This is why we have this mission statement: LOVE GOD. Mine will sometimes just lightly grab my hand when I'm petting her or when she wants me to pet her and will then let go. I clicked on "Meet the Parents" and realized they have 22 dogs that they use to breed. Makes sense, it looks the typical puppy mill. Thought this breed fit the bill, but now I'm not sure anymore. My goldendoodle is trained to ring a bell when she wants to go outside. The reason is that I do all kinds of socialization techniques on every single puppy and we expose each puppy to 100new sites and sounds from day 36 to day 50. Have any pros and cons between the two? He jumps around pissing everywhere, barks constantly, and attacks his little brother. We just got a goldendoodle two weeks ago, his name is Jax. His name is Louie and just the sweetest. Thank you for taking the time to read our incredible story and to let me share my heart with you. Written by: Sherri Smeraglia Illustrated by Meredith Johnson. I can honestly tell you that you can go all over the world and you will never find a place like Smeraglia; this place is as unique as our name, and our dogs are just as unique. If it was not for the kind people at this breeder, she thinks that her special needs daughter would not have her best friend in the world. They're fairly similar, personality wise. She and her family decided to adopt a puppy at Smeralgia Farms in Alabama. And her first experience with swimming was to get out and roll in the mud. Doodle comes from Labradoodle, which is part Labrador part Poodle. She just has a fascination with dirt/mud. She did not like the bath that followed. doesn't make em any less cute tho. 'breeders' realize they can cash in a ton of bucks without a lot of the usual effort that responsible breeders require to output healthy, genetically sound dogs and start to breed these designer mutts. Better yet, they get mad at the groomer when we can't brush out a severely matted coat and then blame us for their neglect. All of them listened to her needs in a puppy from the beginning to continuing the education. I miss my golden doodle :/ died at 14. My sister has one of these! Hasn't destroyed anything yet, but he loves to dig and knows to check if we're watching before he does it. Can confirm 100% silky, soft fluff. I can tell. Shes also a mom to five kids, ranging from 27 to 9 years old. English Goldens look different from American Goldens. In case you have a similar issue and want to make a complaint, you can just go to BBB. We wanted our Goldendoodles to have a place that would simulate our home; this would be the place that I would be spending most of my time. There was a time when no one was ever getting a call back from me, about a puppy, because I was always with my dogs, puppies, and family. Are you sure Waffles isn't a stuffed animal?! He looks just like a plush toy, so adorable, your doodle. I was always being contacted by Golden Retriever lovers that desperately wanted an English Golden but they had the same problem I had, they either had a child with dog allergies, or they were allergic to dogs. It hurt when she had puppy teeth, but now it's just funny. I may have never entertained the idea of breeding my English Goldens to a Poodle before my son was born, but once we realized his allergies to dogs, we knew we had to find a solution for our problem. Maybe you should make sure they get enough exercise and know basic commands because I'm betting most problems stem from bad owners who buy them cause they are cute and treat them like babies. Oh no. It has been about three weeks since the day the user was informed that the dog or the puppy had contracted a deadly virus at the kennel of Smeraglia. From birth to training, this one is exceptional. Interesting. I believe he faked his personality test and has been nothing but a little shit once we hit the one week mark of us getting him. They usually come from shitty breeders. Whereas my goldendoodle is far less easily frightened. A lot more tbh. I have loved dogs since I was a child, but my Mama would not let me have a dog because she was a super neat freak and could not bear to clean up after a dog. I recommend checking them out, I had a fantastic experience and will do it again. Every 6-8 weeks would be best. We appreciate the way you think as we would have the same questions. Smeraglia - Does anybody have info on this breeder? When you are as passionate as I am about what you do, things just naturally developed out of necessity and that is exactly what happens here at Smeraglia Farm. He's gonna need a lot of haircuts! She said that everyone in the breeder is the best of the best human beings. But, the teddy bear in the name comes from their appearance. From our experience, ours has needed trimming and regular grooming to keep knots/mats from forming. Are you ever gonna grow out of this?". Not for many more generations to come. Ours has a taste for electronics. You might also want to look for the other communities of forums similar to BBB or Better Business Bureau to see more feedback and complaints about Smeraglia. Imagines you looking for him outside, randomly shouting waffles at the top of your lungs while the neighbors curiously gander :p. My parents just got one of these! Highly recommend the breed to those with allergies like myself. Just get a normal poodle, they can look like this if you don't shave them and style them in poodle show cuts. "Fletcher, The Very First Teddy Bear English Goldendoodle.". Thankfully, God sent me the help that I needed so that my clients could always get the help that they needed, while I am in and out all day caring for the needs of my family, dogs, and puppies. They received a response stating that the check was in the mail and the message would be forwarded to the accountant. I am always here for anyone that needs me, but I have spent a lot of time training my staff, and they are truly an extension of myself. This is a dog who looks like his name is Waffles. Too clean. If it's a standard sized doodle they can be quite costly, too. A breeder located in Foley, AL! I was very much about infection control. Our service dogs have increased the quality of many people's lives, and they have become best friends to many who just needed a friend. I gotta hide all of my bright and shiny things (and god help our toilet paper) from him. It has a washer and dryer, 36" Plasma T.V, beautiful, roomy private birthing areas and is staffed 24 hours with surveillance, when we do something we do it right and we spare nothing when it comes to our dogs, if they need it, we get it. I have heard this by almost every person that makes the trip to Alabama to meet us. I got a golden doodle just two days ago!! Enjoy! Basically, Smeraglia has failed to issue a refund for a puppy that contracted a deadly virus while in training. Fletcher is the character in my first book, and its written from his perspective. Although I do run things like a Dental practice, I like things just the way they are, I get to do all the fun stuff, and my vet gets to do the less desirable things. I have had many people tell me that they have never seen anything like this. She's also far less food oriented than my labradoodle was. Legit thought I was looking at a picture of a stuffed animal for a second. I have a doodle that is 1.5 years old and she is a very chill dog. Exactly what I thought, it took me a third look. She usually doesn't chew them, but she grabs them out of the laundry and spreads them around "her" couch/hoard pile. It's known that this was a big mistake done by one breeder. I imported them from Europe, and they were a huge deal to me the love of my life. This newly released story makes a great gift for any child or Doodle Family.Once it is signed by the author and gets Fletcher's stamp of approval, complete with sloppy doodle kisses, this book will quickly become a coffee table favorite! If you ever get a doodle, it's your own fault. She's a creamy white with really fine, dirt trapping fur and she loves mud. Hey just a heads up, two people I know purchased puppies from this breeder and their puppies have several health issues, several of which they were told were genetic. The Goldendoodle puppies were the perfect solution for our allergy issues, but my son was still extremely allergic to the Golden parents. She was matched with the perfect one and was able to enroll her in 2 weeks of the thing called Doodle Prep School. Reading all the feedback is free and does not require you to sign in. It's like cute on the outside, but inside it's very neurotic and full of health issues hip dysplasia etc. I have an f1b labradoodle (75%poodle) and what I have noticed when it comes to good dogs vs bad dog comes down to training and daily exercise. Golden Doodles are God's gift to the world. If you don't think you are up to the task send it to a puppy obedience school. About Contact Careers Advertise Subscribe I would look at the "What to look for in a breeder" link and compare that information to this breeders website. Meet Waffles, our 11 week old Goldendoodle!( Where to Buy. Yeah, ours likes to dig too. He even admitted it publicly. Fairly high energy for the first few years (eg prone to be hyper, playful, and at times destructive). We found out he was highly allergic to dogs, and that was really bad because that was my hobby, my heart. But she's a sweetheart. My clients become OUR friends, and we treat everyone like family. (It's actually true in this case too, the breeder OP mentioned is pretty much a puppy mill at worst or not a responsible breeder at best). I love the reproductive side; we do lots of A.I's, Microscope evaluations, and ultrasounds. My friend has had a golden doodle for 13 years, I always look forward to seeing that playful guy! In addition, there was no deed for the Smeraglia to beg for payment as the user was the one asking for a refund. This new breed has a ways to go, and has not been bred for long enough (nor responsibly enough) to obtain the proper set of desired traits. Her first time swimming involved her literally using her paws to wipe it all over her head so that her entire front half and underside were black. My AP Chem teacher had two of the cutest golden doodle puppies, olive and oscar. Definitely does not give off a good vibe. Enjoy the biting! Not to be dramatic but I'd give my life for Waffles, English Goldendoodle checking in to say howdy. A beautiful, intelligent and hypo-allergenic Standard Poodle named Georgette joins the family. Make sure to research the breeder to see if they can guarantee that your doodle will have a non-allergenic coat. She's stubborn and does not like to hold it. TLDR; Perfect 5/7 - Would rub my face on that dog! This makes me so happy because my shitzuh named waffles died 11 weeks ago :'). We are committed to providing the highest quality care for our dogs and clients, in a manner that glorifies God, in an atmosphere that is professional, upbeat, unpredictable and shall we say unique in every way. She still gets nervous about unfamiliar things, but once she figures out what it is, she's fine. They named him that because they couldn't decide on his name Name is uncannily fitting. We realized a need for qualified training, expert grooming, tried and true products and lots of photography requests. Hipster cross breeds gotta stop. As if being adorable wasn't enough, theyre also some of the most allergy friendly dogs, with little to no shedding. A duck is a duck and a mutt is a mutt. If they know how to work their cuteness, it's really, really hard. LOVE DOGS. Theyre also built a little stockier, with a broader chest. Update: avoid standing at the top of stairs near goldendoodles, Beau just knocked her down a flight of stairs and into the basement yesterday by jumping at her while she was coming up them. I am so sorry. I was so upset with the whole situation and angry at my Mama, with my hand on my hips, I said, "When I grow up I am gonna have a house full of dogs," she responded, "well, I won't be coming to your house.". Christi, please read Adina's "reminder" above. Christie R highly recommends you to take a look at the program of Smeraglia if you want a beautiful puppy on both disposition and body. About a week later, Smeraglia informed the user that the virus was serious and there was also a bacterial infection resistant to antibiotics. Roommate has one and, while a few months old & still a puppy, is fucking insane. Watch out because hes literally bouncing off the walls everytime I see him. Only major difference is I've known several labradoodles and they've all been cowards. We now have this brand new very elaborate state of the art nursery that is the home base for our parent dogs to bring their babies into the world. Also has an obsession with trying to eat/destroy plants/flowers. What happens to the dogs that don't get adopted ..? I wanted it to be an amazing place to for our staff to work, our clients to visit and our dogs to live. The English Golden was my passion for many years, I spent most of the 90's, raising my two oldest children and my amazing English Golden Retrievers. When I was six years old, we were having the constant discussion about why I could not have a dog. Also, AKC registration doesn't mean any kind of health or temperament standard. You have a problem with the dog being mutt or with it being called a goldendoodle? To say she has her hands full is an understatement. They're crazy smart and train really easy, but you can't train the poodle out of them. Theyre so soft and so sweet, great dogs :). I feel so blessed to have been able to place puppies in the homes of some of the finest people in the world. They'll go out and wrestle every day, but our lab is lazy so she gets bored and tired much quicker than the golden. In my opinion, that is way too many and more of a puppy mill than anything else. Story synopsis:Smeraglia Farm in Robertsdale, Alabama is a very special place. If so, what justifies it in your mind that this is at all okay? We will always work in the best interest of our puppies until they find their forever family more. Get ready. It's decorated like a 50's Diner, totally pink & black and very cute. My husband and I discussed this at great length, and we came up with the perfect plan to develop our breeding & training program while keeping our children, allergic to dogs, healthy. This network uses cookies. She also really likes to hoard socks and underwear. I'm a groomer and I've met so many new doodle owners who were told by the breeder that their dog only needs grooming "once or twice a year". And she also has a thing for mud. Maybe next time you save a dog vs a designer one? The user was asked to choose another puppy. They are a head-hunting agency and in order to be invited by them to have your dog listed with them is amazing. Sherri recently published Fletcher: The Very First Teddy Bear English Goldendoodle to share with the world how the breed came to exist. I've always wanted to ask someone who works in a puppy mill why the hell they think what they're doing is okay. We have a brand new birthing room. My golden doodle wants to meet your golden doodle. Etc. She can. I know that it's important for you to be able to see where your puppy was raised, so I have included lots of pictures and videos for you to learn more about us. Then, the user was told that the request would be processed by the end of the week. Our dogs have the very best there is to offer. I just hope he grows a brain soon. These little English Goldendoodles had stolen my heart and I became the proud breeder of the first English Goldendoodles, and coined the term "Teddy Bear Goldendoodles." It is about the refund. Cute dog! I don't know where you are, be I know that the southern US, for example, has lots of dogs that could use adopting, but that's not everywhere. I'm really not trying to be mean but the only thing that drives puppy mills is greed and money. My son could not breathe around my Goldens. Take classes with your dog learn the right way to motivate them and start young. omg golden doodles are the best. Copyright 2022, All-Rights Reserved. Doodles have become increasingly popular for some reason over the past few years and most are bred by shitty breeders who don't breed for temperament, don't health test and want to make a quick buck off of this fad. Yes the non shedding coat, unless you're actually allergic (most people who get them aren't), will end up costing you so much in the long run if you maintain it properly. If this doesn't happen she just walks around the house looking to quietly destroy something. Aw. Be the first to know about local events, home tours, restaurant reviews and more! Powered by. When we're walking, 50% of the time the leash is her mouth and she's running back and forth like it's her first walk in months haha. Hours of throwing a Frisbee and the second we head home she's tying me up with the leash. As a mother of five children, I have spent a lot of time in labor and delivery rooms, and I wanted my puppy nursery to be just like the baby nursery that I had been in, and that's exactly what it is like. So I guess that makes up for it. The email itself consisted of a video that explained that the kennel had been infected by a virus and the 11-week-old puppy purchased by the user had been exposed to the virus and was getting treated at an animal hospital. Doodles in general seem to be wild until they're at least 2 or 3. It was a scary time because I had a lot of friends that were pure breed advocates that I was afraid would turn their backs on me when I crossed over. We eventually decided to go in the direction our heart was leading, and I bred the world's First English Goldendoodles. My husband Judge Smeraglia and I, raised our five children (Lauren, Jacob, Lukas, Joseph & Natalie) right here at Smeraglia farm, along with our Teddy Bear Goldendoodlesand Teddy Bear Schnoodles. Renee S says she cannot say enough about Smeraglia. Ugh ours(goldendoodle) just turned 10months and is still insane. Out golden is a little over 1 and she's still crazy. In the forum called on BBB or Better Business Bureau, you will be able to find a complaint about the Smeraglia. I have a reputation for being OCD on cleaning. You should get a Chicken and name him Roscoe, Then you would have "Roscoe the Chicken and Waffles". Unless you have a wirey coated, shedding type of doodle, they should see the groomer at least 3-4 times a year. Their mom was supposed to get its sibling and name it Chicken, but she didnt. We are dedicated to the research, development, and training of our dogs. I'm not necessarily a dog person, but my family insists on getting one, so I at least wanted to have a dog that doesn't shed much, is smart, good with kids, and doesn't bark a ton. My daughter Lauren had a schnauzer named Lexi, and our next-door neighbor had a poodle. They only get bigger and cuter . Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. When they were born, we used to say, Oh my, they look just like little teddy bears!, Get the best of Mobile delivered to your inbox. /u/longpanda this is the cutest dog ive ever seen, Dude stop posting pics of ur sex dolls online, Can I asked what you paid and are they AKC registered. In addition, she recommends Smeralgia Farms. I think she just likes the feeling. Just a friendly reminder to all that all recommendations for breeders need to be made either privately or in the. It was at that time that I was introduced to the American Goldendoodle, but no one had ever bred the English Golden Retriever to a Poodle for English Goldendoodles. The others have been labradors, theyre bonkers. We also train the teddy bear English goldendoodlesto serve as companion dogs and therapy dogs to help special needs children. He stayed sick, had ear infections. Their website definitely gives me pause, and 10-20% of their reviews (public not on their site) have had similar issues with their puppies. LOVE PEOPLE. While I have nothing against mutts, they do not do the necessary health tests, they do not breed responsibly and they are in it for the money, not for the health of the breed. Can confirm. He looks just like my favorite girl when I got her! She has a wonderful experience in adopting two puppies. I also have a goldendoodle. Smeraglia's Enterprises is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. It's also pink and black and charming. I've seen full grown neutered males that were well trained snap for no reason and attack a young puppy from behind. I hadn't heard about their nipping before. It's all in the face, and my Goldendoodle has the same look. And she also does have a bit of a wetting problem. I've met nice energetic doodles, chill calm therapy doodles, neurotic doodles and doodles that have snapped at my dog. I'm so sorry. Very calm. I want to see it after playing in the mud. A friend's uncle has one. Smeraglia refers to the name of one of the most popular breeders that is based in Alabama, the United States. She's destroyed: a remote, an Xbox controller, and 3-4 Xbox headsets and chewed but not destroyed a remote and an Xbox elite controller. We wash puppy pads and clean up after our puppies all day & night. She said she loved seeing the weekly videos from the trainer called Kristin and she could tell that she was a really smart puppy. Your email address will not be published. My parents ended up building a home right behind me on our property, and my Mama comes over every day and helps me run my home. The reason that we call them teddy bear English goldendoodles is because their dad was an English golden retriever. When I purchased Pagan we spent over 2 years researching the dogs and breeders. It will cost 1000 bucks but is 100% worth it. She wallows a bit, goes back into the lake to be washed off, gets back in and gets dirtier, back into the lake, and gets out again. I've seen these dogs snap at other dogs, and the owners lose control. Feel free to make complaints about this place. My friend's golden doodle has a thing for chomping ornaments right off the Christmas tree. Congratulations on your ridiculously photogenic pet! There is only one true Waffle, and he is a snek. The whole experience from the start to the end was wonderful. And if mines any indication, they love mud. We are a Christ-centered, client-focused, Doodle loving company. They come out and inspect the breeders home and dogs 3 times per pregnancy, they offer a 10 year guarantee, the breeder only gets 50% of the money for the puppy until the 10 years is up, then they get the remaining. I don't trust her in my room unattended for very long. Goes in black, comes out black and white. I don't get what's wrong with just getting a golden retriever or a poodle because poodles can look like this if you don't shave them. Before making a purchase in January 2020 from Smeraglia, Claire J did a lot of research online and kept visiting the official website of Smeraglia. The problem most people don't consider is that their 60-90 pound dog will cost 60-100 dollars per groom. I want my puppies to be clean and cute at all times. Goldendoodles are beautiful. Not sure about Waffles, but your fried chicken looks great! Need to stop this boutique dog breeding. goldendoodle sounds like a girl scout cookie. Just because a general statement doesn't apply to you directly doesn't mean that it isn't still true. Be warned, if Waffles is anything like Beau, then his absolute favorite snack is going to be your fingers, and anything else chewable that they can get their teeth on. retrieve, but dont eat the bird while hunting.) The only problem, they shed buckets!! Nothing is safe from the chewing. Does he eat waffles? He's a lot better than he was, but will still go into 'crazy mode'. It's amazing. From a reputable breeder it can be way more. Okay, that's me on the couch, the owner and heart behind the program. My girlfriend has a goldendoodle named Beau. Been dog sitting one named Thomas lately and he's a total bastard. Classical breeding was to kill all those that did not carry the desired trait (e.g. Hey girl, wanna come over and I'll show you my. Frankly, the "poor shelter dogs, it's wrong to buy from breeders" thing is a bit of a meme, and not universally valid. She feels like all of them are part of a family. I love their dogs, but then something "hit" me. I plan on writing another book to share the training side of it. I thought that since they were not a breeder, but an agency that represented lots of different breeders that it was ok. You can spot a Smeraglia dog a mile away. Theyre just amazing dogs. Just because my car is registered at the DMV does not make it a better car. Good luck yelling at waffles and staying mad. And so emotionally needy. Everyone tells me I should have gone to vet school instead of dental school. On March 19, 2018, they informed the user through an email. They're also a very high maintenance dog. Ive never heard this before but this really gave me a good laugh! Her life pretty much revolves around affection and playing. I am all about excellence, and that's why I developed these programs for our clients. fried chicken and Waffles is the best combination. When I first read this I though it said "Meat Waffles" and I got so excited! It's has the sweetest disposition and it truly is a wonderful animal. rules. If you don't want to immediately hug this dog you have no soul. Keep in mind she's a creamy white with very long, fine fur that traps everything. How Short Should I Cut My Goldendoodles Hair? Considering both of those breeds. Copyright 20042022 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. She has a taste for electronics. This is truly a Divine Calling that I take extremely serious. We send them to many different parts of the world. My Love for Doodles is just behind my love for God and my family and friends. What a great dog. Our puppies have saved people from death. This is so untrue and there are so many doodles with poorly kept coats and major skin issues as a result. It's like when people who purchase from pet stores are told the pups come from puppy mills and have health issues and are badly bred, and then they still get one and have to chime in with "#notallpetstores so and so has a puppy from a pet store and it turned out perfectly fine and healthy!". Required fields are marked *. Her biggest feature is her eyes. Buddy Russell: Wade Fishing Extraordinaire. It's so precious to see the babies before they are born. My neighbor also has a Goldendoodle named Waffles! No sock, shoe, roll of paper toilet/ towels, piece of paper, scrap of paper, dryer sheet, unattended food, attended food, discarded food, trashcan(s), underwear, hat, shirt, arm/ leg, crotch (my dog is weird, he goes RIGHT for the crotch when playfighting), etc. Oh, lots of fetch in the back yard. Most definitely do. The user though that they would be given a full refund. Hopefully it was just recessive genes and a freak occurance, but if anything should come up I know the owners reported it back to that kennels what meds and diets their puppies are on that have helped the best. We finally stumbled onto Purebred Breeders (which does have Goldendoodles, you have to type it into the search) and could not have been happier. The complaint was posted on April 16, 2018 and has been resolved. Absolute cuteness with a hidden diabolical tendency. My dog walks at least 2 miles a day with long runs about once a week. Getting him to come inside is a battle(not physically) and usually ends up with one of us just going out with a leash to get him. Report an Issue | Part Golden Retriever, part Poodle. I was thinking the same thing. Because they are still a mutt and not an established breed, their coat type can and will vary. In this charming book, you will meet Fletcher, the very first Teddy Bear Goldendoodle, who is the cutest and most clever puppy of all.
smeraglia goldendoodles complaints