This makes the development and the operations part of the web development much more fluent. You can use it as a quick reference guide when 0.2 Commands. To execute the docker exec command, you must have a running Docker container. If you do not have any, start a test container using the following docker run command: This command creates a new Docker container from the official alpine image. We need to pass the container name to the docker exec. When you download the sheet, you will find: An illustrated cheat sheet with commands related to the management of containers, Dockerfile instructions to craft your own image, To remove all images which are not in use containers , add - a. docker image prune -a. Azure Private DNS. Example 1: How to Check docker command version. Example 6: How to List all the docker images. So, the most useful commands do and expose this information. It lets you mimic your production server map on your computer. Example 4: How to Create a Container. The Cheat sheet contains all necessary commands to work with docker and docker compose and also contains an example app. Or you can download and install Docker Toolbox. docker build -t myapp :1.0 . This is a list of commands I find myself writing all the time to managed containers and docker swarm services on my Windows 10 dev machine. ; docker port shows public Images and containers The docker command line interface follows this pattern: docker
docker cheat sheet for devops