You can apply it to almost any undesired behavior, but especially biting, jumping, and barking. Linda Crist (author) from Central Virginia on April 02, 2013: Jaye, thanks for the return visit. Her unwillingness to be fully potty-trained drove me to occasional screaming rants that did nothing to improve the situation. 3. Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on April 01, 2013: This is great, if you don't mind I would like to put a link to this on my new hub about whether animals go to heaven or not. PS - I love kitties too. Do not let them enter into this routine otherwise it will be very tough to change your pets behaviour later. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Italian Greyhounds are a timid breed and they do not like loud noises or rambunctious toddlers. Thanks for taking the time to share Luna and our years together. I would be happy either way. I wish I hadn't waited so long to learn the wonders of sharing my life with a dog. lol I understand your "burn out" and can only suggest that you give yourself permission to take a day off from HP now and then. Getting your Italian Greyhound to stop barking takes time, consistency, and practice. Confident dogs will have far fewer issues with housebreaking or other problems than scared or confused dogs. I know a lot of this is typical puppy behavior but it keeps getting worse instead of better. Italian Greyhounds can run up to 30 miles per hour and can cover a lot of ground very fast when they are on a chase. OMG avianvoice.19 1/3!!! I never cease to be amazed at how much love can be bundled into one small package. Shauna L Bowling from Central Florida on April 01, 2013: Linda, before I had my son, my cats were my kids. 7. 4. Issues do happen, so here are some alternatives to help keep your Italian Greyhound in check: Our rescue representatives are located in almost every state in the USA, and have had experience with many behavior issues. Thanks for the visit my kindred spirit. By the time they catch or lose the animal (many Italian Greyhounds have killed bunnies in their own fenced yard) they may not know where they are or how to get back to you if they survived all the streets they crossed while running. The longer leash sounds like good advice too. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I am still amazed at the love I see in those beautiful eyes when I need it the most. Any pointers or tips would be appreciated. Kitties are something to be chased, nothing more (in her opinion). I had done the research and understood that Italian Greyhounds could be challenging, but I wasnt influenced by the experience of others. She appreciates it. 5. Children and pets love unconditionally. Linda Crist (author) from Central Virginia on March 31, 2013: MH, you may not have lived with a pet but I am confident that in caring for those of your neighbors, you enjoyed the loyalty and love they give so easily. When I think back, I can remember a time when I was a challenge to my parents. I miss her bouncing around like a rubber ball and "zooming" (jumping from sofa to chair, to floor and around, around, around till she was out of breath--quite a sight!). But no, that wasn't the case for Luna. When they do correctly go to the toilet outside, make certain you praise them or even provide treats. We just don't know how to help get him to that point. Stern Voice - Using a firm voice when correcting a dog, or saying "No!". We would much rather help keep an Italian Greyhound in a loving home by answering questions and providing advice, rather than fostering and then re-homing it. 6. He often pees inside too, but he does pee outside from time to time. The day after his surgery he was as hyper as the day before it. She's still my sweet girl, no matter what! 3. Jaye Denman from Deep South, USA on April 01, 2013: LindaMy dog is a medium-sized miniature schnauzer (not the toy variety). Luna was bright and learned tricks quickly and with little practice. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. But he does try to create space because he knows we will give him a firm "NO!" I made the only right decisionto end her suffering. IGs love to be bed buddies! My Mom had a teacup poodle once that we refused to groom like a poodle because it gave her such an attitude for the first few days after getting that high-dollar hairstyle. A friend of mine has one and it is just a bundle of love. Then came the retired racing greyhound, who made it to to 12. With age, Luna has learned to sit and stare at me when I am too busy to sit and provide the lap she wants to curl up in. If he's acting crazy again, just repeat the process by gently leading him back into the room and closing the door for 5 seconds. Discover your local Lost & Found Pet Groups and join as much of them as you can, discover yours here. Chasing the ball in the back yard.i could never think of giving him up because yes we battle with the potty training, its only a small problem for as much joy as he brings. We have had him in our home for about 3 months and he is about to turn 6 months old. Teach your Italian Greyhound to comprehend the word Quiet: Whenever your Italian Greyhound is barking, say Quiet in a firm and calm voice. Linda lives in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in central Virginia. 1. Some might say that it s foolish to compare the love of a pet to the love of a child and to them I would say: rubbish. Is he on a leash when you take him outside? They cannot be taught to stay in a yard because you said so. Thanks for sharing your story! Scared, small dogs are more likely to bite and almost all dog bites are young children. The dark shading on her face with the gray is actually very pretty. If you do not have a fence, also remember every time your Italian Greyhound wants to go outside, you have to drop everything you are doing to take them outside on a leash. 1. Moderately Easy Training: This breed learns quickly. Theirs is a love beyond measure. That was my job. Take the pet to your local animal shelter, find yours here. Luna is happy nowl; free of pain and running with the wind in her face. For more information, please read House training your IG. Do not scream back: Shouting will just get your Italian Greyhound to bark a lot more since they believe you are taking part. Unexpected Noises - Clapping loudly or shaking a can filled with pennies provide a good distraction. Contact your regional animal shelters, discover yours here. Press J to jump to the feed. I was confident that I would not have handled the challenges of a teenager with the same grace and patience as my mother. She waits patiently for me to lift the covers up so she can burrow under the electric blanket on a cold winters night. Neither of us could tell you the last time he has pooped outside. I would have to live with it or surrender her, which wasnt an option. Pet friends are just as special and they were lucky to have you. The same goes for barking too! I hope your weekend is enjoyable my friend. lol. laying on furnishings). lol Thanks for visiting with Luna. IGs have broken legs just playing with a large dog. Strong-willed and hardheaded, I thought I knew it all. Here you'll find content that will help you train your dogs. He was beginning to pee and poop outside, got better at sleeping through the night, and simply showed signs of maturity. A kind and loving stranger suggested a chest x-ray before doing surgery. Italian Greyhounds do not respond well to verbal or physical abuse, and may become fearful, withdrawn, or even aggressive under such circumstances. His teeth come out. The risk of slipping a lead and not having enough sense to not flee at the sound of everything that moves or makes noise, couped with the risk of broken legs is just more than I want to live with again. And yes, I know she will greet me one day with her tail wagging and a silly smile on her face. 4. Scribenet - thank you for dropping by to share my story of Luna. We can't even sit at the dinner table without him trying to leap on while barking at us and biting at our hands. In no scenarios, should you shout at your puppy or punish them for not listening positive reinforcement is the best method to train your Italian Greyhound. Children and animals allow us to learn from our mistakes and sometimes provide us with the opportunity to make those mistakes. Contact the RSPCA or check out the RSPCA Lost Pets site. When he does poop outside, throw a freaking party. Italian Greyhounds must always be in a securely fenced in yard or on-leash when outside. We have tried carrying his poop outside. He didn't even skip a beat. Post on Local Lost Pets Facebook Groups Here. I expected it would resolve on its own with time. Electric fences do not work with Italian Greyhounds for many reasons. We have taken him outside after meals. Wait for them to stop barking and when they do praise them with a reward. They are like children. Linda Crist (author) from Central Virginia on May 26, 2014: Oh Randi, you are so tender. A short few-week sessions in a dog training class, or one-on-one with a dog trainer, will help teach you proper methods for rewarding the dog. I honestly don't think there is another breed like an IG. If someone posts about your lost animal or the pet you found be sure to get in contact with them ASAP. We will give that a try as well. We communicate without words and a look from Luna can bring me to tears. Among the first things you will need to do when bringing home a new Italian Greyhound, is bathroom training them. He enjoys snuggling as much as he enjoys. I think the puppy time out is a great idea. Is he nervous or fearful outside? That didn't last long thoughSince this time everything has gone down hill, crash landed, and has been a flaming tire fire ever since. Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on April 02, 2013: I had two IGs: Little Fleanardo was 12 1/2 when he was put down for his fourth leg break, and it was a compound fracture. In fact, Luna had never had an injury until very recently when she turned too quickly and banged her muzzle on the door frame. She wasnt the retired racing greyhound I had wantedbut from the moment I saw her, I knew she was mine. Thinking of owning a Italian Greyhound and want to know if Italian Greyhounds are easy to train? Regardless of how long we keep him outside he will hold it until we bring him back into the house. If you have wall to wall white carpet, this is not the breed for you. We understand that he wants to be a good dog. Below is a list of the most common questions we hear about Italian Greyhounds.If you read nothing else before acquiring an Italian Greyhound, please read this page. Writing a daily hub here can become so much of a ritual that it can start to steal the fun out of writing. When it pertains to applauding your Italian Greyhound, instead of patting them on top of their head or back, give them a pat under their chin or chest as it is more caring for them. Luna could not get well. Participate in obedience training: An obedient Italian Greyhound is a lot simpler to control. The faint clouds of cataracts are beginning to form over eyes that once glowed in the dark, and I look at her and think how different life will be when she is gone. You should definitely neuter your dog, but don't count on it affecting his behavior. It is like having a pet friend. Make sure you check out our WIKI for recommended resources and articles about common problems. And thanks for sharing Luna with me and for voting this one up and sharing too. Dogs want to be near you, so when you isolate them from yourself, you are showing them in a non-aggressive way that they did something wrong. We have used sprays to remove his scent from the rugs. Voted all the way across and sharing. Luna had another irritating behavior that seemed impossible to conquer. They will chase a rabbit, squirrel or chipmunk and no training can change what 1000s of years of breeding has created. They are so very smart. Find out the signs your Italian Greyhound has to go: Common signs that Italian Greyhounds and all pet dogs show when requiring to go the toilet include: smelling the floor, squatting, circling, whining, and sitting at the door that leads outside. Luna, age 10, with the tender eyes of love. Don't regret that you didn't have one earlier. Watch and learn indicators any IG may give to try and tell you their needs, such as barking, going to the door, pawing at your leg, etc. This doesn't work all the time because I will let him out numerous times each night and sometimes he can't be bothered and will pee upon returning inside. According to expert Italian Greyhound dog trainers, Italian Greyhound dogs score out of 5 in terms of their trainability. I know that dogs typically "play fight" and his little teeth are still a bit sharp but I can't help but feel like he is simply over aggressive. The "no" at the beginning is just to mark exactly what he's doing that is wrong. Are any two alike? Jackie, I would be delighted for you to link to this one But, you might like the one I wrote about Chessie, my Chow Chow even better. You share the emotions many of us feel for our pets to know they are not just stupid pets. You didn't say what kind of dog you have so I am assuming it's a small dog too. Invest in a puzzle toy, like the Kong Wobbler or IQ ball, to exercise his brain and wear him out a little. 1. As much as I love her, I have decided that I need a dog that isn't quite so fragile. It does not take place over night but our ideas on how to train an Italian Greyhound to stop barking will be really practical. Time passes and life changes but where there is love, all is possible. The lunges were often accompanied by playful bites from razor-sharp baby teeth. I was reminded of my moms love for her childrenand for a moment, I understand the depth of that love. Animals add so much to our lives if we will let them. 1. We're just two little ol' women trying to find fun in every day. We are very truthful about this. One more thing: My dog's personality didn't change one bit when I got him neutered at 9 months old. He could be exhibiting these attention-seeking, rough behaviors because he's under-stimulated. He gets very over aggressive when food, toys, treats, paper, actually anything he wants is around. A large hematoma quickly appeared on the bony structure beneath her eye. She has never held a grudge when I worked late and her food bowl wasnt my first priority when arriving home. Thank you so much. Report the found family pet details on the Pet Reunite Lost & Found website here. Watch out for any reactions or others publishing about the very same animal. He definitely isn't nervous of fearful outside. She no longer looks like a schnauzer because she can't have the schnauzer haircut any more. Thanks for the votes and sharing. Martin Kloess from San Francisco on March 31, 2013: My life style didn't allow me to have pets. If you can't supervise him constantly, put him in an appropriately-sized kennel (meaning it's big enough for him to turn around and lay down in, but small enough to deter him from pooping). Learning a dog's behavior patterns, and schedule also really helps an owner resolve most common issues encountered. Your tone of voice is your biggest training aid when applauding use a pleased tone, and a firm tone when stating No (but ensure youre not yelling). But, if you're considering getting such a dog, be ready for lots and lots of play time! I, too, have learned lessons about unconditional love from a pet that I didn't know before getting my first pet so late in life. lol Tanks for the visit. Never one to give up, I hired a second trainer who was convinced that clicker training and treats would turn negative behavior into a more positive one. and we will interrupt the behavior and take him outside. Hi Jaye. Research and help report new scam websites at Dog training links, discussions and questions are encouraged and content related to other species is welcome too. The first to greet me, loves to play and snuggle and the kindest to the baby.but.she defies training! To the point of ruining clothing and leaving scrapes all over us. It is a love that lasts a lifetime and shows us the best and worst of who we are. He has a spot that he goes in more frequently than others, but he won't hesitate to go someplace else. However, I have a horse friend next door, that I am getting to know. Linda Crist (author) from Central Virginia on April 01, 2013: Hi Shauna, yes, Luna is my kid, the one my mother wished on me. I'm sorry your baby has eye problems but it sounds like she found the right home. 2. I am unfamiliar with an Irish greyhound and cannot compare them to an Italian greyhound. 3. Were definitely going to give that a shot. They seem to know when we need them and just show up. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. The first two years of sharing my home with Luna were almost more than I could handle. It is more reliable to train them with regular but short sessions throughout the day. How wrong I was. It never took my pup more than 3 times in a row of going to time out to understand that his behavior needs to change. Thinking back over the years, I am sure that she has never judged me for not greeting her with the same enthusiasm she showed me sometimes. 4. 3. These punishments should be completely avoided for an Italian Greyhounds: Behavior problems often develop when a dog becomes withdrawn or fearful due to the above punishments being used. She was very brave, but I always knew that. I'll list the problems we have been seeing below: Bathroom issues: He has decided that our living room is his preferred place to go to the bathroom. My little Ella is very much like that, sweet, loveable, sensitive. Training your Italian Greyhound should not be done in long sessions. If they are attacked, they stand little chance of survival. Her last month was a hard one as she developed tumors on various parts of her little body. Content can not be copied, reproduced or duplicated without prior written consent. She was scheduled for surgery to remove the tumors and to get a pathological diagnosis. 2. She had come to teach me something, but it would be a while before I understood. Whether youre a first time dog parent or are an experienced dog owner, you can learn more about training an Italian Greyhound on this site. If it's the latter, it sounds like he has been scolded for pooping in front of people at some point in his life and now thinks that he should only poop when we aren't looking- super difficult for potty training! Losing your Italian Greyhound pet can be traumatic both for you and your Italian Greyhound. Dry the tears. Italian Greyhounds are generally fine with gentle children over the age of 8. Luna at just 9 weeks old, one week after she came to me. I don't miss the long hair and all the grooming it required, and she looks pretty sleek. Make that the best thing in the world for him using high value treats and toys to reward him for that desired behavior. Its recommended to train an Italian Greyhound 3-5 times a day for 5-minute sessions. lol. Report your lost pet information on the Pet Reunite Lost & Found website here. 4. It will take some time and will be difficult but with our guide on how to potty train an Italian Greyhound pup, you will get there faster than later. The trainer failed, too. I love schnauzer's too. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Whenever I find myself in over my head I typically turn to reddit for some direction. Some of them can have big attitudes packed in those tiny bodies. Spray Bottle - Misting the dog with water often deters barking or other undesired behaviors.
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