Disable anonymous access and specify password file. You might need to use it when setting some external ports. What is the directory structure of the mounted config volume? For some reason, it isnt holding the data and Im not getting any logs. So this one is a bit tricky. This allows you to do some automations such as sound an alarm if the alarm panel is armed, and motion is detected. flag during the docker run statement. We can now use it to communicate securely and quickly through our local network. Any help would be great. Once weve setup our new connection, select it from the list and press the blue connect button. Its possible some things have changed since I originally set it up a couple of years ago. If you have the time to help, please keep it simple. Wonder if theres a port that cant be opened. We need to edit the docker-compose.yaml file we created earlier and add Openhab service. It works like a charme for HA but I cant figure it out how to set it up for mosquitto. Can you try running the container with the privileged flag to give it higher access to write to the filesystem? Actually all the options you mentioned that need to use CLI do exist in DSM. --net=host Another important and powerful flag. If youre running using a Synology NAS on DSM6, be sure to prefix that command with sudo. Of course, thats only if you need to publish or receive messages outside of your home network. If the internet drops out, as long as my internal home network is up, everything is still in business. If we dont specify this, well see the output from the MQTT Broker in our SSH console. toke/mosquitto Finally this tells Docker which container to lookup on DockerHub. You may have to tweak file permissions to be able to view it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e03324106247214dfc19b55ebd37fa301ac03e88284fa19695a4b553540dac1.png Weve now got an MQTT server running on our Synology NAS. Could someone please tell me a step by step about how to get this up and running and how to create/configure the yaml file? Write access to group users is permitted regards Krys, You might have to do the following command first, then try your docker run, You may also have to chmod that directory to ensure everyone (0777) can read and write to it. To edit config file exec command shell in container. To get started, we need to have a clean everything we did. I noticed in your copy paste, the YAML doesnt look like valid YAML. 1. Access bash by running the following command from the Synology SSH. Ill break each option down. Error: Unable to open include_dir /mqtt/config/conf.d. I am specifying the net=host and also -p flags, but the -p flags will be ignored. I hope you can help me. Error: Unable to open file passwd_file for writing. Hope you can help me, I think its a permission issue? Please remember that this is a repeat of the tutorial above. When I try and add a username and password, it asks me for the password twice then says this: Sorry for being a noob but it is still not running: docker run name mqtt restart=always net=host privileged -tid -v /volume1/shared/docker/mqtt/config:/mqtt/config:ro -v /volume1/shared/docker/mqtt/log:/mqtt/log -v /volume1/shared/docker/mqtt/data/:/mqtt/data/ toke/mosquitto, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b72c69a8e48dc0c718bf265fcc3a8a6c0dc4ef918c6a75de0e22b2234af7ce75.png, I tried the privileged on other places as well but cant get it running, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1ed80a8db4b9ccc4c5c3db2ca966b8b1843f55a0f6c24d72df8a92c8a287b02e.png, Also, if youre on DSM6, another user Ced has found they needed to use a different flag instead of -v (which wouldnt work on DSM6 for some reason), So you could instead try this instead of your -v flag. The docker container is running as a different user than is on your NAS, and hence might not have permissions to write logs/data to the NAS. Because Its easy to create and modify yaml file using Microsoft Code. You are done, you just installed MQTT and Openhab 3. inside the directory, everzthing is like below Docker installs everything it needs for the service (in this case MQTT) inside its container. persistence_location /mosquitto/data/, # Port to use for the default listener. Most code editors like Visual Studio Code and Notepad++ should allow you to set the line endings. Thanks. Another nice tut from your site, I just tried to setup mosquitto (as root) your way but it failed to start. Once Docker runs the container, our SSH session is returned to us. Thanks. Having devices in your home communicate with each other enables you to create a smarter home. sudo docker run name mosquitto restart=always net=host -itd -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 -v mosquitto.conf:/volume1/docker/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf -v /volume1/docker/mosquitto/data/:/mosquitto/data/ -v /volume1/docker/mosquitto/log/:/mosquitto/log/ eclipse-mosquitto, # Place your local configuration in /mqtt/config/conf.d/, persistence true To install Eclipse Mosquitto on Raspberry Pi 4, we need to create configuration file first. Im adding the the restart flag and stuff but Im more concerned with the issue at hand at the moment. For examle. Using your own MQTT server, your privacy is more secured than using a public MQTT server. Incase it helps, here is my Docker run command I am using on DSM5. Youll need to edit the mosquitto.conf file to enable SSL. This post contains basic instructions on installing and configuring Mosquitto MQTT broker for application development. Depending on your machine you may have an interface for you to add Docker containers. Error: Unable to open configuration file. Unfortunately I havent got this working myself. I prefer to setup Docker containers using the command line. Then exit out of the bash, and restart the MQTT container. 2. Yep, think this is a permission issue with ownership, Think you need to add privileged to the docker run command so that the container has permission to write to the hosts files. This allows you to use as the IP address of your MQTT Broker in Home Assistant, if you followed my setup guide. But to avoid confusion, we will delete the docker-compose.yaml and create a new one: Please wait for a minute for openhab service completely up and running. Phil, --name mqtt The name flag will allow us to easily identify which container is running MQTT. You will be asked to enter a password twice. Then enter the shell of the container by: $ sudo docker exec -it eclipse-mosquitto sh, / # mosquitto_passwd -c /mosquitto/config/passwd/pwfile, Once it goes to the next line just type in the password (there wont be a prompt until after you hit enter). The container is trying to write to a dir which is owned by a different user. Phil, can you please provide the command for running with privileged flag? I just tried to spin up a new container for testing using my run command above and I was getting a few (lets just call them) anomalies. I dont see any files to edit in the config folder? Ive got Home Assistant setup on my Synology Diskstation NAS thanks to Docker, as well as a whole bunch of other micro services to compliment my smart home. Turn lights on and off by publishing an on/off command to a topic in MQTT. See that the option to install service is checked. Mosquitto (or MQTT) is an open source message broker you can use to enable communication between devices, enabling your smart home to communicate with a wider range of devices. I have complete mosquito conf file under /volume1/docker/mosquitto. The container is automatically saved for later use since you arent specifying a --rm. Now we will need two ssh terminal. Might want to double check that youre mapping the right paths on the guest/container, and have the right settings configured , No worries Phil. Now that we are the mqtt container command, we can change the username and password of mqtt. I have the folders and as best I can tell, its pulling the password data as it should from the password file. This will allow configuration to persist across reboots, as well as data. I managed to run mqtt via the docker command in the intructions but Im somehow unable to connect to the broke via MQTT.fx. Maybe add some info on how to use this with Home Assistant? I had the right one in the video, but forgot to update the post with the right one! You tried. 2. Theres a handy free program called MQTT.fx which is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. I did chmod 0777 on all three folder locations and the MQTT broker is running. I need to configure eclipse mqtt, but I am completely lost. We will create a docker folder first. Im using the following command to start a docker container and I need the logs and persistent data. On your NAS, I would chmod 0777 everything in and under, Interesting I changed the permissions and still its the same. First, we need to install Docker on Rasbperry Pi. Hope that points you in the right direction. I would try the following command. Hi Phil, Do you really mean docker (i.e. Before you can run any Docker commands on your Synology NAS, youll need to have SSH configured, and root access (if youre on DSM5). flag, which will give the container full host network access and expose all of its ports. Theres a way to use mosquitto with HTTPS? Then after there are subfolders for config, data and log. Well need to setup a password file to work with MQTT. -v /volume1/docker/mqtt/config:/mqtt/config:ro, Setting up a local Mosquitto server using Docker for MQTT Communication, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/philhawthorne_black.png, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/florian-van-duyn-280466-compressor-e1505134004885.jpg, "type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/mqtt/config:/mqtt/config:ro", Using Home Assistant Device Trackers to watch the Critical Components of your Smart Home, Why Alexa is on track to lose the Smart Home Assistant war, Home Assistant setup on my Synology Diskstation NAS, Automating your shopping list with Home Assistant and Grocy, Breaking down Presence Detection with Home Assistant, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e03324106247214dfc19b55ebd37fa301ac03e88284fa19695a4b553540dac1.png, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60b44d6937a501b1b15b02ded79140487139205e9dd126cd0d3d5ea52feac21b.png. I have a feeling it has something to do with the config file. I think it might be a user issue. Docker container logs to standard output. Now that we had a clean directory, lets get started. Now let write docker-compose yaml file inside the smarthome folder: Run a new command in the running MQTT container. Lets go ahead and paste this command into our terminal. This seems to be getting closer though. I have the log and persistent data though so its not a pressing issue. Error found at /mqtt/config/mosquitto.conf:17 (include dir cant be read) Now create a new file called mosquitto.conf, Save, exit, and run docker compose again, or start the docker container, Run a new command in the running mqtt container. I am indeed using the host flag. Thanks Chief. You can then use zones to let your house know when your phone is at home, at school or work. I am having an issue where it will start and run for a few seconds then restart. Im attempting to move my Home Assistant setup from RPi to my newly purchased Synology. (This is one of the flags you cant set when using the Synology Docker DSM Interface). It seems to be complaining that directory doesnt exist for some reason. Read-only file system. Youll most likely want to use this in combination with OwnTracks to have your phones GPS location sent to your Home Automation software, like Home Assistant. Ooops. Before you can send messages to your MQTT server outside your local network though, youll need to expose your MQTT server port (1883 by default) to the world through your router, and use your IP address or a service like duckdns.org if your IP address changes. I have no log file so dont know why it is happening. I get an successfull install right now but it is not restarting, the log file is there mosquitto.log but I get the message 1519800972: Error: Unable to open log file /mqtt/log/mosquitto.log for writing. Who needs to be the owner, now it is root, I also tried http but that isnt working as well, You might need to chmod the directory on the NAS to allow others to write to it, Made the 3 directorys chmod 777 and now its running, I cannot reach the webinterface because of tis error though Socket error on client , disconnecting.. Or if youre using Chrome theres a free Chrome Extension called MQTT Lense. drwxrwxrwx 1 1026 users 0 Mar 20 21:23 data The conf files are not in this directory. You can replace the contents of the file with just the root certificates you want to accept, but the file cannot be empty. In the future Ill be doing some writeups about how I use my local MQTT server for various things around my smart home. Now that we are the MQTT container command, we can change the username and password of MQTT. The great thing about Docker is you can run it on a variety of platforms, such as a Raspberry Pi, a windows PC (sort of) and of course like me, a linux based NAS such as a Synology Diskstation. In MQTT.fx, press the settings icon to setup a new connection. I am wondering if it is a permissions issue. The important one is d. This tells Docker to run in detached mode. Now that weve subscribed to our topic, lets move back to the Publish tab, and now well send a message on the home/garden/fountain topic. Hey Phil, excelent tutorial again! I dont have HA supervisor, just the docker HA. To configure a second listener for the WebSocket protocol over TLS 1.2, Run another Mosquitto instance using Docker, to act as the bridge, Configure mosquitto1 container to publish/subscribe messages on any topic to bridge1 container, with QoS Level 1. 3. Configuration file mosquitto.conf is located at C:\Program Files\mosquitto by default. Ive been using this image from Toke without issue for many months now. I personally prefer to use these Bluetooth flower/plant sensors, which also integrate nicely into Home Assistant. Use the OwnTracks app for iOS or Android to tell your Home Automation system where in the world you are. Im pretty positive thats the one I used when I initially set it up. Open /volume1/docker/mqtt/config/mosquitto.conf and add the following to the file. To configure Mosquitto, we have to stop the container first. If that doesnt work, then I would run the container in attached mode, and see if there are any errors that come out in the console. Add --net=host if you want the container to use the same IP address as hostthis is not supported in Docker for macOS and Windows. drwxrwxrwx 1 mosquitt mosquitt 26 Mar 7 22:54 mosquitto First terminal for subscription and second terminal to issue publish command. I cover this in my Home Assistant setup post, so be sure to check that out first if you havent already. If youre using docker, youll most likely want to mount the volume where your SSL certs are generated into. Im going to use MQTT.fx, lets try to connect to our MQTT server. We will write a yaml file and edit the configuration of MQTT. In the message body, lets type hello world! and then press the blue Publish button. The default config file is located at /usr/local/opt/mosquitto/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf. On the first terminal, subscribe to topic home/bedroom, On the second terminal, publish a hello message, You should see a hello message received on Terminal 1. # This only affects clients with username "user1". then going into the container I ran the following and it worked: Im still not sure why the first one wouldnt work. This tutorial is about installing MQTT and Openhab 3 in a docker container. Ill learn but at a slow pace. Open your browser and type in the URL the IP address of your Raspberry Pi following with port 8080. Great tutorial, thank you. You should be able to point your certificates at it. Thank you!!! Youll also need to add cert.crt to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities keystore used by any clients. MQTT runs on the port 1883 by default. Ive amended that! We now need to tell MQTT to use this password file for authentication. Use a sensor to measure things like temperature, light levels, soil moisture and have the current values sent to your home automation software via MQTT. Thanks again, Hmm my goto would be /r/docker on Reddit, thats all I would know off the top of my head. Yes, MQTT has an option for SSL/HTTPS. Yes I used that, the log gives me this reply now Socket error on client , disconnecting. I cannot reach it locally but it is running in a docker. Well use the server address details above for this. I am running eclipse-mosquitto in my synology docker. You should ensure the YAML file is saved with unix line endings (Windows line endings might throw the system off). To configure Mosquitto, we have to stop the container, Configure Openhab 3 and MQTT on a Raspberry Pi 4, Share Raspberry Pi 4 Internet from Wifi to Ethernet, Setup a wireless access point on Raspberry Pi 4 OS Lite, Install MQTT and Openhab 3 in Docker Raspberry Pi 4, Install Docker and Compose on Raspberry Pi 4. Or, turn everything off when the alarm panel is armed. Youll be prompted to enter your password twice. I have a log of all the current commands I used and I took it directly out of there. Thanks for the great insights Phil, just found your site the other day and considering Im using the same products as yourself (Home Assistant/Synology NAS) its been a great help . This is very similar to the way PubNub works for commercial applications. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60b44d6937a501b1b15b02ded79140487139205e9dd126cd0d3d5ea52feac21b.png. Thanks for the instructions. and edit as necessary. My NASs IP address is Im running toke/mosquitto on openmediavault-NAS. It will use docker-compose to run yaml file with MQTT and Openhab 3 configuration. Im a huge fan of Docker, and Dockerizing all my things. they are similar but not exactly the same. Hi. drwxrwxrwx 1 1026 users 0 Mar 20 21:23 log, Hmm no sorry, Im not familiar with that image. Once youve connected to your MQTT server, we should first subscribe to a topic. Enter your email address below to receive my latest blog posts and videos about Home Automation in your Inbox. You can generate one using OpenSSL or PowerShell. I would also check the eclipse-mosquitto container for the correct locations. Looks like youre using the -v flag incorrectly. Are you using net=host ? Once you have bash access to the container, well be running a command to generate the password file. Thanks. I am running DSM 6.2 and used your command: . If you want to use the same folder as I did above, you can create it by running For those reasons, I think its always better to run a local MQTT Broker. Right now Ive installed HA in my DSM and Im using synology for generation ad updation certifcates. Do you know any group or MQTT community where I can ask Theres a whole range of applications you can use MQTT for. I keep everything firewalled off, so only internal things can access my MQTT, which seems overkill to use SSL just on an internal network. docker run -d restart=always -p 1883:1883 -p 9001:9001 -v /sharedfolders/appdata/mqtt/config:/mqtt/config:ro -v /sharedfolders/appdata/mqtt/log:/mqtt/log -v /sharedfolders/appdata/mqtt/data/:/mqtt/data/ name mqtt toke/mosquitto Nice write up. --restart=always This is a powerful and handy flag to set. I have Home Assitant running on the NAS, and it connects with the following YAML. This gives your MQTT Broker full network access. I wound up switching to the toke/mosquitto image but Im still having an issue getting it pointed it the config file. user1 can only subscribe and publish to topic foo/bar. Download and run installer available at https://mosquitto.org/download/. Please provide the command line well as data your copy paste, the log and data. Options you mentioned that need to edit in the message body, lets try to connect to the Trusted Certification... Easy to create a smarter Home one in the message body, lets get started, need! Out, as long as my internal Home network is up, everything is still in business, privacy. Let your house know when your phone is at Home, at or! Feeling it has something to do some automations such as sound an alarm if the alarm panel is armed view. The net=host and also -p flags will be asked to enter a password file work... Mqtt and Openhab 3 in a Docker container Toke without issue for many months now, please it! 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mosquitto docker install