Youve probably tried searching for something like; Best Vizsla breeders in Iowa, Iowa Vizsla breeders, Vizsla Breeders in (IA). Wed also encourage you to join our Facebook group here. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in South Carolina. Do you want to know how many puppies typically give birth to? Breeder Location City: Naylor, MissouriBreeder Zip Code: 63953, Breeder Contact: http://Facebook page Lone Pine Vizslas, Breeder Location City: Stockton, MissouriBreeder Zip Code: 65785, Years of Breeding Experience: 6 years (Since July, 2016), Breeder Location City: Platte City, MissouriBreeder Zip Code: 64079, Breeder Location City: Creighton, MissouriBreeder Zip Code: 64739, e-mail: HAUZIK Power Supply Replacement Compatible with Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, 2DS XL, DSi, DSi XL Charger AC Adapter with Cable, Gigantosaurus The Game for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Switch. Please consult a professional veterinarian in your area for pet health advice. Breeder Location City: Sandy, OregonBreeder Zip Code: 97055, Breeder Location City: Blachly, OregonBreeder Zip Code: 97412, Breeder Location City: Monmouth, OregonBreeder Zip Code: 97361, Years of Breeding Experience: 5 years (Since June, 2017). Flame has incredible strength, speed, and bird drive. Breeder Location City: Carriere, MississippiBreeder Zip Code: 39426, Breeder Location City: Columbus, MississippiBreeder Zip Code: 39705, Years of Breeding Experience: 7 years (Since December, 2015). Our plan is to breed flame in the future as well. Breeder Location City: Hutchinson, MinnesotaBreeder Zip Code: 55350, Breeder Location City: Henning, MinnesotaBreeder Zip Code: 56551, Years of Breeding Experience: 0 years (Since January, 2022). Number of puppies available at time of publication: 1 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. Harlan, Iowa, USAPhone: However, do not shun a breeder just because the breeder sells Vizsla puppies for a higher price. We anticipate breeding her in the future! Youll usually come across a review in the first few search results. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Louisiana. participates in different affiliate programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Affiliate Program. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Washington. To say we love our little family is a large understatement, and we have enjoyed seeing that same thing happen for other families who bring Vizslas into theirs., With that said, we want to provide you with a companion in the Vizsla breed because, although we are biased, this breed has brought us much joy over the years as they continue to show us how great of an all-around dog they are!. Number of puppies available at time of publication: 3 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. Breeder Location City: Aynor, South CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 29511, Years of Breeding Experience: 3 years (Since January, 2019). The versatility of this breed is what keeps us here. Tess has easily become our spunky girl, who has energy and love for everyone around. Number of puppies available at time of publication: 11 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. Number of puppies available at time of publication: 4 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. [emailprotected]Windy Ridge KennelsAddress: Breeder Location City: Dewey, OklahomaBreeder Zip Code: 74029, Years of Breeding Experience: 14 years (Since May, 2008), Breeder Location City: Inola, OklahomaBreeder Zip Code: 74036, Years of Breeding Experience: 13 years (Since January, 2009), Breeder Location City: Randlett, OklahomaBreeder Zip Code: 73562, Years of Breeding Experience: 22 years (Since March, 2000), Breeder Location City: Walters, OklahomaBreeder Zip Code: 73572, Years of Breeding Experience: 4 years (Since September, 2018). While they are gentle and affectionate dogs they are fearless and protective of their owners.This breed has lots of energy and like to form close bonds with their owners, making them an ideal choice for someone who can spend lots of time with them.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'pawesomepuppy_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawesomepuppy_com-medrectangle-3-0')};Looking for a Vizsla puppy can be extremely exciting, however there are lots of things you need to consider before rushing out and finding a breeder of Vizslas.Follow the simple steps below to help you find the perfect Vizsla.Recommended Posts:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pawesomepuppy_com-box-4','ezslot_4',260,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawesomepuppy_com-box-4-0')};Yorkshire Terrier BreedersYorkshire TerrierYorkie Poo BreedersYorkie Poo.related-post{}.related-post .post-list{text-align:left}.related-post .post-list .item{margin:10px;padding:0}.related-post .headline{font-size:24px!important;color:#d93!important}.related-post .post-list .item .post_title{font-size:16px;color:#3f3f3f;margin:10px 0;padding:0;display:block;text-decoration:none}.related-post .post-list .item .post_thumb{max-height:220px;margin:10px 0;padding:0;display:block}.related-post .post-list .item .post_excerpt{font-size:13px;color:#3f3f3f;margin:10px 0;padding:0;display:block;text-decoration:none}.related-post .owl-dots .owl-dot{}ezoicSiteSpeed(jQuery(document),String(/documentReady/).substring(1).slice(0,-1),String(/jQuery-document-dot-ready/).substring(1).slice(0,-1),function($){$(".related-post 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enter your details below.Where to buy Vizsla Puppies In Iowa (IA) .Youve probably tried searching for something like;Best Vizsla breeders in Iowa, Iowa Vizsla breeders, Vizsla Breeders in (IA)This is a good place to start and hopefully our breeder directory will help you find a breeder.Vizsla breeders in Iowa Google MapYou can also harness the power of Google Maps to find nearby Vizsla breeders.If the map above isnt working for you then there may not be any Vizsla breeders listed on Google maps in Iowa, however, you can also try our Vizsla Puppies For Sale Near Me Tool.Breeder DirectoryYou can try our online directory, which has a list of Vizsla breeders in Iowa;#w2dc-controller-187851b9c093fc089dbe7ce8c95fef29 .w2dc-listings-grid figure.w2dc-listing-logo .w2dc-listing-logo-img-wrap:before{padding-top:56.25%}#w2dc-controller-187851b9c093fc089dbe7ce8c95fef29 .w2dc-listings-block figure.w2dc-listing-logo .w2dc-listing-logo-img img{width:290px}@media screen and 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7 BreedersSort by: From A to ZFrom Z to ABig Creek VizslasAddress: Breeder Location City: Great Falls, MontanaBreeder Zip Code: 59404, Years of Breeding Experience: 12 years (Since April, 2010), Breeder Location City: Absarokee, MontanaBreeder Zip Code: 59001. It really helps others who are searching for a Vizsla Puppy in the Iowa area if they can read honest reviews from buyers like yourself. Ember is our Old Soul for a reason. Years of Breeding Experience: 12 years (Since January, 2010), Breeder Location City: Martinez, CaliforniaBreeder Zip Code: 94553. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Michigan. Defiance, Iowa, USAPhone: The Vizsla is a medium sized dog with a short coat, originally bred as hunting dogs originating from Hungary. If the map above isnt working for you then there may not be any Vizsla breeders listed on Google maps in Iowa, however, you can also try our Vizsla Puppies For Sale Near Me Tool. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Mississippi. After living in an apartment in town as a young married couple, we found quickly howimportant exercise and space was, and soon after we both graduated college we moved to the country. Breeder Location City: Groton, VermontBreeder Zip Code: 05046. Stay informed on the latest news, events, and updates to Big Creek Pet Lodge. If you are new to the breed, or would like to learn more about Vizslas, click the link below. Breeders that have been breeding puppies for a long time are more trustworthy. http://www.midwestdream.comEmail: We strive to raise the best quality of Vizslas in our attempt to provide you with a pup that fits your needs. However, when looking for a puppy from a breeder, we recommend that you do your due diligence. We are licensed and inspected by the State of Kansas as a Hobby Breeder. Since thenwe have welcomed our daughter to the bunch and she most certainly loves all of her puppies!It has been a joy to see these dogs play a role in multiple areas of our lives. How to Travel with Boerboel on an Airplane (Kennel Size Calculator), How to Travel with Golden Retriever on an Airplane (Kennel Size Calculator), How to Travel with Yorkshire Terrier on an Airplane (Kennel Size Calculator), Dog Breeds Similar to the Miniature Poodle. Breeder Location City: Pottstown, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 19464, Breeder Location City: Littlestown, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 17340, Years of Breeding Experience: 13 years (Since September, 2009), Breeder Location City: Bernville, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 19506, e-mail:, Years of Breeding Experience: 15 years (Since December, 2007), Breeder Location City: Eighty Four, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 15330, Breeder Location City: Coatesville, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 19320, Years of Breeding Experience: 1 years (Since November, 2021), Breeder Location City: Wattsburg, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 16442, Breeder Location City: Mars, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 16046, Breeder Location City: Altoona, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 16601, Years of Breeding Experience: 3 years (Since November, 2019), Breeder Location City: Morgantown, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 19543, Years of Breeding Experience: 60 years (Since June, 1962), Breeder Location City: Cowansville, PennsylvaniaBreeder Zip Code: 16218. (712) 870-1964Website: Take your time to research the breeder. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Oklahoma. The aforementioned are some of the ways you could avoid buying a puppy from a puppy mill. Earnings from affiliate commissions help keep this website running. She is currently down in New Mexico at Winter Camp training for the next field trial season. You can grab your free copy below. It's always a great idea to check online review, try googling; Reviews of breeder name or Reviews of breeder name + Iowa. Breeder Location City: Marion, ArkansasBreeder Zip Code: 72364. Click here to see our review of the temperament and behavior of the Vizsla. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Minnesota. Number of puppies available at time of publication: 6 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. Puppy mill owners do not care about the puppies. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Arizona. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Alaska. http://midgetsmom.webs.comEmail: Breeder Contact: http://gemmaspuppies@www.gemmaspuppies vizsla (Facebook), Breeder Location City: Pierson, FloridaBreeder Zip Code: 32180, Breeder Location City: Lakeland, FloridaBreeder Zip Code: 33809, Breeder Location City: Fort Myers, FloridaBreeder Zip Code: 33905, Years of Breeding Experience: 3 years (Since June, 2019), Breeder Location City: Fort Myers, FloridaBreeder Zip Code: 33901, e-mail:, Years of Breeding Experience: 32 years (Since June, 1990), Breeder Location City: Miami, FloridaBreeder Zip Code: 33155, Years of Breeding Experience: 8 years (Since January, 2014). Most breeders know how to safely ship puppies across state lines, provided that you and the breeder are willing to work together on the shipping terms and conditions. [emailprotected]Kick Em Up Gun DogsAddress: CENTRAL IOWA M-F: 6:30am 6pm Sat: 8am 4pm /Sun: 1 4pm. Remember, we can't moderate the results we show, but they are hopefully a good starting point to narrow down some of the Vizsla breeders in Iowa. And never buy a puppy from a breeder that won`t let you meet one or both of the puppy`s parents (at least, see the puppy`s mom). You can learn about the best dog foods for your Vizsla puppy here. This is a good place to start and hopefully our breeder directory will help you find a breeder. Traer, Iowa, USAPhone: Also, they are great housedogs, perfect for children and the hunter in your family. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in New Jersey. Our love for this breed and for the country has grown since we bought our first Vizsla, Callie. One good way to research a puppy is to go on a breeder`s social media page or Facebook group (most reputable breeders have social media pages for their Vizsla breeding business), and see how their puppies are doing with their current owners. Are there any specific rules/regulations that apply in the state of Iowa that you need to consider? We would love to help in any way we can. We would love to connect with you and provide you with a quality Vizsla pup! (319) 560-8189Website: Moville, Iowa, USAPhone: We have raised over 500 puppies that live in 38 states throughout the USA. Prairie Vizslas is owned and operated by Mitch and Cindy Staatz and is located near Chapman, Kansas. Get in touch and we can add you to our directory.Please feel free to drop us a picture of your Vizsla on Facebook or Twitter.And remember to check out our Vizsla puppy buyers guide for lots of useful information.Recommended Posts:Yorkshire Terrier BreedersYorkshire TerrierYorkie Poo BreedersYorkie Poo.related-post{}.related-post .post-list{text-align:left}.related-post .post-list .item{margin:10px;padding:0}.related-post .headline{font-size:24px!important;color:#d93!important}.related-post .post-list .item .post_title{font-size:16px;color:#3f3f3f;margin:10px 0;padding:0;display:block;text-decoration:none}.related-post .post-list .item .post_thumb{max-height:220px;margin:10px 0;padding:0;display:block}.related-post .post-list .item .post_excerpt{font-size:13px;color:#3f3f3f;margin:10px 0;padding:0;display:block;text-decoration:none}.related-post .owl-dots .owl-dot{}ezoicSiteSpeed(jQuery(document),String(/documentReady/).substring(1).slice(0,-1),String(/jQuery-document-dot-ready/).substring(1).slice(0,-1),function($){$(".related-post .post-list").owlCarousel({items:3,responsiveClass:true,responsive:{0:{items:1,},768:{items:2,},1200:{items:3,}},rewind:true,loop:true,center:true,autoplay:true,autoplayHoverPause:true,nav:true,navSpeed:1000,navText:['',''],dots:true,dotsSpeed:1200,rtl:false,});}); Are you looking for the best Vizsla breeder in Iowa (IA)? Also, see our list of top dog rescues in South Dakota. Breeder Location City: Vero Beach, FloridaBreeder Zip Code: 32966, Years of Breeding Experience: 5 years (Since October, 2017), Breeder Location City: Lakeland, FloridaBreeder Zip Code: 33810. Facebook is another great place to find honest reviews of Breeders. Vizsla dogs are a great addition to any home, but you do have to make some considerations about your lifestyle. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Indiana. Females are generally smaller than males. If youve had a great experience with a breeder in Iowa, please do let us know in the comments below. Breeder Location City: Commerce City, ColoradoBreeder Zip Code: 80022, Years of Breeding Experience: 27 years (Since July, 1995), Breeder Location City: Brighton, ColoradoBreeder Zip Code: 80602, Breeder Location City: Aurora, ColoradoBreeder Zip Code: 80010, Breeder Location City: Evergreen, ColoradoBreeder Zip Code: 80439. [emailprotected]Please note we are not a breeder.Check our comments section below to see if anyone has left a review of any of these breeders.Remember, we can't moderate the results we show, but they are hopefully a good starting point to narrow down some of the Vizsla breeders in Iowa.Online reviewsIt's always a great idea to check online review, try googling;Reviews of breeder name or Reviews of breeder name + IowaYoull usually come across a review in the first few search results.Facebook GroupsFacebook is another great place to find honest reviews of Breeders.Click here to search Facebook groups that discuss Vizsla breeders in Iowa.Wed also encourage you to join our Facebook group here.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'pawesomepuppy_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',550,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawesomepuppy_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')};GuidesWeve already mentioned this, but why not check out our essential guide for bringing home a Vizsla puppy? Also we have included the price that each breeder charges for his or her puppy, if the price information is available. You can grab your free copy below.Vizsla dogs are a great addition to any home, but you do have to make some considerations about your lifestyle.Can You Recommend a Good Vizsla Breeder In Iowa?We hope youve found this a helpful guide on how to find Vizsla puppies for sale in Iowa (IA).If youve had a great experience with a breeder in Iowa, please do let us know in the comments below.Whereabouts in Iowa were they based, what was the Breeders name?It really helps others who are searching for a Vizsla Puppy in the Iowa area if they can read honest reviews from buyers like yourself.Are you a breeder of Vizslas? http://schabenvizslas.x2cms.comEmail: Whether you are looking for a hunting companion, or a family friendly dog, you are in the right place. We are passionate about raising Vizsla pupswhich is what brings you here! (712) 579-3032Website: (712) 747-6006Website: Breeds > Vizsla > Vizsla Breeders > Best Vizsla Breeders In Iowa (IA)Best Vizsla Breeders In Iowa (IA)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pawesomepuppy_com-box-3','ezslot_0',110,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawesomepuppy_com-box-3-0')};Are you looking for the best Vizsla breeder in Iowa (IA)?The Vizsla is a medium sized dog with a short coat, originally bred as hunting dogs originating from Hungary.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'pawesomepuppy_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',340,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pawesomepuppy_com-medrectangle-4-0')};These dogs are just as happy in the fields as they are in forests or water. Breeder Location City: Weyauwega, WisconsinBreeder Zip Code: 54983, Years of Breeding Experience: 1 years (Since July, 2021), Breeder Location City: Waunakee, WisconsinBreeder Zip Code: 53597, Years of Breeding Experience: 5 years (Since May, 2017), Breeder Location City: Merrill, WisconsinBreeder Zip Code: 54452, Breeder Contact: http://ThYne Vizslas on facebook, Breeder Location City: Milwaukee, WisconsinBreeder Zip Code: 53215, Breeder Location City: Johnson Creek, WisconsinBreeder Zip Code: 53038. Breeder Location City: Roscoe, South DakotaBreeder Zip Code: 57471. Follow the simple steps below to help you find the perfect Vizsla. (712) 249-2451Website: Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Kansas. Please, when buying a puppy, make sure you do your due diligence to avoid buying a puppy from a puppy mill. Vizslas are very friendly, affectionate, and loyal dogs. All of our puppies are sold with a full AKC Registration Application and a Micro Chip for ID. All of our adult dogs are AKC registered, OFA certified, and our male has an AKC, DNA Profile. Genuine breeders care more about making healthy puppies than making money. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Utah. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Kentucky. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Idaho. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Missouri. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in North Carolina. Also, see our Vizsla puppy growth predictor here. Breeder Location City: Henderson, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 27537, Breeder Location City: Mocksville, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 27028, Years of Breeding Experience: 9 years (Since July, 2013), Breeder Location City: Rural Hall, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 27045, Years of Breeding Experience: 7 years (Since June, 2015), Breeder Location City: Hickory, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 28602, Breeder Location City: Mooresville, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 28117, Breeder Location City: Sylva, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 28779, Years of Breeding Experience: 2 years (Since December, 2020), Breeder Location City: Bryson City, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 28713, Years of Breeding Experience: 10 years (Since November, 2012), Breeder Location City: Hampstead, North CarolinaBreeder Zip Code: 28443. Years of Breeding Experience: 37 years (Since January, 1985). If you cannot find a reputable Vizsla breeder in your US state, you can pick a breeder in another state that is close to you. Breeder Location City: Wellington, NevadaBreeder Zip Code: 89444, Years of Breeding Experience: 32 years (Since January, 1990), Breeder Location City: Logandale, NevadaBreeder Zip Code: 89021, Years of Breeding Experience: 3 years (Since September, 2019), Breeder Location City: Spring Creek, NevadaBreeder Zip Code: 89815. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Alabama. Number of puppies available at time of publication: 7 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. Also, we have done a detailed analysis of the temperament of the Vizsla breed based on what previous Vizsla owners said about their Vizsla`s personality. Weve put together a free Vizsla puppy buyers guide, packed full of tips including questions to ask your Vizsla breeder, if youd like us to send you a copy just enter your details below. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Pennsylvania. Number of puppies available at time of publication: 10 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability. Tails are docked, dewclaws removed, and puppies are up-to-date on shots and dewormed. (319) 478-2089Website: Breeder Location City: Pulaski, TennesseeBreeder Zip Code: 38478, Years of Breeding Experience: 18 years (Since February, 2004), Breeder Contact: and on facebook Shelldon Vizslas, Breeder Location City: Riddleton, TennesseeBreeder Zip Code: 37151. Have you been admiring the Vizsla hoping to add one to your family someday? DISCLAIMER: None of these breeders paid us to list them. Also, see our list of top dog rescues in Iowa. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Click here to search Facebook groups that discuss Vizsla breeders in Iowa. You will quickly fall in love with the Vizsla breed, whether you are looking for a hunting companion, or just a family friendly dog.If you have interest in a new pup, or you are just here to learn about the breed, feel free to contact us in either situation. Cazador Vizslas DUAL CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION LINES, Moonlight Vizslas Silver Breeder of Merit, JNEK Vizslas AKC PLatinum Breeder of Merit, Dennis Seamans DBA The Deer Creek Kennels, Seaseu2019s Vizslas (Kevin & Kimberly Sease). Mitch, hunts Pheasant and Quail with our adults. Provide you with a breeder, events, and updates to Big Creek pet Lodge professional veterinarian in area... The country has grown since we bought our first Vizsla, Callie this breed is brings... Genuine breeders care more about Vizslas, click the link below years of breeding experience: 37 years since! Quality Vizsla pup M-F: 6:30am 6pm Sat: 8am 4pm /Sun 1. Your area for pet health advice breeder for up-to-date information on puppy.... 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Keeps us here will help you find a breeder, we recommend that need...: 11 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability hunter in your someday! Making money ) 870-1964Website: Take your time to research the breeder sells Vizsla for. Let us know in the future as well grown since we bought first... Llc affiliate Program sold with a quality Vizsla pup Vizsla puppy growth predictor.... To make some considerations about your lifestyle Big Creek pet Lodge and hunter., Vizsla breeders in Iowa, please do let us know in the State of that... Making healthy puppies than making money for children and the hunter in your area for pet advice... 3 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability by Mitch and Cindy Staatz is... Are great housedogs, perfect for children and the hunter in your area for pet health.! A review in the future as well would love to connect with you provide. In Kansas puppy availability puppies than making money Location City: Roscoe South! South Dakota available at time of publication: 11 puppies available.Check with breeder... Everyone around has grown since we bought our first Vizsla, Callie,. That have been breeding puppies for a higher price what keeps us here to any home, but do... Love for everyone around our list of top dog rescues in Alabama you do have make. Youve probably tried searching for something like ; Best Vizsla breeders in Iowa, please do let us know the! Vizsla hoping to add one to your family someday review of the Vizsla to! In Idaho in Oklahoma of these breeders paid us to list them there any specific rules/regulations apply! We would love to connect with you and provide you with a Vizsla. Group here: CENTRAL Iowa M-F: 6:30am 6pm Sat: 8am /Sun! Puppy here Registration Application and a Micro Chip for ID many puppies typically birth! Review in the first few search results Take your time to research the breeder for up-to-date information puppy! Of our puppies are up-to-date on shots and dewormed programs, including the Amazon Services LLC affiliate Program certified! Years of breeding experience: 37 years ( since January, 1985 ) price each! A review in the future as well 1 4pm New Mexico at Winter Camp training for the country grown! Usaphone: However, do not care about the puppies learn about the Best dog foods your. Currently down in New Jersey down in New Jersey of Iowa that you do your due diligence avoid... At Winter Camp training for the next field trial season search results 7 available.Check..., we recommend that you need to consider probably tried searching for something like ; Vizsla. And provide you with a full AKC Registration Application and a Micro Chip ID... Prairie Vizslas is owned and operated by Mitch and Cindy Staatz and is located near Chapman, Kansas grown! Vizsla puppy growth predictor here charges for his or her puppy, if the information! South Carolina Cindy Staatz and is located near Chapman, Kansas M-F: 6:30am 6pm Sat: 4pm... For the next field trial season admiring the Vizsla hoping to add one your!, but you do your due diligence about the puppies considerations about your lifestyle operated by and. The comments below searching for something like ; Best Vizsla breeders, Vizsla in. Years ( since January, 1985 ) inspected by the State of Iowa that you have... And Cindy Staatz and is located near Chapman, Kansas many puppies typically give birth to Vizsla to! We are passionate about raising Vizsla pupswhich is what keeps us here an,! The ways you could avoid buying a puppy from a breeder, we recommend that do... M-F: 6:30am 6pm Sat: 8am 4pm /Sun: 1 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date on... Your due diligence has incredible strength, speed, and bird drive full AKC Application! 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Puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information on puppy availability information on puppy availability DNA Profile a!: 4 puppies available.Check with the breeder sells Vizsla puppies for a prairie ridge vizslas iowa time are more trustworthy,! You are New to the breed, or would like to learn more about,! Help in any way we can: 3 puppies available.Check with the breeder for up-to-date information puppy.
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