When man first became interested in the breeding of dogs, it was generally thought that the wolf was the common ancestor of all canines. }); This breed is a good guard dog as well as being an old favorite in the hunting field. Clothes for dogs have become a profitable fad and some of the world's top stylists have designed garments for them. Breed: Pekingese Handler: Kacie Davis Owner: M Lucas & T Catterson, Total Entry: 229 BULLDOGKippax Fearnought, owned by Dr. J. They included such things as a "Gold and Silver Mounted Pearl Handled Revolver" and a "Russian Leather Silver Mounted Fly Book and One Gross of Assorted Flies.". hitType: 'event', Instead of comparing each dog against the standard of its breed, the judge chooses one dog which he considers nearest to the standard, and then compares the others to this dog. eventAction: 'view' Catering to this enormous group of modern-day canines has created in this country an active industry with the highly respectable turnover of more than $500 million annually. Owner: P Odette, M King, B Odette, R Schindler, T McFadden & J Vogel I enjoy going to this show every year, especially when my own dogs or their relatives, and dogs I know, are competing. ga('ads.send', { Breeder: Ms. Fran Withers Some stores, like Hammacher Schlemmer in New York City, specialize in dog items like polo coats for the country and dog boots. Photographs by Gabriela Bhaskar and Karsten Moran, [Follow our live coverage of the Westminster dog show.]. It licenses all the judges (about 2,300) and the professional handlers (about 1,000), and levies fines or suspends them for any proven infractions after a trial hearing. pg.acq.push(function() { 399 hounds were entered, and it was judged by Jamie Hubbard. Handler: Megan Honari Handler: Scott Yergin It is under these same groupings that dogs are shown and judged. Read the Original, My Pergola Garden in Summer Owner: C Vanover & K Lawless His biggest headaches come at shows like the Westminster. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. The blue ribbon was given to the current No. On the other hand, Mrs. Edythe Ellis, of Shady Side, Md., finished her champion Pug, EdyNorm's Mr. Biff, for a total cost of $19. Tomarctus is so pictured on this chart, and the black lines branching out from him lead to the four earliest breeds of dogs, all wild and all now extinct. But before the show is over and 1955's champions have been named, tempers will flare; angry accusations will be made and as hotly denied; there won't be enough room; there'll be a hundred complaints; the noise in the Garden's basement will be like bedlam, and upstairs in the judging rings it will be quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Today, whether it likes it or not, the American dog is an emancipated creature with all the benefits of modern civilization, including such things as psychiatrists, dude ranches and even "college" educations at its disposal. A Siberian wolfhound bred by the czar of Russia was on sale at $10,000 although it was listed as "pedigree unknown." Today no dog show of any consequence can be held in this country without the blessing of the AKC, which is actually an association of 335 dues-paying regional and breed clubs. When it reaches this ultimate (called "being finished" by the fancy) the dog is entitled to the prefix "Ch." Not until the dog food business was booming did the company finally allow their name on the cansand then only in small print. Alfonco von der Goldenen Kette is an import from Germany and is owned by Pennyworth Clairedale Kennels of Hampton Bays, L.I. All information on www.caninechronicle.com is the sole property of The Canine Chronicle and Endeavor Publications, Inc. Reproduction of contents,either whole or in part is not permitted without consent of the publisher.//
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