the breed standard. The Chihuahua should move swiftly with a firm, sturdy action, with good reach in front equal to the drive from the rear. 25, 34 36 MOVEMENTp. American Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Association. function enlarge(x) { Jeanne Williamson (formerly Flora) is an established artist specializing in multiple aspects of canine and equine artwork, but has the versatility to complete work in any field. Strengths of one variety are the same in the other; an unwanted weakness in one is not acceptable in the other. She serves on the Boards for several regional Specialty and All-Breed clubs and is a past Board member of NKCUSA. Shoulders should be well up, giving balance and soundness, sloping into a level back (never down or low). LogosClip ArtWearable ArtIllustrated Breed StandardsIllustration ServicesCommissioned Artwork for personal or commercial use. Appearance: A graceful, alert, Pen and ink drawings for theDoberman Pinscher Illustrated Standard. Review a Presentation of the Standard with notes at your own pace with this link. Ears Large, erect type ears, held more upright when alert, but flaring to the sides at a 45 degree angle when in repose, giving breadth between the ears. ~ ii Health Disclaimer. America was not organized until Feb. 1, 1923 - some 19 years after the breed By creating an account, you agree to our terms and conditions. The 1985 FCI Standard states, its diminutive size, however, does not excuse any deformity, deciency, or lack of harmony. stock and show stock are the same. Many were purchased from the area of Chihuahua, ergo, the breeds name, Chihuahua. Her career evolved over the years from all breed professional handler, pet grooming shop owner, handling instructor, professional ring steward, licensed show superintendent, to an approved AKC judge of the Sporting and Working Groups, and Herding, Hound and Non-Sporting breeds, as well as Jr. Showmanship and BIS, to date. American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club Illustrated Standard, Drawings were completed in September of 2019 for the American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club Illustrated Standard. bodies are preferred in males. It is hoped that the information will aid in the recognition of the characteristics and attributes that dene the Chihuahua. Molera: In the center of the skull a She has been involved with purebred dogs ever since. this breed, have all but disappeared. Mission~ tail on an otherwise good Chihuahua! descended from the Chinese Crested breed. Gait: Let us try to clarify the sentence correct ear placement.). Doing business with integrity and originality since 1990. ii NetPlacesNetwork Gait: the rear and plenty of reach in the front, with head carried high. AKC Field Trials, AKC Hunt Tests, AKC Herding Tests, and Barn Hunt. Color: One of the most fascinating aspects of the Chihuahua is the variation of Tail Full and long (as a plume). The official standard does not even 1992 American Rottweiler Club, Pen and Ink drawings with shading overlay for the UKC American Rat Terrier Association Illustrated Standard. My job, as an illustrator, is to portray the "blueprint" of the breed under the guidance of the breed club mentors and the written standard for the breed. Disqualifications Docked tail, bobtail. coat Chihuahua and should not resemble any other toy breed. Jeanne Williamson with rights upon completion to The Havanese Club of America. recognized by the AKC in 1904. The work continues under the new name. angle when in Her club affiliation credits block away and its shrill bark has been known to scare off would-be burglars. Sardinia and Venice for a very long time - and it is assumed that explorers Our breeding flaring ears, apple domed head and good spread of ribs. In Long Coats, too thin coat that resembles bareness. humped back. The illustrations are pencil with shaded overlay. Approved August 12, 2008 back to Mayan, Toltec and Aztec Civilizations. All rights reserved. If, instead, the judge concentrates on faults, the dog that wins may have the least faults, but may not have the most desired qualities, and may not be the best dog in the ring. 3 4 HISTORYp. 10 11 SIZEp. The AKC rst recognized the varieties (with trophies) at the Sesqui- Centennial in 1926. Eyes Full, round, but not protruding, balanced, set well apart-luminous dark or luminous ruby. There The Official AKC Breed Standard may be downloaded here. A well rounded apple dome skull, with or without molera. Coat placed well over body with ruff on neck preferred, and more scanty on head and ears. (Light eyes in blond or white dogs (Heavier coats with undercoats permissible.) The standard is specic about how all the parts are related to each other and how the parts should t and work. the perfect position by saying if the angle is taken from the center of the Her journey has included breeding champion Kooikerhondjes with Best in Show wins, Sporting Group wins, many Group placements and MACH agility titles. Vizsla Club of America. breed was still showing the results of mixed breeding. 22 25 BODYp. especially true in Mexico today. 26 PASTERNSp. Stop Well defined. } It is easy to describe Copyright Illustrated Standard. Study of the breeds origin have uncovered Chihuahua-like images in many parts and times of the world, including China, Egypt, Europe, Malta, Mexico, and South America; some dating, perhaps, from the ninth century. Disqualification Any dog over 6 pounds in weight. track." It is generally accepted that Chihuahuas originated in Mexico, dating She has since bred several litters and imported dogs from Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. The Breed Snapshot on the left, is an illustration that highlights important points of the breed standard. Hair on tail preferred furry. - authors' bios below. To date, I have been commissioned by the following breed clubs which represents the highest number of illustrated breed standards completed by a single artist: Norwegian Elkhound Association of America, Akita Club of America (new project began in 2016), Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America, American Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Association, English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association. 15 EYESp. Topline Level. Judges should approach a Chihuahua on the table in a straight-forward manner, NOT TENNATIVELY. If there is concern regarding the dogs stability, the judge should rst offer the back of the hand. That is It is always the hope that it will be a tool for the individual breed club that will be well used and held as a guide for many years. The illustrations are pencil with shaded overlay. D. Hooks has been a breeder/exhibitor of long coat Chihuahuas since 1969 and Carol Brown got involved in dog shows because of a daughter who loved dogs and started her show career at age 12. This well illustrated little manual is both an easy read as well as a reference. The illustrations are pencil with shaded overlay. Deborah served on the Breed Standard and Judges Education committees for the parent club to prepare the AKC Breed Standard for recognition in 2018. the world traces its ancestry to purely American bloodlines. 26 27, 31 32 FOREQUARTERSp. In moles, blues and chocolates they are self-colored. 2001-2021 20091211, SSI Let's talk about dog & horse art! function enlarge(x) { p. 19 20 BITEp. When evaluating the Chihuahua, except for disqualications, and deviations of the bite as specied, one fault is no worse than another; a better approach is to add up the good qualities and discern which dog is closest to the ideal. and sturdy. Coat placed well over body with As a handler, she finished dogs in all seven groups; as a judge, she exhibits her love of dogs and people, and always tries to help and encourage new people, especially Juniors, in the sport and dog fancy. This gives a is also sable, brindle, shades of silver fawn, a perfectly peachy fawn and There are several points we would Overshot or chest. Pen and ink drawings for the Giant Schnauzer Illustrated Standard. Jeanne Williamson with rights upon completion to the Dogo Argentinoe Club of America. Illustrated standard for dog breed clubs is a special field of art focusing on drawings for judges' education, breeders, exhibitors, and students of the breed. The Chihuahua Club of America, Inc. views the judging and breeding of Chihuahuas as serious and important. of shoulder to point of buttocks, than height at the withers. Publication is pending completion of the booklet by the club. stop, the ears would be equivalent to the hands of a clock showing the time at The illustrations are pencil with shaded overlay. This gives a well developed chest and strength of forequarters. Publication is pending upon completion by the club. 21 22, 34 TOPLINEp. S. Buckman has been a breeder/exhibitor of Chihuahuas and a member of Muzzle Moderately short, slightly pointed. in the public art galleries of Europe. Proportion The body is off-square; hence, slightly longer when measured from point of shoulder to point of buttocks, than height at the withers. necessary .In the early days of this century the chief breeds used for the Color Breeders shape the future of the breed. 27 28 HINDQUARTERSp. Feet: A small dainty foot with toes Our new AKC standard The examination should be done deliberately without being heavy handed. General The foundation drawing of the side standing dog has been completed as of January 2020 for the Japanese Akita Club of America Illustrated Standard. long coats, too thin coat that resembles bareness. Weight: A well-balanced little dog not Alert, projecting the terrier-like attitudes of self importance, confidence, self-reliance. The standard has been revised several times; 1934, 1954, 1972, and 1990. Illustrated standard for dog breed clubs is a special field of art focusing on drawings for judges' education, breeders, exhibitors, and students of the breed. (#234, p33) At the 1949 Chihuahua Specialty held in Chicago in conjunction with the Western Specialty Clubs Association, the entry was 109. The Chihuahua Club of America, Inc. has prepared this Illustrated Standard with the expectation that it will help with decisions made by judges and, breeders. The illustrations are pencil with shaded overlay. The Chihuahua Club of America. gait action. She has served on the Breed Standard and Judges Education committees for NKCUSA, working toward the goal now realized: becoming fully recognized in the Sporting Group in January 2018. This publication does not constitute any change in the existing Ofcial Standard adopted by the Chihuahua Club of America in 1990. Other sketches American Rat Terrier Association. permissible.). of dogs, one for breeding and the other for showing. chestiness, and strength of forequarters, yet not of the "bulldog" The legs, both front and rear, will tend to converse slightly toward a central Illustrations have been completed and publication by the Siberian Husky Club of America is pending. Eyes: Full but not protruding, balanced, Your $20 Membership supports the world's first public website (1998) and free information provided by our international Science and Advisory Board. Whatever its origin, the modern smooth coat Chihuahua has been 13 18 HEADp. American Toy Fox Terrier Club, Pencil drawings with shading overlays for the Portuguese Water Dog Illustrated Standard. remember that the breed is not related nor descended from the Mexican THE CHIHUAHUA STANDARDWITH ILLUSTRATION AND ELABORATION. Download with this link. "square" dogs better! Judges grade each entrys percentage of excellence and award the points that. Pasterns Strong. that regardless of the standard, the judges seem to like the Judges and breeders are the stewards of the Chihuahua qualities that the standard details and owners. The long coat Chihuahua is entirely an American-made breed and to . 5 8, 38 Basicsp. (The Chihuahua should be groomed only to create a neat appearance.) 10, 13 SUBSTANCEp. From the rear, the hocks remain parallel to each other, and the foot fall of the rear legs follows directly behind that of the forelegs. Weight A well balanced little dog not to exceed 6 pounds. For the year 2000, the breed ranked 8th in popularity; 43,096 were registered; 388 attained championships, 20 earned obedience titles. Publication is pending completion of the booklet by the club. Sheryl is an AKC Bronze Breeder of Merit of Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes. Ears: Large, erect type ears, held 10 11 WEIGHT. 33 35 COLORp. The Illustrated Standard is a 45 page PDF describing not only the AKC Nederlandse Kooikerhondje standard but also its historic function and purpose as well as the dogs importance in Dutch history. Weak pasterns, feet too long and thin, underbelly too tucked up, The NKC-SC and NKC-NC clubs cooperate to present the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje Breed education. English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association. The strength of the Chihuahua rests entirely in the hands of Luckily in the Chihuahua standard there is nothing laid down that is over-exaggerated and which could be detrimental to the breed in any way. Emphasis should not be placed on one fault or virtue to the detriment of seeing the total dog, which is complete only with all of its parts. We think this is a pretty good testimony of the Chihuahua marked change for the better, with more breeders recognizing the true Any color - solid, marked or (#8, p64). Feet A small, dainty foot with toes well split up but not spread, pads cushioned. The Chihuahua must rely on its breeders and judges to insure it. corresponding to the hands of a clock set at 10 minutes to 2; base of ears in The American standard is world wide and probably every registered Chihuahua in the world traces to purely American blood. Become A Charter Member! Up until 1935, there was a strong terrier She is ready to assist your club toward successful completion of your illustrated standard project in a timely and professional way. Sheryl Fullers first Nederlandse Kooikerhondje was acquired from a litter in the United States. By Sallie S. Buckman & Martha D. Hooks The choice of a Chihuahua as a companion and perhaps as a show dog is most often based upon the breeds description, contained in its Standard. weak ear leather, but never down). Drawings were completed for the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Illustrated Standard in early 2019 and the project is awaiting publication by the club. is too easily accomplished to the general detriment of the breed. Hindquarters Japanese Akita Club of America. stifles in the rear knees) and a serious hereditary fault known as hip Spinone Club of America Illustrated Standard. Publication is pending completion of the booklet by the club. Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, Pencil drawings with shaded overlay completed for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Illustrated Breed Standard. Jeanne Williamson with rights upon completion to the Lagotto Romagnolo Club of America. Chihuahuas have also been trained to be "hearing" dogs for hearing impaired people. "double-track," and as speed increases, the dog will "single Tail: Moderately long, carried sickle like to discuss: Head: An apple domed head is more shaped Chihuahua Club. 40 PARTS of the CHIHUAHUAp. it depends on the place from which the angle is taken. in the standard about the front and rear legs tending to converge toward a The feet are as in front. 16 MUZZLEp. In moles, blues, and chocolates, they are self-colored. (Heavily fringed ears may be tipped slightly, if due to the fringes and not to should be in line with the center of the eye and base of the skull. Bite Level or scissors. of the tail! Type, temperament, and soundness are fundamental to each breed. Snow Bunny dCasa de Cris. 1995Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America, Pen and ink drawings for the American Toy Fox Terrier Illustrated Standard. Cris (Featured in the "Fondest Memories" section of the 1992 She has owned dogs in every Group, but has been most active showing English Setters in conjunction with Joyce Weichsl under the kennel name Edwardian Intarsia. Norwegian Elkhound Association of America. English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association. nish champions, the foremost genetic contributors to the breed. Drawings were completed in September of 2019 for the American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club Illustrated Standard. Nose: In blond types self-colored or The world's 1st online dog news, from AKC records to zoological news. the dedicated breeders who strive, with each breeding, to produce dogs meeting It is simply an interpretation. Blue eyes or a difference in the color of the iris in the two eyes, or two different colors within one iris should be considered a serious fault. Martha Cheeks and jaws lean. (resembling the Chihuahua) in their paintings and many of these can be found set too low on head, giving a dumb appearance (see clock illustration for markings in different combinations of fawn and white and blue and white. 16 NOSEp. Exclusive content copyright 1990 - 2018 Argostar. set well apart-luminous or luminous ruby. Carol is a member of both the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje Club of Northern California (NKC-NC) and the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje Club of Southern California (NKC-SC). 67 pencil drafts completed and delivered in 1999. and the foot fall of the rear legs fall directly behind that of the forelegs. our world nor in our dogs' world! should remain firm and the backline level as the dog moves. American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club. The side view shows good, strong drive in include being a board member of the Chihuahua Club of Alabama since 1972 and With over 25 years experience in this very specialized field, Jeanne Williamson's (formerly Flora) resume includes more illustrated standard projects than any other single artist in the field. Doing business with integrity and originality since 1990. The Chihuahua Club of America. Drawings completed in pencil with shading overlays for the Black Russian Terrier Illustrated Standard. References (): the rst number (#) indicates the reference source # as listed on pages 39- 40; the P. indicates the page within the source that contains the quoted reference. Jeanne Williamson with rights upon completion to the Akita Club of America. colors - anything goes! To promote and educate AKC judges and fanciers according to the AKC approved Breed Standard in order to preserve the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje in its original form as from the country of origin. Today, however, the long coat should have all the true features of the smooth Genetically speaking, we think this is A missing tooth or two is permissible. line of gravity as speed increases. (never tucked between legs). Docked tail, bobtail. She is ready to assist your club toward successful completion of your illustrated standard project in a timely and professional way. It is also a terrific watchdog. Shoulders Lean, sloping into a slightly broadening support above straight forelegs that set well under, giving free movement at the elbows. foot.). My work with breed club illustrated standard and judges' education committees, has afforded the opportunity to meet and work with some wonderful and knowledgeable people. (#23, p42) Smooth Coats and Long Coats were divided into varieties in 1952. We do not believe in double standards in "rat-tail" and the flat, furry tail. Breeding tiny males to Neck: Slightly arched and gracefully Angulation Should equal that of forequarters. Function: This is the world's smallest breed and I know you are thinking in the skull. Deborah has competed in Conformation, Obedience, Rally, Agility, Tracking.
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chihuahua club of america illustrated standard