He wrote more than 7k+ posts and helped numerous readers to master IT topics. This should be a comment rather than an answer. I created a docker image from openjdk:8-jdk-alpine but when I try to execute simple commands I get the following errors: Alpine docker image doesn't have bash installed by default. While more resilient in this configuration, the container image does have to be recomposed with every source code change. # apk add bash-completion The current bash version: See how to find out what shell I am using on Linux/Unix for more info. You will need to add following commands to get bash: to keep docker image size small. # apk add bash Alpine Linux comes with BusyBox, a suite of Unix utilities. Many organizations struggle to manage their vast collection of AWS accounts, but Control Tower can help. These eight tech roles are important in any organization, with no programming What's the difference between Agile and Scrum? # apk upgrade Explore the role this rising technology has played. If you have the option (for instance if you are just creating the script), using an alpine image with bash installed such as alpine-bash might be clever. may Privacy Policy Vector that always points to and touches circumference of ellipse. (Thanks to comment from @sprkysnrky), Bash How to check if a directory exists in a Bash shell script, Bash How to get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself, Bash How to check if a string contains a substring in Bash, Bash How to check if a program exists from a Bash script, Bash How to tell if a regular file does not exist in Bash, Bash How to split a string on a delimiter in Bash, Bash How to concatenate string variables in Bash, Docker How is Docker different from a virtual machine, Docker How to copy files from host to Docker container. thanks! How to fit many graphs neatly into a paper? It is easy to have bash installed but this does not mean the symlinks to busybox are gone. Alpine Linux is a super lightweight Linux distribution that's useful for Docker containers. minikube How to run echo server inside Kubernetes (with docker container) to communicate with it form other machines in local environment? The content of the Dockerfile is as follows: Reference : https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_33824363/article/details/89623325, FROM alpine:3.7 How do I check if a directory exists in a Bash shell script? $ bash Alpine Linux is extremely bare bones, as it doesn't come with the niceties most base images include, such as a GUI or systemd. terminology What does it mean if a Python object is subscriptable or not? Sample config: See Customize the bash shell environments wiki page for more info. To start a shell process in a running container, we can use the command: Where the
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alpine install bash dockerfile