There is no longer any sort of per-container 10GB limit. Docker will take a moment to restart. Was on WSL2 docker. If you are running out of space in Examples: After the device is configured and attached to the guest, add the following to daemon.json: The initialization results can be verified with docker info. and docker version What happens when Docker container starts filling up? With this approach the heaviest application (container) would dictate the size for the rest of the containers, e.g., if I want to have 100 containers on my infrastructure and one of them is a data intensive application requiring 100 GB of space, I would have to set the base device size (dm.basesize=100G) to 100 GB. I have read that the disk space is 10GB by default, supposedly this limit is dropped with overlay2. loop-lvm mode uses a loopback device for storage, but this is a configuration that is only appropriate for testing. One of the practical impacts of this is that there is no longer a per-container storage limit: all containers have access to all the space under There seems to be a base device for each running container. Many users add Volumes instead of growing the base device, which is why they havent used this feature yet. With this feature we can expand the Base device size on daemon restart to 20 GB. so I am interested in how do I configure base size per container. In the output when building, I am getting this message: The current workaround I have is to pipe larger sections of the RUN command in the dockerfile to /dev/null i.e. And start a container on this new Fedora image: As we can see, the container rootfs size is now 20GB. But in my case, I have one container which needs more disk space than other containers. and second, this excerpt from dockerd documentation: Specifies the size to use when creating the base device, which limits the size of images and containers. privacy statement. This is expected behavior. You signed in with another tab or window. docker build Now lets start a Fedora container and see if we get the new container rootfs size: Why is the container still showing 10GB of container rootfs size? Thin pool block and thin pool block size. Twitter This feature would allow us to expand the base device size on daemon restart, which means all future images and containers (based on those new images) will be of new size. What is metadata in this context? See the documentation for more information about the overlay2 storage driver. aufs) in default /var/lib/docker directory. You would need a device mapper (not yet implemented) or at least a container data volume manager like flocker (available) to try and set limits per container (or at least container cluster). What if I want my container rootfs (device) size to be 20 GB? As we saw above even after restarting the daemon with the new base device size (storage-opt dm.basesize=20G), we would still need to update all the existing images in order for new containers to reap benefits of this new size. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and The documentation contained below and throughout this site has been retained for historical purposes, but can no longer be guaranteed to be accurate. storage driver. Users of Atomic Host are encouraged to join the CoreOS community on the Fedora CoreOS communication channels. to your account. This mode is faster than using loopback devices, uses system resources more efficiently, and block devices can grow as needed. dm.basesize All new containers would not have the increased rootfs size. All future images and containers would be a snapshot of this base device. So lets remove the existing Fedora image and update it from the registry. But in my case, I have one container which needs more disk space than other containers. How can I change this size? So what is this base device size? Since these limitations are fairly serious, I have developed a better solution where we can grow the container rootfs at docker create/run time. Shouldnt we be getting 20 GB? The data that is maintained in /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/metadata? , but some might want a fix for For those who use Mac, here's an easier solution: Click "Preference" from Docker icon in the status bar: Then navigate to "Disk" tab, adjust the disk image size with the slider. I eventually figured it out but I'll document my Solution below. . the docker rmi
docker increase base device size