You can open it by searching in the application menu by typing the keyword terminal in the search bar or by utilizing the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it or just close the page if you do not accept any cookies when viewing our site! Use dockerFile can solve this problem. You will need to construct a Dockerfile to containerize an application, which contains the instructions Docker needs to generate and run images. Already on GitHub? If you wish to use a port number to access a specific application, you must first map the containers port number to the docker hosts port number. @mstanleyjones privacy statement. In Docker, the listening port must be mapped when the container is launched. When the Docker service stops, edit the hostconfig.json file! When running a container, you must map the containers port number to the Docker hosts port number if you would like to connect the containers application via a port number. So if you have several docker containers running you should stop all of them! Finally start your container using docker start
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docker container update port