# HELP jvm_gc_live_data_size_bytes Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC, # HELP jvm_classes_loaded_classes The number of classes that are currently loaded in the Java virtual machine, ^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\. This service imports the prometheus.yml file form the host directory management/monitioring/ and exposes the api on port 9090 which is public accessible from our frontend network. https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/cadvisor/, https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/node-exporter/, cAdvisor: metric agent for docker swarm cluster, Node_exporter: metric agent for linux host, Server for collecting metric from each agents, Check each services are correctly running on each node, Also can check with metric URLs on the web browser, from the gui, Status > Targets can see the scraping jobs you configured before, import existing dashboard from community (Grafana Labs. Additionally, this functionality will not work for the Windows worker nodes in your environment at present. There is no need to install extra software on your server nodes. ([0-9]+)\:([0-9]+)$', Knowledge Transfer, Coaching and Trainings, Setting up a Docker swarm with a sample service, Scraping the service instances within the swarm, Using federate to scrape the metrics from another Prometheus, socreatory The Software Creators Academy. cAdvisor and node-exporter are declared in the same stack as global services, so Docker EE will ensure that there is always one copy of each running on every machine in the cluster. Prometheus provides a /federate endpoint that can be used to scrape selected sets of time series from another Prometheus instance (see documentation for details). One important detail (which unfortunately seems to be not described in the Docker swarm documentation) is, that the Docker swarm DNS service discovery does not work with the default ingress overlay network (it took me quite a while to figure this out until I found this answer in the Docker forum). Sample queries for monitoring docker swarm cluster, $instance: grafana variable that you can configure dashboard settings with query(label_values(instance)), Untitled: White board for stacking my life, Prometheus & Grafana: Docker swarm monitoring, https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards?pg=dashboards&plcmt=featured-sub1), Geofront server with automatic colonize: ssh key management, Kubernetes: Create Cluster with HA in v1.13, ElasticSearch: Install and configure the Curator. This configuration takes all values of the source_labels (here instance), applies the given regex to each value, replaces the value with the given replacement expression (using the group variables ${1}, ${2}, defined by the regex), and writes the replaced value as the target_label (here also instance, so overwriting the original value) into the metrics. In the beginning of the docker-compose file the section networks defines two networks: The external network imixs-proxy-net is part of the core concept of the Imixs-Cloud project. If you want to deploy the stack with no pre-configured dashboards, you would need to use ./docker-compose.html, but in this case we will deploy the stack with pre-configured dashboards. Unfortunately, Docker swarm is quite good in hiding those details from Prometheus, at least to the outside of the swarm. The endpoint expects one or more instant vector selectors to specify the requested time series. The load among the three hosts will be shared as per the following diagram. var _paq = _paq || []; The Prometheus and Grafana services are declared in a Docker stack as replicated services with one replica each, so if they fail, Docker EE will ensure that they are restarted on one of the UCP VMs. I use a dns_sd_config (see documentation for details) to lookup the scrape targets by executing a DNS query. After building and running the host-prometheus I can check the targets status page again to see if the scrape job runs successfully. The cAdvisor is the second metrics collector. Sep 5th, 2019 12:07 am The resulting data does not give you any coherent picture of your service. At this point, I have the metrics of all of my service instances gathered in the swarm-prometheus. He loves light-weight architectures, domain-driven design, clean code, and automated testing. _paq.push(['trackPageView']); Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager, Prometheus Docker daemon metrics exporter, Docker hosts and containers monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter and AlertManager, Prometheus & Grafana via Docker Compose with some default dashboards and stuff. The next service is the node-exporter. Now as your docker-compose.yml file defines all services needed to monitor, you can setup your prometheus.yml file. In the following example the service exports hardware metrics from the node manager-001: You can replace the host name with the corresponding host name from your environment. Imixs-Office-Workflow Prozessmanagement. So we can configure one scrape job that covers all existing services. After implementing the above setup in my current project I came up with some improvements that I think are worth sharing, too. To the outer world (everything outside the swarm cluster) the service looks like one instance that can be accessed via a published port. You can find the full concept explained here on Github in the Imixs-Cloud project. This means it is visible to the Prometheus service but not accessible from outside. Imixs on GitHub This file tells Prometheus where to collect the metric data. The second network backend is used only internally by the monitoring stack. Setup a Docker Swarm Cluster on Scaleway with Terraform, Rancher + Docker Swarm + Weave Cloud Scope integration. With the old configuration, with one scrape job per service, we were able to name the scrape jobs accordingly and use the job label to identify/filter the metrics of the different services. _paq.push(['setSiteId', '4']); You can send us encrypted emails, too. In the example I place the service here on the manager node from my docker swarm. Listing all the Docker services running in my swarm I can see my sample-service running with three instances. (function() { The service is maintained by Google. We can do this by adding a metric_relabel_configs to the swarm-prometheus scrape job config. In combination with Prometheus' cross service federation feature you can then scrape those service instance metrics from a Prometheus server outside of the swarm. I send out a list of most interesting libraries and apps in the "Docker" section This DNS service discovery feature is exactly what can be used by a Prometheus instance running within the Docker swarm to scrape all those service instances (I will refer to this instance as swarm-prometheus in the remaining text). Got any useful tips about stefanprodan/swarmprom? to about 1100subscribers. Just use our S/MIME certificates (.cer, .p7b, .pem) or our public PGP key. which is the connect URL from within the docker-swarm backend network: next you can import the dashboard from the Imixs-Cloud project, and select your datasource prometheus which you have created before. })(); Your email address will not be published. To setup the swarm-prometheus service I build a Docker image based on the latest official Prometheus image and add my own configuration file. To see the DNS service discovery at work I connect to one of the containers running inside the Docker swarm. The Node-Exporter is a docker image provided by Prometheus to expose metrics like disk, memory and network from a docker host. Never miss out on interesting articles, events and podcasts on architecture, development and technology trends! And finally you can now start your monitoring: First check if Prometheus is running and detecting all your metric providers by selecting the menu Status -> Targets: If all endpoints are up, you can switch to the Grafana UI: To access the metrics collected by Prometheus you just need create a Prometheus Datasource. Note: Prometheus and Grafana functionality is not turned on by default in this solution - see the section on Configuration for more information on how to enable these tools. Imixs.com Software Solutions GmbH The overlaying Docker network routes requests to the published service port to one of the running replicas. The instance label, that was added by the prometheus scrape job, contains the IP and port of the according service instance. Grafana UI - https://github.com/bekkerstacks/monitoring-cpang/wiki, The github repository: The activated honor_labels flag ensures that Prometheus keeps the job and instance labels that are already included in the scraped metrics and does not overwrite them with its own values (see scrape_config documentation for details). So, that was already it. Just by setting up an intermediate Prometheus instance within the docker swarm and combining a couple of existing features, its quite easy to get the metrics of all swarm service instances into a Prometheus server, even if it has to run outside the swarm. You need to add all the corresponding service names which you have defined in your docker-compose.yml file here. Within a Docker swarm cluster an application runs as a service. Looking up the service name itself I get one single virtual IP address, To resolve the virtual IP addresses of all service replicas running in my Docker swarm I have to lookup the tasks.
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