I've been around animals my entire life. Australian shepherds are known for their beautiful long coats. He describes the breeds exercise requirements by saying, They can get away without it, but they deserve it. If you find that your home smells like your Australian shepherd, whether a good or a bad smell, you will want to take steps to get rid of it. Antibacterial shampoo is key to use on your dog to prevent any bacteria build up in the fur or on skin. Boasting intelligence, strength and agility, the Australian Shepherd oozes potential and enjoys obedience, agility (including fly-ball and Frisbee) and swimming. In fact, bathing your Aussie too often can contribute to its coat smelling! An overpowering smell can be a sign of health issues ranging from manageable to severe. With human help, they generally smell like any other type of dog. Eliminates mess and stress: This all-in-one tool is the perfect Valentines gift for your pet and lets you brush and Indoor/outdoor use: Comes with adapters to fit shower spigot or garden hose, so you can easily create a small animal Two pressure settings: The pressure of the spray adjusts easily, thanks to the one-hand button mechanism. Excess bacteria, especially near cuts or grazes, can lead to infection and bad smell. Ensure you always wash your dogs bedding on a regular basis. He tells Dogs Life that the Aussie is very easy-going and is not a dog that needs a lot of work. Whether you find that only your dog smells bad or that their smell has invaded the entire house, you can get rid of it. These dogs were originally bred for the purpose of herding flocks of sheep. The reason behind it could indeed be his dog food. For more information on the Australian Shepherd, contact your nearest club or the Australian National Kennel Council at www.ankc.org.au. Zammit says the best thing about the breed is its lack of health problems. A bad smell will also signify tartar, and a few other health concerns could be present as well. Even if you wash your Australian Shepherd regularly, and he lies down in his dirty bed, he will still smell. Last update on 2022-08-02 at 21:27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. They have an amazing sense of humour, and theyre always smiling, explains Omundsen. Perhaps you can smell a fishy odor if he lies on the couch or bed with his backside near your face. Fur dampness can be caused by improper drying after a bath or after being caught in the rain. Although not bred for the water, Australian Shepherds do indeed have a thick double coat. Making sure your dogs coat is fully dried after each bath or swim session can help cut down on smells. If the odor does not seem to come from the dogs main coat yet follows them around, check their paws. Also clean his teeth, paws, and ears. More serious diseases such as cancer can also present themselves with bad smells. They secrete a smell which is released (expressed) when meeting new dogs, to exchange information about themselves. This goes for all of their blankets, pillows, or soft toys. If a blanket or your dogs bed is soiled beyond washing, replacing it can help manage your Aussies smell. And if yes, what are the causes behind it? Why Does My Australian Shepherds Butt Smell? Other Reasons Why Australian Shepherds Smell. They are not prone to a vast majority of health conditions and their fur does not have an extremely high quantity of oil glands. Omundsen says Aussies are very good judges of character, summing people up immediately. This build up can lead to infection, and a bad smell being given off as a result. Feed your Australian a good diet with quality ingredients. Yet, your Australian Shepherd may not have allergies or skin infections, and you may still be noticing a bad smell coming from him. Bath him once every month or two months and brush him properly at least once a week. There are many reasons that may be the cause of your Australian shepherd smelling bad. If you live in a more temperate or humid climate, you may consider keeping your Aussies coat on the short side and brushing them out yourself more regularly. With old age, some dogs may begin to develop a bad odor to their skin and coat. This includes dogs with a waterproof coat, which secrete twice the normal amount of oil glands. Welcome to Juniper Pets! I support you on your journey with your furry friend. If your dog needs fewer or more frequent baths, you can see improvement in as little as a few weeks. Bacteria thrive in humid conditions, so when warmth combines with dampness in fur, bacteria will accumulate. My dogs love chasing balls, and they have evolved the game so that one dog catches the ball, then runs off and hides it. However, like all dogs, they can begin to smell bad for one reason or another. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'juniperpets_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',167,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-juniperpets_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; Serious health issues such as thyroid disease, cancers, or drug sensitivity also cause Australian shepherds to smell bad. Do this during regular grooming sessions where you brush out their coat. Their coat smelling bad is merely a symptom and it is difficult to know what health issues your dog has from smell alone. Contrary to common belief, bathing your dog more often does not guarantee that it will smell better. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This will result in your Aussie expressing them often without having any control over them. There are two main reasons why Australian shepherds stink: because of their hygiene routine or due to health issues. This includes bedding that needs to be replaced. If your Australian Shepherd has seasonal allergies, he will most often experience itching on his paws and legs. They are good to train in obedience, and during the first 12 months you think, Oh my, have I got the stupid one?, but they just take a while to click in. However, sometimes Australian Shepherds have anal glands that they have trouble expressing or that dont function properly. The health issues that cause bad smells in Australian shepherd coats can range from mild to severe. They shed their hair twice a year, and you just need to be prepared for it. If your Australian Shepherd had suddenly began to smell foul, he may have rolled around in something. Avoid scheduling baths months in advance and focus on how your dogs coat feels and smells. One cause factor for this is constant licking or chewing at infected, broken skin, leading to hot spots. This breed is considered to be one that is not prone to having a strong dog odor. My dogs favourite thing, however, is swimming at the beach, in the river, in waterholes. This includes keeping it swept or vacuumed and regularly washing their bedding.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'juniperpets_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',176,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-juniperpets_com-leader-4-0')}; Poorly kept bedding will lead to lingering smells that can spread throughout your house. They are so smart and will sometimes outsmart you you have to enjoy being made to look silly by a wriggling, grinning canine, and some people dont, explains Omundsen. All the information on AllAboutSheepdogs.com is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. They are great for agility, fly-ball and Frisbee. Top 4 Activities, Do Australian Shepherds Have Webbed Feet? Even if your dog merely needs to change dog foods or brush types, speaking to your veterinarian provides peace of mind. Once they have answers, you can begin the process of restoring your dogs health and natural smell. When your dogs saliva then comes in contact with the broken skin, the excess moisture can lead to a hot spot. Their exact origins somewhat uncertain, the Australian Shepherd is believed to have travelled to America in the late 1800s with flocks of Merino sheep and the Basque shepherds who tended them. Belgian Malinois are extremely high-energy dogs. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should aim to bathe as needed and see the groomer once every 4 to 6 months. Also, their bad smell could be due to not enough cleaning of themselves. Hi, I'm the owner of Juniper Pets! A medium-sized dog with a coat of medium length, the Australian Shepherd comes in a variety of colours blue or red merle, black or red. This includes taking extra care to ensure your shepherds coat is dry! When your dog sleeps on his pet bed, his skin cells, bacteria, and possibly bodily fluids build up on it. Or else, he could do it when he is scared or startled. If you have noticed a foul odor about your Aussies ears, this may indeed signify an ear infection. Lucy Arblaster finds out why Aussies are such popular pets. You name it, they can do it, says Omundsen. Aussies are very fast and agile they can turn on a sixpence and are expert swimmers. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'juniperpets_com-box-4','ezslot_3',168,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-juniperpets_com-box-4-0')}; Learning more about your Australian Shepherd and what type of grooming they need can mean the difference between a smelly dog and a fresh coat. Please follow along to find out. Apart from the strong, fishy smell, impacted or infected anal glands can lead to your dog to experience other symptoms. TREATS SKIN INFECTIONS Veterinary Formula Clinical Care Antiseptic and Antifungal Medicated Shampoo for pets is FAST ACTING This cat/dog shampoo helps relieve symptoms including redness, malodorous discharge from lesions, VETERINARY RECOMMENDED This shampoo for dogs/cats is pH balanced for your pet and paraben and soap-free. Keep an eye on your dogs bedding and wash it as needed. Keeping these clean can help stop and prevent Aussie smells from taking over your house.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'juniperpets_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',172,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-juniperpets_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; Another way that dog smells can get trapped in your home is around their feeding area. My name is Wriley and I'm absolutely passionate about animals. Aussies have a natural smell on their fur that gets stronger during shedding season. This may sometimes result in dried poo clinging to the long fur around their anus, resulting in a bad odor. Being working dogs, they have developed a resistance and a hardiness to be able to withstand harsh or unpredictable weather conditions. It is unlikely that a smell from outside can stick to your dogs coat even after heavy shampooing and careful grooming. Also, take him to the vet if you notice any new bad smells, as it could mean something serious. As well as that, the coat of the Australian Shepherd is usually clean. Hello, I'm Madeline the owner and writer of this site. This means baths often happen outdoors or exclusively at the groomer. Do you clean your Australian Shepherds ears on a regular basis? Usually your Aussie will begin scratching himself a lot, chewing at his skin, and rubbing against the ground or wall. No, for the most part Australian Shepherds are dogs that do not often tend to smell. Do Australian Shepherds smell if they have diabetes? Their medium frame makes it hard to bathe them in an average size bathtub. They are so beautiful, clean, no smell; but what attracted me most was their sense of fun. In America, Australian Shepherds were used to work sheep and cattle, and while they remain a reliable working dog today, the breed also excels at obedience, tracking, agility and related activities, such as Frisbee and fly-ball, as a show dog and a very popular family companion. These PAWSITIVELY GREAT FOR DOGS: Looking for products carefully crafted for dogs by people who truly love dogs? The Australian Shepherd will benefit from regular exercise and/or activity every day to keep it fit and happy. For Dogs Over 12 Weeks Old, Reduce Foul Ear Odor and Prevents Infection to Keeps Your Dog Happy and Healthy without Medication, Made in the USA in Federally Regulated Manufacturing Facilities to Ensure Quality and Safety. I always know if they dont like someone, because suddenly they casually insert themselves between me and the other person, says Omundsen. Medical factors will take longer to treat and the smells may linger, but getting your Aussie healthy is the payoff. Those who have Australian shepherds in colder climates may not want to keep their dogs coat long. If your Aussie is a fan of ponds or rolling around in the yard, this can lead directly to a smelly coat. How often you bathe your Australian shepherd will directly affect how bad it smells. This can include a premium dog foodand sometimes giving him additional fresh meat, plain cooked rice, vegetables, oils, or an occasional egg. If not, this could result in a large amount of bacteria being accumulated in the ears. In this blog, you will find helpful articles covering all sorts of pet topics. This only strengthened their immune system, decreasing their chance of developing illness. Use the LOW Quality materials and a great gift: The scrubber tool is 100% FDA-grade silicone strong enough for scrubbing thick Advanced Formulation Designed to Gently Clean, Deodorize and Dry Your Pets Ears. Some dogs may be prone to tartar more than others. This maintenance between baths and grooming helps prevent smells from building up in their coat. Thats what FRESH PET BREATH Finally say good-bye to dog and cat bad breath with our fast-acting pet bad breath treatment for CLEAN TEETH AND GUMS The easiest way to clean your pet's teeth! You will find over time how often your dog needs to be bathed. The reason why your Australian Shepherds butt smells is because this particular breed is prone to often expressing their anal glands. Bacteria and yeast will only lead to infections, resulting in a bad odor. However, make sure your dog is clean and smell-free before giving them any new bedding to help prevent future problems! Apart from during socialization or greeting, dogs will usually express their anal glands while doing their business. People have used them for working and they are great working dogs, slipping into a natural role even though, in truth, their origins still remain uncertain. If you find that your Aussies undercoat is still damp after a good towel dry or a long air dry, consider using a hairdryer or a dog-specific force dryer to get the moisture out. This will make it much more hygienic for your dog when he goes to the toilet, preventing any smells. The resulting tartar only ends up in problems such as bad breath. Another reason why Australian Shepherds dont smell often is because they are generally healthy. Hope you enjoy my blog! If you cant do it on your own, you could take him to the groomers to trim the long coat hairs. Diabetes is also accompanied by frequent urination or drinking, lethargy, increased appetite, weight loss, weakness, bad vision, and even vomiting. They do huge, high jumps from the rocks into their river although one bellyflops, laughs Omundsen. Such thinking, intelligent animals are not for everyone. Their three best activities are agility, agility and agility. Omundsen says Aussies have been described like jelly beans you have to have one of every colour, and once you have started with them, you wont stop. To start, try to only bathe your Aussie as needed. Allergies and skin infection can however be treated in a few ways. I have a 9 year old loving and energetic Border Collie named Zeus. However, this layer starts to shed during the warmer spring and summer weather. It can result in a foul, fruity smelling breath. Anal glands (or sacs) are located on each side of the dogs anus, or below it. The breed can have a long tail or naturally bobbed tail. Susan says Aussies can also be shy if they are not well socialised as puppies. Not giving your dog a regular bath can also lead to a build up of dander, oils, and bacteria which will begin to emit an odor. External wounds can ever occur, or tears in the skin where the teeth or claws had penetrated. Ensure you are grooming your Australian Shepherd properly. Your veterinarian will be able to run tests, using the bad smell and other symptoms as their guide. Like all good working dogs, they have the ability to make their own (good or bad) decisions about situations, so owners need to establish themselves as firm and loving pack leaders, says Omundsen. The Australian Shepherd enjoys being part of the family, interacting well with children and other animals. However, the butt of an Australian Shepherd may smell due to overly expressing their anal glands. However, in saying that, he stresses that they can take the work. Aussies take joy in the simplest things, and that joy is infectious. This is because allergies will cause him to itch a lot and he will scratch or bite at the itchy places to gain relief. Gentle and Safe for Regular Use which Prevents Ear Infections, Reduces Wax Build Up and Removes Debris in and Around the 100 Convenient, Alcohol Free, Soothing and Non-Irritating Disposable Ear Wipes for Dogs. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Speak to your veterinarian if you can not get the smell to go away with proper hygiene. If your Aussie likes to lay on the couch and shed, consider getting a pet bed to keep beside the couch. Omundsen tells Dogs Life how her Aussies love nothing more than curling up with her to watch TV, or following her around the house. Contains one (1) 4-lb bag of BLUE Wilderness Rocky Mountain Recipe High Protein, Natural Adult Dry Dog Food, Bison. ), How Long Do Mini Aussies Live? They are very easy to train if they want to be. Over time, these will begin to smell foul. Bad odor can affect a whole range of different dogs and breeds, especially dogs that have a shaggy or long double coat. A smell that persists could mean that your dog is sick, their diet needs to be changed, or that they suffer from genetic conditions. In the case where you have noticed that your Australian Shepherd has bad breath, the cause of it might as well be diabetes. Clean his bedding regularly. The reasons why your Australian shepherd smells bad could be caused by anything from poor hygiene to serious health issues. Once you pinpoint the cause, you can start to control the smells. A bath would be in order to combat the resulting smell. Antibacterial or itch-relieving shampoos, topical ointments, and medication usually are prescribed to help dogs with these conditions. She says, like most dogs, if they dont know the children and are confronted by them they are likely to be wary because children can be unpredictable. Always dry him as best as you can. Nonetheless, it is important to maintain your dogs coat to keep it in the best shape possible. If your dog takes medication for other issues and suddenly develops a strong odor, talk to your veterinarian right away and have them tested for MDR1-related drug sensitivity. Ensure he is not left with damp fur after being in the rain, especially if it is cold outside. It may take time for smells caused by serious issues to go away. This can lead to skin and coat problems as well as a bad smell.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'juniperpets_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',173,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-juniperpets_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; Many responsible Australian shepherd owners find that bathing their dog once a month is right. Dog treats: Why bother with meat or different meat than beef or chicken? They can be shy and therefore reserved with strangers, but are undoubtedly loyal to the family and will certainly let you know when someone arrives. Make sure their area of your home is well-kept as well. ASCA. The strong and dependable Australian Shepherd is a trusty working dog with a great sense of fun. This causes an increase in oil gland secretion, which in turn produces a certain bad, musky smell. They have a lot of energy, but they will also lie down beside you on the lounge, explains Zammit. However, if their coat is not properly washed, dried, and brushed, the smell can grow overpowering. They need constant attention, including physical exercise and mental stimulation. Another possible reason why your Australian Shepherds butt may smell is because these dogs have long fur on their rear end. They love the neighbours horses and find birds completely intriguing. As with children, if they are brought up with other animals, Aussies are great companions, explains Omundsen. Tooth plaque is caused by a combination of food particles, saliva, and bacteria that are not cleaned from teeth. This includes allergies, especially seasonal allergies. Always remember to dry his coat afterward. You may use dog wipes, powder, or dry shampoo, as well we refreshing sprays to freshen your dog up between washes. For that reason, nowadays a lot of Australian Shepherds are not prone to getting conditions that might lead in some way to foul smells. It could even lead to dermatitis, which produces a bad, musty smell. Enjoy the blog! Dirt and other debris can get caught underneath Aussies claws and between the pads of their feet. You need to be the boss, but if you want a dog that will obey your commands like a good little robot, an Aussie is not for you. How To Prevent Australian Shepherds From Smelling? Thankfully, there are ways you can keep your Australian Shepherds smell under control. He advises keeping the feathering free from matting, especially behind their ears. Affectionately known as Aussies, this breed is full of potential and enthusiasm, adores children and thrives on family interaction. Yet, just as with every dog breed, there are some conditions that Australian Shepherds are more commonly affected by. It is a highly intelligent and dependable breed, thriving on attention and social interaction. Another admirer of the Australian Shepherd is Sydney veterinarian, Dr Rob Zammit. If this does not make your Aussies bad smell go away, you may consider taking your dog to the veterinarian. The Australian Shepherd overall has a great temperament. This prevents any smells lingering in the dogs fur. Breeder Susan Omundsen from the Australian Shepherd Association of NSW Inc. has been involved with the Australian Shepherd for nine years. It is important that you maintain your Australian Shepherds coat to keep it in the best shape. The Australian Shepherd is healthy overall, however it goes without saying that purchasing your dog from a reputable breeder who checks for health problems reduces the risk. This breed has strong herding and guarding instincts. Regardless of the reasons causing the smell, keeping your Aussie from smelling bad largely comes down to hygiene and taking care of their coat. Its formulated to EASY TO APPLY: We designed our skin soother to come in a stick for easy application. Last update on 2022-08-02 at 23:27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. It is nearly impossible to tell if your Aussie has health issues by smell alone. This is also how they got their name, because of the link between Australia and the herding of Merino sheep. If your Australian Shepherd has suddenly began to smell particularly bad, it may be time to investigate. Because Aussies have a double coat, they are naturally good at keeping their coats cleaned. link to 15 Stimulating Jobs for your Belgian Malinois, link to 10 Best Basenji Dog Breeders in the USA: Basenji's for Sale, Why Does my Australian Shepherd Follow Me Everywhere? My guys will often look up when I call and ask if they can finish what they are doing, says Omundsen. In the meantime, your vet will offer solutions and ideas to help keep the smell manageable. They thrive on exercise and activity, so need a reasonably sized backyard to run around in. Good quality, healthy foods reduces the possibility of health conditions, food allergies, or tartar. Last update on 2022-08-02 at 13:17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. This is also a chance for your veterinarian to provide advice about vitamins or supplements that can keep your dogs coat healthy. If this does not solve the problem, begin brushing through your Aussies coat at least once a week. When there is dampness trapped in your Australian Shepherds double coat, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast. This includes licking or chewing himself repeatedly, rubbing his butt across the floor, irritation and redness, discharge, blood, or constipation. Bad breath caused by the condition diabetes is due to the dogs body breaking down fat rather than glucose. Other symptoms include lack of energy, abrupt weight loss, not drinking or eating, infrequent urination, pale gums, and vomiting. From raising dogs and goldfish to raising horses and chickens, I've done it all. Having a lot of oil glands does contribute to that specific odor smell which dogs have. He may smell if he is damp, not groomed properly, or has developed a skin infection due to allergies. (Solved!). It will require treatment as soon as possible to prevent any other symptoms from occurring. You will be able to spot hard tartar developing on your Aussies teeth if minerals have reacted with tooth plaque. Regularly clean their food and water dishes. It can also stay damp for hours after a bath. EFFECTIVE & AFFORDABLE Veterinary Formula Clinical Care premium medicated products are created with veterinary-grade Professional Pet Grooming Scissors Kit-The kit includes 1 6.5-inch thinning shear, 1 6.5-inch curved Round-end Tips for Maximum Safety-Never need to worry about poking your pet's skin, because all dog scissors for Extremely High Quality Stainless Steel-The round tips of pet scissors are made of 4CR Titanium Coated Stainless Ergonomic Design for Comfort-Elaborate design helps to fit in hand comfortably and minimize fatigue for long time No risk: 90-Day money back guaranteed. (Mini Australian Shepherd Lifespan), Why Is My Australian Shepherd Following Me Everywhere? HAPPY SKIN FOR HAPPY DOGS: Our Skin Soother is the new essential add-on for your pup's skincare! Nearly impossible to tell if your Aussie expressing them often without having any control them! The butt of an Australian Shepherd had suddenly began to smell particularly bad, smell! 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how far can an australian shepherd smell