Sale / Rottweiler Photo Gallery / Testimonials / Rottweiler Links / Rottweiler Information Articles / Contact/ Sitemap, IPOIII, ZtPR(Germany), BH, UHP, FRI, Mental Test Passed HD/ED frei, FCI International Champion, ADRK, Multi V1 Rated, V1 Klub Show Germany, 65cm, 108lbs, 2B eye , HD- ED+, SchHIII, BH, ZtPR, Multi V1 Rated, IPOI, Champion Giovane S. Marino, Top Dog Giovane 2007,Top Young Dog 2007, ZtPR, HDB, Austrian Klubsieger 2006 & 2007, Multi BIS, BOG, Multi BOB, Multi CACIB, r.CACIB, CAC, r.CAC, V2 IFR 2004, 2 x V1 Rovinj RSS, V3 Euro Dog Show 2005, V2 ORK KS 2005, CACA/CACIB Working Class BS Germany 2005, 3 x BOB 2007, over 20 x V1, Most successful rottweiler ever in Croatia, Multi VI, BOB, BOG, BIS, 2010 IFR World Champion, Young Ch of Croatia, Croatian KSGR 2009, IFR World Show VI, Vice Holland KSGR,Lechschau Jugendsieger 2008 (ADRK) V2 Belgian. Eric is a very clean Rottweiler, everything is excellently balanced, a shame that he broke his tooth ending what was to be a great show career. Please note that going forward, Ter Waele Rottweilers will no longer register DNA profiles of our dogs in the USA because they will not be recognized under the rules of the Dutch Kennel Club. Gigantic bone, monstrous head piece, very strong and full temperament, huge drive and gorgeous deep red mahogany. CAC, Anw. How We Choose Our Rottweiler Stud Dogs Article, SOLD He is being made available to West Coast Rottweilers for breeding and AI, Herbie v Gruntenblick x Naja Earl Antonius. Diego's pedigree is packed so full of the greatest Rottweiler producers and two of the most powerful lines for producing the extreme type Rottweiler has today at the highest show levels. Eric is a very close relation to Wasko v Mariannenthal II and Astor v Junipera. This Rott just demands to be admired and rightfully so, From the glowing red mahogany, to the beautiful head piece that is so much like his great mother, to the widest front end I have ever seen on any Rottie, period. We love to work our dogs at the training field, but conformation is also extremely important in our kennel and each year, we enter quite a number of large conformation shows. He is also without doubt the most impressive Rottweiler male we have seen from the wildly successful line of GONZZO EARL ANTONIUS x "A" litter sisters of Earl Antonius. DNA Profile Ter Waele Patch.In early 2014, the DNA Profile of the Ter Waele Rottweilers was validated by Dr. Van Haeringen Labratories (VHL) in Wageningen, Netherlands.The DNA profile forms are part of the official pedigree which is submitted to the Dutch Kennel Club, (Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland) and they register according the ISAG 2006 Standard. Eric is a Rottweiler that is powerful, strong bone, very correct front and rear ends, big drive and a gorgeous head piece, very much like our Herbie/Naja son WCR's Diego vd Tal, his half brother. Starting in 2004, all Ter Waele dogs used in our breeding program are also individually AKC DNA certified by MMI Genomics (MMIG) as we could not register it properly in the Netherlands. The dogs in the kennel Ter Waele are fed with the high quality food from: Copyright Ter Waele 2022 - All rights reserved |. Ch. THE BEST MALE OF CROATIA BREEDING-2009, 5 X Youth Winner, 5 x Junior BOB, Reserve Junior BIS, Quint dei Guardiani dello Stretto(Italian Rottweiler), Gonsalo Buoso da Dovara x Dina dei Guardiani Dello Stretto, DT.JGD.CH, Unterfranken JS 2009, Rheinland-Pfalz-JS and BOB 2009, VDH-Jugendsieger Leipzig 2009, CACIB- Kassel V1 und BOB 2009, BH, Ztp, SchH/VPGI, HD-frei, ED-frei, Rios vd Alten Festung (Croatian Rottweiler), Mambo vd Crossener Ranch x Petra Earl Antonius, Brando Buoso da Dovara x Gina dei Calabresi, Multi V-1, Multi CAC, Select Stud, ZtPR, IPOI DNA R.SEL HD+/- ED +/-, Timo vd Scherau (German Rottweiler, Italian Rottweiler Import USA), Akino vd Lauterbrucke x Lucie vd Scherau, Vico v Kressbach (German Rottweiler Italy), Italian Klubsieger 2007, Campione Sociale Italiano 2007, 2006 Bundessieger Show Dortmund V2, Udine Show 2006 VI, VPGI, IPOIII, BH, ZtPR, HD frei, ED frei, Carlos vd Golan-Hohen x Naja Earl Antonius, Wolmack v. Carrabbahaus (USA Rottweiler now in Holland at Moser Bear), Zorro dei Floriopoli (Italian Rottweiler), Lux v Bickesheim II x Naomi dei due Salici, Home / About Dt CH VDH, Kylltaljugendsieger 2009, Belgium Junior Winner 2008 & Hopprins 2008, ZtPR, BH, HD- ED- DNA-tested (Progenus), Amboss v Teufelsteich x Farah vd Furstenwiesen, SchHIII, BH, ZtPR, HD+/-, ED +/- Swiss-Ks 2001, Ontario Sieger 2000, NCRS Sieger 2000, Campione Riproduttore (Champion of Reproducing), Harry Potter del Dardo Nero (Italian Rottweiler), Multi V1, Multi BOB, Multi CAC, V1 Klubsieger Zuchtschau RCI, Int.CH, Campione Sociale 2006, Campione Italiano, HDB, ED0, SchHI, ZtPR, Herbie v Gruntenblick (German Rottweiler Import USA), Mambo vd Crossener Ranch x Toga v Kummelsee, Imo v Bergischen Land (German Rottweiler Import Canada), Ben v Schwaiger Rathaus x Candy vd Quellenberg, SchHI, VPGI, BH, AD, ZtPR, HD-, ED- Pink Papered Import, Ingo v Brandenbuger Tor (German Rottweiler Import Deceased), Ferres v Hirschenrangen x Cendy v Schwaiger Wappen, Multi V1, SchHIII, BH, AD, ZtPR, HD+/- Pink Papered Import, Netherlands Youth Champion 2012, Amsterdam Youth Winner 2012, Multi V1 ,CAC, BOB, J-CAC,Rated 67cm, 60kg (132lbs)HD frei, ED frei, Dago vom Trnleberg II x Laila Buoso da Dovara, Kamber of Nicola's Lion (Serbian Rottweiler Import USA), USRC NSA'07, CH.BiH, Multi V-1, 4xCAC , r.CACIB , Spec. Now, the California coast has a truly big, powerful, dry, big drive stud matched up with beauty, balls and a monstrous head piece. Kiene Zandbergen Owner Ter Waele Rottweilers. HD-Frei, ED-Frei, IPOI, ZtPR, DNA, Azar van de Lutenburcht x Britt Hof Chao, Multi-VI, ADRK Jug. CAC, ADRK res. PANNONIA WINNER 2009-V2-r.CAC, Us / Rottweiler Males / Rottweiler Producing / Rottweiler Breeding's / Rottweiler Litters / Rottweilers For Our goal is to produce Rottweilers which are exceptional and can be used for several purposes. Eric also has Mambo and Balou where I like them best, especially Mambo in the 3rd generation slot -vs- closer up, but Eric brings the the great movement dog BS'96 Brutus vd Hammerschmiede SchHIII, FHI, AD, BH, Gek, HD- and the one of the greatest working dogs of all time DM'90 Fjordbakkens Andy SchHIII, FH, AD, IPOIII, Gek, HD- . Show Sarajevo BOB, V-Rated KS Rottweil 2007 IPOI, ED-0, HD-B (Italy), Karl vh Neubrand (German Rottweiler Import USA), Unkas vh Neubrand x Farina v Gruntenblick, Mambo vd Crossener Ranch x Rebecca della Rocca Brancaleone, Maik Buoso da Dovara (Italian Rottweiler), Gonsalo Buoso Da Dovara x Xira Buoso da Dovara, Osterreich-KJS' 2009, HD-B ED-1 ZTP (Eye 1B - 53,5 Kg) D.N.A, Manolo Buoso da Dovara (Croatian Rottweiler imported from Italy), Gonsalo Buoso da Dovara x Xira Buoso da Dovara, Croatian Champion, Multi VI, CAC, CACIB, r.CAC, 2xBOB, HD- ED-, Multi VI Rated, 2009 Toronto Canada Youth Sieger, HD- ED-, Muck vd Scherau (German Rottweiler imported to USA), DT.VDH-CH, WJS'03, KJS'03, HD +/-, ED ++, BH, AD, ZtPR, VPGIII, IPOIII, Gino vd Berghalbinsel x Chiquita vh Edelstein, J.CH Crotia, J.CH Slovenia, KS '09 Croatia VI, KS '09 Hungary VI, KS '09 Slovenia V2, As there is a lot of confusion about the results and names which are usedin the Netherlands and other European countries, we have placed a chart were you are able to view the comparatieve ratings of the several clinics which are allowed to examine Hipdysplasia and Elbowdysplasia X-rays. The "Ter Waele" Rottweiler kennel is a small select kennel situated on the coast of the Netherlands in the area of The Hague. Those shown are placed here as a courtesy to the owner whom has shown to represent the breed with honor & integrity; studs are shown whom have proven themselves to produce exceptional type & temperament with a varied range of bitches, Edge vom Carrabba Haus x Qwendi vom Brukroft, HD- ED-(Germany) Multi VI, Multi Best Puppy in Show, Multi Best Youth in Show, Apoll v Kriegsdamm (Italian Rottweiler, German Rottweiler import), Ambassador v Shambala x Xenia vom Kriegsdamm, Multi VI, IPOI, IFR Rottweiler World Championships Working Class rated Excellent, HD-A (Free), ED-O (Free) ZtPr, Armando Kao Bumbarin (Serbian Rottweiler), Felix Crni Lotos x Hestia t' Hupke, Elbeyugendsieger Germany 2012, Youth Champion of Serbia, Polish Jugensieger and Best Youth Dog BIS 2011, V8 2011 ADRK KS with 70 Rotts, Vice Youth Sieger Hungary, SCAC, CACIB, Multi VI, HD A, ED I, Multi VI, BOB, BOG, BIS, 2010 IFR World Champion, Young Ch of Croatia, Croatian KSGR 2009, IFR World Show VI, Vice Holland KSGR,Lechschau Jugendsieger 2008 (ADRK) V2 Belgian Rotweiler Klub Show 2008, Italian Rottweiler Klub Show V1 Youth Winner/Best Young Male/Auslandjugendsieger 2008, 2008 Youth Vice Sieger Europe, HD-, ED-, Arzadons Zato (Danish Rottweiler Import, resides in Germany), 2008 USRC Rottweiler National Sieger, NE USRC Rottweiler Regional Sieger 2008, V-rated 2007 German Federal/Bundessieger Show Working Class, V1 rated, V2 Hamburg Elbeshau Res.-Anw. Diego is the combination of the great German Rottweiler and European lines. (This is comparable to the Orthodpedic Foundation for Animals in the USA). Beauty, if one word describes Eric it is "beauty." He is maximum height, black mouth, dark eyes, super short and tight back, huge barrel chest and super rear angulations. In the AKC forum, he has no equal in type, body, size, temperament, drive and head piece. FROZEN SEMEN FROM WORLD CLASS ROTTWEILERS AVAILABLE HERE OR THROUGH US, LOOK HERE, -Rottweilers & Rottweiler Breeders We Recommend Outside Our Kennel-, West Coast Rottweilers has no financial stake in the studs shown. Both males have very similar representations of the line with our preference towards Eric for size, movement and the work.both are exceptional. Wasko is a Mambo vd Crossener Ranch son and his Dam Vera v Lenthe is the full sister to Wendi v Lenthe, a Balou daughter. We wish to produce a good working dog that is healthy and sound and is also good looking. All the dogs which are being used in our breeding program have an official rating of the Hip dysplasia & Elbow dysplasia committee of the Dutch Kennel Club, (Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in The Netherlands), department Health, Behavior and welfare department. Astor is a Balou grandson on the sires side and a Mambo great grand son on his dams side. Dt. Diego is making headway in the show arena though he tends to want to dominate the ring which causes a few problems but hey, he is a very type-A male. VDH, V4 Friedrich -Berger Show, HD- ED-, SchHIII, BH, Barry vom Carrabbahaus (American Bred Rottweiler), Ians Yago vh Walker x Perla van Haysherak, NCRK Best Puppy In Show, Multi VP, Multi V, V2 ADRK Klub Show 2011, Brando Buoso da Dovara (Italian Rottweiler exported to Asia), Carlos vd Golan Hohen (German Rottweiler Import USA), Balou v Silberblick x Quinta v Wolpinghausen, V 2007 ADRK Rottweiler Klub Show, V1 Working Class Holland Klub Show 2007, 2xV2 USRC Nationals 2006-2007, 9 xV1, 19xV, V8 KS '04, V Rated KS '06 & '07, SchHIII, IPOIII, BH, ZtPR, HD frei, ED+/-, Pink Papered, ABST/Korung, NERYS and Best Puppy in Show 2011, Multi VPI, VP2, Ians Yago vh Walker x Nuria Buoso da Dovara, RKNA Breed Show MMRSK VI 18-24 Month Class Youth Sieger 2012, SG2 12-18 Youth Males2012 ARC Nationals,VI 12-18 Youth Males Eastern Carolina Rottweiler Klub Show, VPG1 9-12 Month 2011 USRC National SE Regional Sieger Show, PI Best Male Puppy ARV Fall Sieger Show, IFR 2004 Vice World Youth Champion HD+/- ED+/-, Gonsalo Buoso Da Dovara (Italian Rottweiler import USA), Brando Buoso da Dovara x Xandy Buoso Da Dovara, VI, Rot. The best German Rottweilers are here in this pedigree. In his show debut, he won under the the famous Rottweiler Breeder Specialty Judge Catherine Thompson at the Pasadena Rottweiler Specialty Show. Diego is without doubt the most extreme HERBIE v GRUNTENBLICK son. , ADRK Jug Britt Hof Chao, Multi-VI, ADRK Jug healthy sound! Lutenburcht x Britt Hof Chao, Multi-VI, ADRK Jug on the sires side and a Mambo great son... Eric is a very close relation to Wasko v Mariannenthal II and Astor v.. Huge barrel chest and super rear angulations Eric it is `` beauty. and head piece work.both exceptional... Body, size, temperament, drive and head piece, very strong and full temperament huge!, temperament, drive and gorgeous deep red mahogany German Rottweilers are here This! Won under the the famous Rottweiler Breeder Specialty Judge Catherine Thompson at the Rottweiler... Is without doubt the most extreme HERBIE v GRUNTENBLICK son, ED-Frei, IPOI, ZtPR, DNA, van. 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