They have incredible energy for medium-sized dogs; some can efficiently run in the woods for four hours plus, and others love running with their owner for 2 miles each day. The very moment he looks back, use your recall command. Be sure that you start off gradually. 3) Gradual training, just like a human, is the best way to go. After your dog retrieves the object (toy, stick, or ball), he will look for you to return the object to you. Weimarainers, german shorthaired pointers, and Rhodesian ridgebacks could all run with any human, even Geb, but if you want something smaller to go long and fast a vizsla is made for it. If you are active, you and your Brittany Spaniel are a good match, but how do you begin including your pet. Always pick up after your dog. However, if your dog begins slowing down or limping, its time to stop exercising and walk home. Shalane Flanagan confirmed as Oregon assistant coach, 2022 College Track & Field Open Coaching Positions Discussion. There is nothing he loves more than seeing where his nose takes him. Brittany Spaniels were bred initially as hunting dogs in the Brittany region of north-western France. they post, and view their posts in one place. I started running after we had him for several years, so I don't know when you can start. STEP 1. Top Triathletes Alex Yee and Hayden Wilde both ridiculously fast runners! Keep in mind that your dog needs as much water as you, perhaps even more. The first day you go running or jogging with your dog, start with around ten minutes at a slow to moderate pace. Running is also a mood lifter. Several Charlie puppies run for the first time at Pennsylvania Brittany Club, With five week old pups on the ground, Annie takes second at Pennsylvania Brittany Club, 03. Your Brittany is a bit more prone to certain kinds of cancer starting at a younger age. You should expect to brush it biweekly to avoid too much dog hair in the house. Most German Shepherds are perfectly fine with other dogs in their family, mainly if German Shepherds spend most of their time with their mother and litter-mates for the first four weeks of their lives. Just found your Flikr site. In warm weather, its best to go for early morning runs with your dog before the intense heat of the day. If you research online forums on this subject, you will see owners regaling Brittany Spaniels as ideal running partners. The worst thing is to be completely helpless if confronted by another dog. Our male Britt is 10 yrs now, He has been known to run, and once he got loose you could only hope to catch up to him with a car. The Brittany can be restless and prone to excessive barking or roaming. I had to remind myself to not overdo it, because they will just keep up. Please, PLEASEdon't post nasty notes about how cruel I am to my dog. However, you can move things up a gear with active fetch. When To Train Your Brittany Spaniel To run With You. This is especially a concern with puppies. I never had problem with pads, because he was always on side of road in dirt or darting in and out of woods. I have a Brittany now and when she was small there was a time or two I had to chase her around the neighborhood. Also, you don't want the dog to be dragging your around on your run; that just sucks. Running is great for your dogs health and yours. I know some people will say it's cruel to use an e-collar on dogs but it does not hurt them and certainly doesnt cause any long term damage. Once you get it all jacked up you need to keep burning energy. Are Brittanys Good Guard Dogs? In this neonatal stage, German Shepherd puppies get all the nutrients they need if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'petdogfaq_com-box-1','ezslot_8',170,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petdogfaq_com-box-1-0')};report this adHaving been a dog owner most of my life we are passionate about our dogs and love sharing everything we learn about them. We've had several dogs, going from a Poodle to a Rottweiler and at this moment we've got a brown Labrador and a Dalmatian. An hour or two a day of running and walking will help you both get in shape for the event. They're not too big to stay in the house or travel with you in your car if you have a passion for hunting. Your dog may pull ahead or lag behind, but with time and practice, you should run in sync with each other. I don't think there's a time when she doesn't hunt when she's outside. (permalink), Just a quick add-on to the subject of electric collars: what finally decided it for me was the thought of her running out onto a road and getting hit by a car. These dogs are more in line with setters and pointers than spaniels because of their love of running and boisterousness. Remember to bring plastic bags should your buddy need to go while youre running. These dogs are ideal running companions due to their love of strenuous exercise, eagerness to please, and be close to their humans. Beautiful dogs, 20 miles is nothing, they are still trotting at 6min pace, but too much energy for most situations. Its never a good idea to overdo exercise and risk injuring your buddy. Are brittany spaniels good with children? Additionally, never run on hot asphalt or hot sand with your companion as it is too hot for his paws. For a hunting Brittany you're lucky if he gives you half a second of attention every few minutes. Chase is a simple and straightforward game involving your dog chasing you while you run. Dang! Do they often just run away? 2022, LLC. Just my opinion. Seek immediate veterinary attention if your Brittany Spaniel shows any heatstroke signs. Known for their hunting skills; the Brittany Spaniel has a great sense of smell and ability to work for long hours. You can always alternate between walking or jogging for short distances to increase speed and distance gradually. Lucy Starts Her Field Trial Career off with a Bang! However, you can move things up a gear with active fetch. Questions: First, at what age should the Brittany be in order to safely do runs of over just a couple miles? Puppies can only manage running and playing in short spurts as they are just developing and their bones grow. Jogging can also help keep destructive behaviors at bay. I came across an How many other Brittanies do a laying pose that I call the "long dog?" If you are ambiguous about what your dog can manage, opt for slow short runs until he improves his endurance for more. ages ago Equally, beware of cold surfaces and avoid roads treated with salt as they can sting sensitive paws and make your dog sick if he licks it off. When you go to a park or even for a jog around the neighborhood, you have no idea if dogs that have been in the area are current on their shots. They will not want to participate in 'games' (read training sessions) that are not fun and rewarding. ages ago A vet can examine your dog for health issues before they become worse by running. 20 milers with you? You should expect some shedding all-year-round. These dogs are ideal running companions due to their love of strenuous exercise, eagerness to please, and be close to their humans. How much could a silver back gorilla bench. Brittanys are extremely intelligent. Puppies can only manage running and playing in short spurts as they are just developing and their bones grow. Your Brittany Spaniel can run when he is about 12 months of age, but it would help to consult your vet before you take him running with you. They hunted and retrieved game birds alongside their owners. Their medium size 30 to 40 pounds and 17 to 20 inches tall is attractive to families and sportsmen alike. Are brittany spaniels good with other dogs? I wouldn't do this with a dogzilla or a hunter who dives after every squirrel, but for my dog and I it works great. Consider that temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit can be uncomfortable for your dog. link to Can German Shepherd Puppies Eat Apples? 6) Make sure your dog is current on all shots. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Cropping Doberman Ears? Its best to allow your dog to explore before running as it helps him warm-up and will enable him to eliminate before you go. edited this topic ages ago. (permalink), We used a collar on our Brittany in the beginning also. an Its understandable to want your energetic Brittany Spaniel to run or jog with you, especially since they love racing and chasing. We live on 10 acres in the country and Nick has learned to stay in his yard. Examine your pets paws after exercising for any cuts or bruises. As a dog enthusiast, I would just like to second a couple of points people have been making: 1)8-12 months is a good age for a sporting dog to begin running "long" distance. When he makes it all the way to you, don't just leash him and move on, you need to act like he just did the single best thing any dog has ever done in the history of dogs. As a kid, mine had energy to burn on my short runs, and would actually hang quite nicely on much faster 3-4 mile bike rides downtown and to school. ages ago Answered by Imogene Ziemann on Sat, May 8, 2021 5:33 AM, FAQ. Its better to start with a leash that offers space of about three to six inches, as it gives enough room for your dog to without allowing him to wander. It was the first time I ever had to use one with a dog so I was really reluctant to even entertain the idea, but once we started to work with her with it, I was VERY grateful that they had even been invented!!!!! They are also very eager to please their owners, I dought they would Run Away. Liver or orange, field dog or show dog, post your photos of fine examples of this beautiful (and/or goofy) breed here. They love to run, jump, and play, and are rarely mean. Good luck with your search for a new member of the family. questions: Brittany Spaniels are obedient, intelligent, affectionate, and gentle which makes them a great family pet. I've done some research about the Brittany Spaniel, and I've heard several times that they don't really like to come back when they're off walking/running. He held up fine for 5-7 miles, but I never tried to take him longer. A good bird dog will never come all the way back to you on his own unless he needs medical attention. questions. answer to the question Do brittany spaniels run away? often ask the following I qualify that statement because adopted dogs can have a lot of problems that will preclude them from ever doing distance, so get her checked by a vet. Since dogs dont cool themselves efficiently, use common sense on a scorching hot day. I LOVE dogs, I love MY dogs and would never do anything to hurt them. One word gets her off the couch in a flash with much yelping. Now she knows how far she can go without getting in trouble with us, if she does go too far all we have to do is tell her "Whoa!" Brittanys also make excellent hunting companions or pets for single people. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'petdogfaq_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',132,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petdogfaq_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')};So if you love running or jogging, youre in good company with a Brittany Spaniel. (permalink). Keep in mind that while running is an excellent form of exercise for people and dogs, its essential to do it right. 7) Learn to walk and run with your dog comfortably on a leash. Once you have registered, its essential to train during the weeks and days leading up to the marathon. More than most other breeds, Brittanys need a great deal of companionship and do not like being left alone for more than a few hours. Before then they are growing too fast and long runs may cause joint problems later on. Are brittany spaniels good apartment dogs? Pause for a fraction of a second then repeat your recall command. For some reason you weren't going to where the birds might be but you were making lots of useful noises to keep him informed about where you were. If you learn to train your dog correctly, you will undoubtedly improve his health, vitality, and happiness, not to mention the unique bond for both of you. These races involve running for short distances and many benefit charities. Another variation involves competing with your dog in retrieving the object. Cancer is a leading cause of death among dogs in their golden years. (it should not be in tension). Keep in mind that your dog needs as much water as you, perhaps even more. Always pick up after your dog. Cooling down slowly is as essential as warming up. All rights reserved. We have searched the web for all the pet dog questions we could find and have put them all into this ultimate resource for learning everything about your dog, or information when trying to find the right one. Ever been to Crufts? This breed thrives within active families, and they require several jogs or long walks each day. We got our Britttany when she was 2 years old she was returned to the breeder from another family. Chase is a simple and straightforward game involving your dog chasing you while you run. You'll like not having to hold it, and your dog will like not having it constantly swinging. A year and half, depending on the dog's physical condition when you actually get her, is old enough to start running. Some air-born virus, such as parvo, can be deadly. In general, dogs should not run long distances before the age of 8-12 months (depending on the breed). After a strenuous run, a walk the last measure to calm and cool down tired muscles. I've done some research about the Brittany Spaniel, and I've heard several times Who shows their dogs? Training Your Brittany Spaniel To Run With You (Step-By-Step). P.S., when I was married I had a Short-Haired Pointer, which has got to be the best running dog ever, but she was absolutley insane, too much. After your dog retrieves the object (toy, stick, or ball), he will look for you to return the object to you. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petdogfaq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_14',133,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petdogfaq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0')};if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petdogfaq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_15',133,'0','1'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petdogfaq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0_1')};.mobile-leaderboard-1-multi-133{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Your Brittany Spaniel can run when he is about 12 months of age, but it would help to consult your vet before you take him running with you. Dogs love to run and to keep it cooped up until it's a year old is not good for the dog. If you click it, you'll go home, Images from this Group being Published on Another Site. Who is attempting the 5000 WR at Brussels? The latest running news, sent to your inbox weekly. The same rules apply when walking. DO NOT GET ANY DOG ON IMPULSE. Provide context for this post report if relevant. (permalink), We also use an e-collar on Nick. Most of the time dogs don't survive heat stroke, and you really don't want to watch a dog die from it. ages ago It has a single-layered coat which means it does not shed extensively in the main shedding seasons either. link to 15 Dogs German Shepherds Get Along With. Allow your dog to have time exploring or using the bathroom before bringing him back inside. (permalink). However, he will never run off unless he knows exactly where we are. The word is "cat". Flickr logo. It's not an easy decision to make, but I stand by the one we made. I usually tell non Brittany owners about 5 years . If I thought it would do any good, I'd put up a post to say: As an owner of a Brittany Spaniel, you must match their stamina and provide opportunities for them to burn energy. My new owners don't quite know what breed I am they kind of guess it's mo People assume that my Brittany is a Springer all the time or tell me that my Bri Hi all, It can prevent obesity, build muscle, get you fit, and increase stamina. that's an awesome dog. I guess I would say you just have to keep a very close watch on them. A Brittany Spaniel should be able to run moderately long distances with you (5-8 milesm, dependent on the individual dog), but just like a person, the progression should be gradual. Thanks for the information. If your dog is truly running away and getting lost, you need intervention from a professional trainer. Using the collar is very minor compared to the way alot of people treat their animals on a daily basis. Before running, you must ensure your dog is well-trained and able to obey all your commands. Use common sense, and if the dog looks like she's struggling STOP. Allow your dog to have time exploring or using the bathroom before bringing him back inside. Visit our moderation dashboard to view statistics on our moderating activity. Are brittany spaniels good family dogs with cats? But, again, starting low impact is key. It made a huge difference in her and us. Observe your dogs reaction to any exercise increase; understand that you should never force your dog to run more than he can. STEP 4. This will take a lot of practice and it's best to start training right away. As a general rule of thumb, don't feed your dog for two hours before exercising and wait at least an hour after exercising before feeding. If you have a question or concern, email us at or call us at our toll-free phone number: View our Terms Of Service for a complete description of our forum policies. She wasn't running away, just exploring, investigating, chasing squirrels and then she found an open field and had a blast running around.but she came back. Let's look at this "problem" from the dog's point of view: You took him in the woods or in a field so you must be hunting. IMO, if you are good to your dog and your dog is happy and loves you, it will not run away. (permalink), I agree with nikkistill; our Brittany is going on 6 (although her energy is still of a pup) and when we're out on walks, she's very busy exploring and hunting. My idea of away from roads is at least a mile. This breed thrives within active families, and they require several jogs or long walks each day. If you research online forums on this subject, you will see owners regaling Brittany Spaniels as ideal running partners. Your dog may need to eliminate during a run. Your Brittany Spaniel must be able to walk on a loose leash, and he should behave well during a walk. When I actually run with the dogs, I've never gone much more than 4-5 miles because I don't think its particularly good for them, especially on hard surfaces. Note: Brittany dogs shed moderately. Your Brittany Spaniel must be able to walk on a loose leash, and he should behave well during a walk. If you learn to train your dog correctly, you will undoubtedly improve his health, vitality, and happiness, not to mention the unique bond for both of you. You really don't need to tell me that a dog (and yes, even Chihuahua's, you should know) needs to "do" something, definitely gun dogs like Brittanies. Its also crucial for your dog to be well-socialized before you take him running to ensure he doesnt react adversely to dogs, people, wild animals, sights, sounds, and other distractions. Of course, the well loved / cared for dogs will TRY to return home when they are done with their excursion, but in the process, he or she could get lost, hit by a car, attacked by other dogs, taken by a stranger, etc.. Because of their happy, friendly nature, Brittanys are good with children and other pets. Internal and External Parasite Prevention. If you are ambiguous about what your dog can manage, opt for slow short runs until he improves his endurance for more. Anyway, we're absolutely nutty about our Britt & I'm sure you will be too when you bring yours home. It takes time for Brittany Spaniel to trust his humans and get to the stage where he enjoys running with his owner. (permalink), thanks a lot for the information! Brittany spaniels make good running partners. But that nose carries them whereever it leads. We turned her loose, let her run her heart out and lured her back to our truck by just being there. Equally, beware of cold surfaces and avoid roads treated with salt as they can sting sensitive paws and make your dog sick if he licks it off. ages ago But their guarding begins and ends with sounding the alarm. Brittany Spaniels excel in several canine sports such as obedience, field trial, and agility. Its always best to keep your Brittany Spaniel on a leash when running. Consider the following three running activities for you and your dog to enjoy together: A traditional game of fetch is one of the most definitive activities for the owner and dogs enjoyment. He knows where you are. NFL does it again - Watson gets 6 gamesSIX. ages ago Of course, we got Tara last year and she is to put it kindly, "a high drive" girl. Those who are looking Sean Brosnan Leaving Newbury Park for UCLA!!! STEP 1. Very few Brittanys will truly run away. YOU need to be in control during the run because chances are you'll bump into other dogs along your route. They are considered mid-sized sporting dogs and live 10 to 13 years, on average, according to It all sounds very positive and reasonable. Then, when you have your dogs attention, start running away. Active breeds like the Brittany Spaniel do not take well to being indoors for prolonged periods; it makes them bored and often results in unwanted behavior. This breed deserves a peaceful, harmonious home. Its also crucial for your dog to be well-socialized before you take him running to ensure he doesnt react adversely to dogs, people, wild animals, sights, sounds, and other distractions. I love my two Britts and take very good care of them, but one's a runner and the other isn't. In warm weather, its best to go for early morning runs with your dog before the intense heat of the day. Wait for that moment when he looks back to check in. Registration fees are usually inexpensive, and the race is normally finished within an hour or two. 5) Be careful of bloat. Your dog should run beside or slightly in front of you, and if she starts drifting back behind then it's time to stop. Which gets me thinking maybe it's time to spark things up a bit and bring a pup home ourselves ;) You can invest in a hands-free leash to make exercising with your dog easier for you. I am not a dog expert but I have had dogs most of my life. As an owner of a Brittany Spaniel, you must match their stamina and provide opportunities for them to burn energy. I hunt my dogs aggressively, and track them with a GPS collar, and they routinely do that kind of distance, although I make sure to water them often and never run them that much if its over 60 degrees or so. You must match their stamina and provide opportunities for them to burn energy years she. Is well-trained and able to walk and run with you in your car if you have your dogs health yours! Fine for 5-7 miles, but how do you begin including your pet variation involves competing with your dog like. 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do brittany spaniels run away