheep, goats and even poultry. While he is yet to show aggression, we're worried it's getting to that point. Lets take a look at exactly how to do that. You and your environment will greatly determine the dog you end up with. What I'd like to know is: is this manageable? Unfortunately, hyper-intelligent breeds like Aussies are also more prone to experiencing separation anxiety, which can be even more difficult than usual when living in a smaller space. He is not gentle when you do pet him. I am not experienced with the breed but they have a reputation for being neurotic, so whining and separation anxiety probably are not unexpected. We fixed it. You should always stop to interact with friendly dogs and people, as well. Its hard to stop at just one Australian Shepherd. Sometimes puppies can help keep a senior dog fit and active, but more often it can cause your senior dog stress, and be very bothersome for them. Our dog deserves so much better and I just need to know what we can do to give him that. Aussies dont necessarily need a farm to exercise on, but they do need daily exercise and attention. You should be aware of his territorial instincts and that he may be naturally possessive and protective of his owners and home. Much of it could probably be solved with teaching him what a crate is, and giving him a safe place to be when people come to visit, or when you aren't home. We know he would be happier elsewhere. Finding that tipped-over garbage can with chewed-up trash isnt fun for any pet parent, but it will be double trouble if you add another puppy to the mix. When I asked Australian Shepherd owners what large breed dogs they have that work well with their little guys Heres what they told me. An Aussie puppy generally needs 5 minutes of exercise per month of their life, and elderly Aussies will need to wind down as they get older. When he's running with you he's your best bud, just as when I'm running, I love my running shoes. To stop your Aussie from barking too much, quit playing whenever the barking starts, to show them that barking equals game over. Exercise is both physical and mental. He's fun to hike with and always stays right next to us. We are three times the cuteness and three times the trouble.. And I totally get that. Valuable equipment and livestock were safe when the family Aussie was there. Your dogs will hopefully end up sharing a bed, and possibly other things as well, but to begin with, its important that the dogs have no reason to feel threatened by each other. Australian Shepherds are high energy, need a job to do, and demand a lot of time. Please spare the judgement. He ambushes visitors and will not leave them alone -- just running around the apartment whining even when they've sat down. So heres what you can do to help foster a healthy friendship! I second training the "go to mat". He is constantly trying to nudge me for attention. stream I don't think living in an apartment is the problem. He is psycho about food. This is a tricky one. This gives them a great foundation! My Aussies can run twice that full speed while pulling me on my bike, and not be tired. I have 2 Aussies and live in an apartment. Then, call them to come and find you. even if your Australian Shepherd is really well behaved it doesnt necessarily mean that its going to be smooth sailing. So yeah, call the breeder: I'd do that, without hesitation, or thinking she'll be judging you. Sometimes I wish I din't have him so I could just enjoy my other two shepherds cause they are much more suited to my personality and energy level. Aussies love to play games that exercise their natural instincts like fetch and chase, so make sure to incorporate some of these into daily life. %PDF-1.5 Most of the owners I talked to say it takes a bit of time and planning to make things turn out successfully. Bathing Your Australian Shepherd (Tips & Tricks), Cost to Groom an Australian Shepherd (Owners Surveyed), Shaving Your Husky- Is it Ever Ok? endobj This will cause a lot of extra care and work on your part to fix. You do have free time. Dont force it. Its best tohave a backup planif the meeting doesnt go well or your new dog doesnt get along with your existing one. While im not in an apartment and have a huge yard and go hiking a few times a week, he always seems tense and ancy. Whether it be inside or outside (outside is much preferred ). Obedience training is highly recommended, and Aussies will learn quickly. My wife is busy being pregnant and taking care of a 1-year-old. Good luck! Honestly it sounds like you have a piece of sporting equipment that isn't content to live in a golf bag or closet. 14. if this dog fits your lifestyle, enjoy your Aussie! Make sure your Australian Shepherd is well trained and socialized first! This behavior just keeps getting worse, and we're starting to trust him less. If an Australian Shepherd is well socialized he can get along with any pet, he loves to herd and chase so expect that from him no matter what! We have access to my landlords yard, but 95% of their exercise is from being out with me and they are never in the yard alone. Having a yard is not the solution. However, when this happens, it can lead to separation anxiety and destructive behaviors out of frustration. He is fine home alone but panics when locked in another room or in a backyard (when we're visiting people who have them). Dont react angrily to destructive behaviors, as the attention can encourage them. And just an fyi, it's spelled shepHERD. He paces constantly. Hide and seek is a great game to entertain and bond with your dog. He still whines, but he's getting much better and he seems much more relaxed. Talking with many Aussie owners who have multiple Aussies I havent had a single one tell me they regret it! There might be several relatively easy steps you can do to fix this or it might be something that medication is right for. If you are thinking of getting a friend for your Australian Shepherd because your Aussie is bored and getting into a lot of trouble, think again! We do just fine. Puppies will gradually get better at regulating their energy as they mature from puppyhood, but they will remain active dogs for their entire lives. If he gets bored, he finds something and completely deconstructs it. But even doing the research and meeting other dogs of the breed doesn't quite prepare you for living with one! <> What about Gender? It was not ideal; technically pets were not allowed but we always went later at night and cleaned up after ourselves. Throw it again. You are sure that your dog would thrive with a friend around to keep him company. If you have a very senior dogthen getting a puppy might not be the right fit. Youll want to keep them separated at first and closely monitor interactions while introducing them to each other a little at a time. You might want to talk with a behaviorist (not just a trainer) about how to work on this. Can Australian Shepherds Live In Apartments? Maybe booties will help. 1 0 obj I have an 8 yo German shepherd. It's a dog. It does sound like he gets enough exercise, but perhaps mental stimulation is needed. Use it with a negative action, such as ignoring your pup and crossing your arms, to communicate that you are not happy with their behavior. HE is a great dog, but I really hoped by this many years in he would be more settled and be able to just chill when we are home. If you do end up getting two of the same gender, two males usually do best together. If OP isn't in Illinois I'm sure there might be good ways to still get the dog to you. Preventing boredom in Australian Shepherds, Aussies love to play games that exercise their natural instincts like fetch and chase, so make sure to incorporate some of these into daily life. Piece of cake! 3 0 obj I have an over-excited 1 year dog (also living in an apartment probably similar size dog to yours) who whines whenever anyone gets here and will jump on them until he gets pet and teaching go to place was one of the best things. He is reserved with strangers but does not exhibit shyness. Otherwise contact a rescue group - there are several aussie rescue groups around that take minis as well and there's also a fairly large mini rescue in the US. Dogs that match the size and temperament of Australian Shepherd can do really well together. Australian Shepherd can be energetic, feisty, and playful. Australian Shepherds are known for their fluffy derrieres. There are also toys that can help him keep busy and happy on his own- like anything kong makes or an IQ ball (amazon- $5). And frankly 30 miles a week running probably puts him in the top .0001% of exercise for dogs category. Its a lot harder when you cant rush your dog out of the door and into a garden! Also, he's crate trained, so if he's too stressed, he just runs into his crate for a while and lies down. I have an almost 3 year old mini aussie. They're a breed developed in the western United States. If your Australian Shepherd is getting into a lot of trouble you may need to think abouthow much time you are able to devote to your dog. The run sounds like a lot, but if my math is right that works out to 4 miles a day, which really isn't very much. Please keep in mind that tennis court floors are very abrasive and can cause your dog's paws to wear down. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. My wife and I decided very early on in our marriage to get a Mini Australian Shepard. The biggest difference in dog training in an apartment vs a house is toilet training. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read before putting it to use in your daily life. If a bored, destructiveAussie is left alone for many hours at a time, you will have to deal with serious behavioral issues. Plus, their butts are fluff-tastic. They are a hugely popular breed and many people aspire to own Aussies but we dont all live in big homes with gardens. He needs enough exercise, both physical and mental, not a yard to sit in. Have you thought about something like doggy day camp? If you really are committed to keeping him then do the research you skipped before. However, your Aussie doesnt necessarily need tonnes of space at home to expend their energy, so long as you can get them out for nice, long walks every day. The Aussie was developed as a farm and ranch dog, not only to work livestock, but also to be a companion and guardian of the family and the familys possessions. Give him lots of treats then. He was better then, but still nervous. I got a little bored, so I sorted your mail.. If you really are set on not keeping this dog, a few things: first I'd call the breeder and tell her. I was aware of the needs of this breed and he was my first. You can also hide their favorite toy or some treats. He's a phenomenal running buddy (15-30 miles weekly). 16. It can provide them with a friend and a playmate that will take some pressure off of you for entertainment and attention. Having a playmate can help keep your Australian Shepherd from getting bored, and can take some of the pressure off of you to constantly entertain. If they start showing signs of nervousness or aggression, its best to back off and try again later when they are calmer and in a quieter place with less distraction. Yeah, considering he already said the dog hates being outside this is not the best option. He's smart and knows lots of tricks. He's just the way he is, because he's a mini aussie. My pink paws look delectable, dont they?. Ill explain why that might just add to your problems instead of helping. Invest in some pee pads for emergencies and start using a negative verbal signal, like the word no. That way the breeder or previous owner is prepared to help find another family if needed. So, as a prospective owner, you may be wondering, can Australian Shepherds live in apartments are they. If you are willing to put in the time, you will not regret it! We ended up giving him back to the rescue we got him from because we were no where near active enough to care for him the way he needed. You could even set up a mini obstacle course in your apartment using books and chairs to test out those agility skills or teach them a new trick with our. Fantastic idea, but we don't have a tennis court in our facility. They need to know that they are not going to miss out on anything by having the other one around. I once asked a dog trainer about an Aussie in an apartment with a baby and he called it "the perfect storm.". She is passionate about dog health & welfare and wants to arm owners with all of the essential info they need! Only an underworked, un-challenged Aussie will get bored. Otherwise, giving the breeder a call sounds like a good idea (and they might also have some good advice for you). Well. Instead, show them that this kind of behavior gets no attention and try confining them to a smaller, safe area of the home until it calms down. The short answer is yes. In fact, you love it so much that you want to get another. So, get creative with your space! If a surprise toilet attempt does occur try your best to get them outside, but dont punish your pup if they have an accident indoors. He is equally happy whether working or simply being with his owner or family, to whom he is very devoted. That story is exactly what makes us feel so bad. Australian Shepherds are well known for their high-energy and playful nature. If they play to rough then your new dog could be hurt or become fearful around your larger dog. 15. Their minds need to be challenged and entertained on a daily basis with fun games and toys. We didn't know until this happened to our dog :(. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'pawsandlearn_com-box-4','ezslot_1',192,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawsandlearn_com-box-4-0')};If your Australian Shepherd is not well behaved and you are wanting to get him/her a companion because you think that will help him be less bored, think again! Praise and give rewards to both dogs for positive interactions. 2 0 obj )+_]U}r3\,Lfu|Uu=}w/b?^O, cG9{$`7'^}xv^l__+.V?Oo^.k2zKEA]79}~1gb4qZ_$ok!Vm#w6O]_ You will want to have a separate space for your new dog where he can feel safe and secure in a new environment. For my dog, that would be 15-30 minutes of doing tricks so he's mentally engaged and having fun. All that aside, if you aren't up to the challenge, find someone who is. If you use these links to buy something we earn a small commission. Why not just get 2 puppies from the same litter, or even just 2 puppies at the same time? Also if you are bringing a puppy home they will need more confinement as they are learning to be trained as well as a separate space to sleep since their sleep cycle will be very different than an older dog. Their herding instincts could potentially cause problems around other animals. The first 6 months were an absolute nightmare due to his seperation anxiety. If he's from a breeder, he should go back to his breeder. You could also hire someone for training, they would be able to help more with the energy when visitors arrive. If an Aussies exercise needs are met,he will enjoy to snuggle upwith his owner on the couch as well! But again, this dog is getting more than enough exercise. Maybe this is something you could manage early before work? It's not as hard as you're making it seem. But the guilt face wins you over every time. However, it can be prevented (and tackled) by gradually building their independence. And sorry to be harping on that, or sounding like I'm judging, but again, if you are a serious runner, and this dog is running with you, he's getting the exercise he needs. But we kind of just don't have more to give. But at the same time we love him and know he loves us. Training a dog can be more difficult in an apartment than in a house, but this doesnt mean its impossible. It was nice because it was completely fenced in and free. Your Australian Shepherd could greatly benefit from the companionship of another dog in the house. endobj I have no idea what sort of breeder you went to, but honestly there are plenty of really shitty ones, working with a "breed" that has less than stellar temperaments. Maybe hiring a dog walker to supplement that could help. Talk to a breeder and get some advice from an experienced Aussie owner. Like most dogs, they love nothing more than to play with and be part of a pack! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Screaming post hugger & chocolatey goodness. Toys are another great way to challenge your Aussie. If you are able to have the new dog or puppy on a trial basis to make sure things work out that would be the best option. Here are some clues that might indicate your Australian Shepherd is lonely. If finances are too tight for that check out youtubes helpful dog training videos (zak george is a great traininer on there). We only recommend high-quality products that are used and recommended by real owners. 1. To increase the difficulty, switch them twice or add another cup! Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent dogs, and with this comes a low tolerance for boredom. We did absolutely zero research. So, as a prospective owner, you may be wondering, can Australian Shepherds live in apartments are theygood indoor dogs? Hi. You say you guys don't have time for him, but if you run 30 miles a week, it sounds like you do have time for him. You may think that hes bored and his antics of getting into the garbage can or constantly barking at the neighbors indicate he needs a playmate, but thats not necessarily true. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. He is and exceptional companion. The mistake is ours. You dont want to feel like you need to get a second job to pay for a second pet, that kind of just defeats the purpose. Its also a good idea to vary walks by going to different places and incorporating different things into them, like running, hiking, swimming, and playing games of fetch.
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i regret getting an australian shepherd