I have two english cockers (rescuers) One(male) is very dog agressive. He has NEVER been aggressive toward any dog unless it had on this type collar. Any ideas? I will keep trying. If your dog slips out ( and they can) you are still connected to your dog. If they are still soiling in the house, then they have too many house privileges and should be confined until potty trained. I worked with him for a very long time, trying to get him to relax while on his leash and have fun on his walks, which he loves. Imagine your dog races, accidentally off leash, towards a dog aggressive dog. (You see, her goal in life is to say hello to every living creature on earth.) Your dog is no longer pulling because the tool is creating an aversive or painful experience. Which made taking him for a walk impossible for me because Im not that strong. They come in a variety of sizes, primarily in black, but now you can choose a variety of colors. She might learn to obey someone else, but she has to learn to obey & respect you. Bulldogs love socializing and exploring the outdoors, and walks and public outings are a great source of pleasure for them. Squirming and wriggling is normal for a puppy first adjusting to a harness. If she stopped doing this he would get less excited and less strangled. (It is the same dog mentioned above, the 2.5 yr old German shepherd cross). When your dog stops pulling and the leash is slack, encourage him to return to you, and begin the process again. S. Singh, Shari Reply:September 26th, 2011 at 1:45 pm. Lori Johnson Reply:September 26th, 2011 at 10:28 am. Minette Reply:September 18th, 2012 at 8:30 am. He could not be walked in public safely, never unleashed in our yard because our neighbours have more cats than the spca, and he is prey driven. And thankful to hear other peoples stories! She would fight it and fight ittrying to get it off her face. Enroll in our 8-week MASTER-CLASS on Emotional Re-calibration Training (ERT) specifically for Over-reactive, Fearful and Aggressive dogs. He was being shown but he just spirals out of control, starting out well-behaved and ending up as a laughing stock. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. The one problem I see with head halters is that: they dont go away when the dog is good or makes good decisions; most people continue to pull on the leash or apply that pressure. GREAT safety feature. They are very cute and loving. A bone or treat will help too. She immediately became submissive. Once heel is mastered, be sure to practice with your dog in a variety of places. Good people often get aggressive dogs, or dogs with problems and they have to deal with people who judge and blame them! It should be associated with good things. It also tends to keep people from wanting to run up and pet the dog, because some people think it is a muzzle, although it is not. The other sledders were so helpful but she was so stressed and if we over took another dog and sled she would go to attach the other dog. I was reluctant to try it but I had no other choice. But the SECOND I try to walk her without it she immediately starts pulling. It should be tighter around the back of the head, and resemble more of a Y. Having a reliable sit and stay will enable you to ask for this command if your pup starts pulling on the leash. and when she is taken out on walks, she pulls hard enough to hurt my hand & wrist, and she has what you folks have described as wheel aggression, human aggression, child aggression, and dog aggression. Now imagine that you are the owner of the dog aggressive dog; which collar would you prefer? Training does take time. She may never be safe with others like you mention and it is probably not something SHE is interested in, but with a gentle leader you can control her and keep her safe and comfortable! The Halti OptiFit Dog Head Collar was Created by Dr. Roger Mugford and is manufactured by Halti. When off lead she wears a muzzle and I have also stopped playing ball with her in the park to get rid of the ball obsession. We can sell you one. When it is tight around the back of the head it pulls the snout loop back and tighter. At first he gets really tense and walks all stiff legged until they get too close (by his terms) and he barks, growls, and jumps every which direction while twisting in the air. They are also available in many pet stores and online. They may end unruly behavior, but should only be considered temporary solutions. A properly fitted head halter gives you the ability to control the offensive body part; the snout and mouth. Minette Reply:September 8th, 2011 at 10:56 am. Thank you for the quick reply. I have this Jackrussel that is 6 and he refuses to walk with this easywalker I have to drag him so what should I dp, Rhonda Reply:September 14th, 2011 at 3:48 pm. In Beginning Obeid class, my trainer suggested using a gentle leader. where can you but the gentle leader leash???????? Hold it close and it sounds like it needs to be tightened on the snout loop. He decides that he wants to sit while walking with the gentle leader on. Is that true???? I took her sledding twice (Australia on bike tracks through forests. Recent studies have linked the increase in canine thyroid issues with excessive pulling on neck collars. I have another problem with this guy. I dont often condone much less recommend the use of dog training collars because most often these references refer to: choke chains, prong or pinch collars, or even shock collars. I dont often condone much less recommend the use of dog training collars because most often these references refer to: choke chains, prong or pinch collars, or even shock collars. I like to use a double-ended leash when I use a head halter so I can prevent putting constant pressure on the dogs snout, which is why most dogs, especially the high strung ones object to the head halter. It is also safer to have a dog that has a reliable sit and stay, so that you are not pulled out into traffic while walking together! We walk two miles or more at least twice a day, my dog is safe and obedient, walks with his snout in line with my knee. With proper lead training, owners can take their Bulldogs everywhere, without risk of injury to themselves or others. When were going for a run or I take her on a leashed bike ride she heels nicely. Practice taking it on and off until you can do so quickly and easily. He is strong and pulled and lunged, mostly at bugs and frogs! Dont click it on for now, just click and treat for his nose coming through. He is a dream. Dont take the easy way out, you still need to do the work or youre just putting a band aid over the problem. I recommend that you begin teaching your dog how to sit and stay prior to beginning any leash training! The No-Pull Harness is designed with one goal; to stop your dog from pulling and make leash walking a pleasant experience. I have wanted to try the head halter but was told boxers cant use them because there snouts are too short. I have a fear agressive white german shepherd, got him when he was 16 months old, he came with a whole pile of aggression issues. Since then Ive found out that he is fine around dogs that are not on a leash (even when he is on one) until they get feisty with him. I also crated her at night or if I left since she was already crate trained (I have a roomy metal one that she can see out of). He is not aggressive in a hurtful way, but once strangers begin giving him attention, it is like he goes beserk for more, jumping, lunging, and licking. People dont always listen to commands for us; especially parents but they dont want to know they are the cause of the pain for the dog and that will usually change their behavior. I have been a professional dog trainer and pet sitter for over 20 years. This simple device allowed me to keep her safe (from the repercussions of a serious dog fight) and it kept other peoples dogs safe because she never had a chance to bite or attack another dog because I was a dutiful owner! No aggression at all . I would want the ability to control my dogs snout and mouth in any instance where he might be aggressive or deliver a bite. Ive tried all types of head halters. I have a very agressive unpredictable dog with everyone but me. He is a gentleman in the house but out side he takes over with his own desires, on the leash or off. I couldnt lock her at home and HOPE that her problems would leave and she deserved a shot at a normal life with on-leash walks throughout neighborhoods and parks. I was told that a dog wouldnt pull with their facebut my sweet little Oreo sure does. Do u think this would happen if I got the gentle leader, once she got used to it she would ignore it. The goal of lead training should always be to walk your dog with a regular collar and lead. She also has teeth missing. On a bad night, she spends her walk jumping up at us and crying. Use positive reinforcement and a gentle leader will be much more useful! I have two chihuahuas, one 16 lbs. But, the payoff will be a well-trained dog that all of your friends envy, and builds a relationship of love and trust! The leave it command falls on deaf ears in this scenario and only an exciting distraction will temporarily stop this behavior. I volunteered with my dog Mr. The idea of the gentle leader head collar and basket muzzle have really given me hope that I can still get her outside and exercised with more control and safety. and the other 10 lbs. She doesnt appear to have any previous leash training. There is another popular, sometimes cheaper head halter that is not adjustable under the snout, and because it cannot be tightened the fabric strap can pull and even run in your dogs eye. Another point of consideration is how complicated the harness is to put on. Would this be good for in the house? Any corrections that my dog gets is when he tries to lunge, pull, or control the walk my advancing on another animal or individual. Love the gentle leader. This early orientation with the Gentle Leader helped solidify its importance while training and working with dogs with aggression. Once I found the gentle leader, that problem was gone almost immediately. The only equipment she responds to is the Easy Walk front loop harness. Im in favor of this as, during one trip to the vet, a new patron came in with their dog off leash and a fight ensued wtih another patrons dog (not ours). She doesnt look up at me when she bumps me so I dont think it is an attention getting trick. No such luck as he became unconcerned with the pinch collar. I had it adjusted by our vet so I think it fits her properly. I am not saying its bad in any way, however, as I am sure you will agree, its a tool and not a subsitute for consistant training. These are the best tools for pulling and dog aggression. http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/premise-magical-dog-leash/, http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/magical-dog-leash-part-2-finding-heel/, http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/teaching-dog-drive-eye-contact-focus-leash-skills/, http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/weaning-dog-compulsion-dog-training-collars/. What can we do? The Holt has an adjustment under the chin. Fill a soda can half full of pennies and tape it closed. Now, theyre walking calmly beside me. I didnt care for the gentle leader because the dog can use his paw and get it off their nose. Thanks!! i have often sat children down and been bad cop so that they change and the dog can get on with behavior modification. I just could really some advice, please. Explain to her in a nice way that she is the cause of some of this and if she cant change you dont know what you might have to do. I almost ALWAYS recommend a head halter for dogs that show ANY kind of aggression: dog aggression, human aggression, wheel aggression (wanting to chase scooters, cars, roller skates), and even fear aggression. You know if your shoes are too loose they can rub However since I cant see I dont know for sure. Have your Bulldog wear its halter around the house without the lead attached. Any thoughts on why she bumps into my leg while walking? I was a veterinary technician for many years, where I learned about all aspects of health and preventative medicine. Think of a toddler that doesnt want to wear pants or shoes at some point they have to learn to wear them, period. But I manage to control her thanks to the head halter. Minette Reply:September 8th, 2011 at 10:54 am. Once your dog has learned to let you lead walks, you may only need to use the Gentle Leader occasionally.. I have tried grabbing him by the sides of the collar and making eye contact while giving a firm No, but he still proceeds to grab me hard. Then I stepped up the protection, with a wire basket muzzle. Your email address will not be published. The second or third training class I took with him they suggested the gentle leader and it WAS like a miracle. Make sure it is sized appropriately! Make sure to relax and have fun together while youre both learning valuable skills! I need help on training them the following; BUT, as the owner of a dog that has aggressive tendencies you want to be in as much control as possible and the idea of your dog showing aggression is usually horrifying for you and fills you with shame. Not only does it give you more control of the snout and biting area of the dog, it also gives the owner increased control over pulling, lunging, and other naughty leash behaviors. I know no one can help me with the way my daughter defeats my training during the day, but the gentle leash might be helpfull when I take him for a walk and when someone rings the door bell. Gradually, start attaching the lead during feeding or when your puppy is tired. Minette Reply:September 8th, 2011 at 10:32 am. However, I do on occasion recommend the use of, I almost ALWAYS recommend a head halter for dogs that show ANY kind of. It took me three days of letting her out constantly, praising her when she went in her place, and a sharp no and carrying her outside if I saw her start to go in the house. Your dog is no longer pulling because you have reinforced proper loose leash walking; Your dog is no longer pulling only because he is being restrained; or. If you cannot stop your Bulldog from pulling in all directions on the lead or control lunges, seek professional training help. I adopted a 9 month old terrier mix from a local shelter last year; he was very afraid of everything, including putting on a collar! So someone suggested getting her a Halti. Sign up below and well email you your first Training For Calm lesson to your inbox in the next 5 minutes. Only as a last resort should you consider purchasing a no pull harness or Gentle Leader. Ahh yes, the Halti. I think he is trying to show me his dominance. On a walk we encountered two dogs in their front yard off of leashes that came running to him and he was fine with them, they sniffed each other and went about their dog communications. They are also available in many pet stores and online. anyway i have looked for the basket muzzles so i can walk him more and feel safe while doing so but i can find them. His training sessions at home go beautifully, calm and responsive to command. He suddenly becomes submissive! I didnt like the fact that when I took it off,I was back to square one on getting him to walk or do other activities that required focus. We have a lovely 11 month old lab who really pulls when he sees something he wants. Finally, a trainer suggested the Gentle Leader; I tried it and found it to be truly amazing, and helpful for both of us! Start Calming Down Your Over Excited Dogs Today! Not to look at the people, while they eat. The most popular no-pull harnesses on the market right now are the. This tool just helps them gain more control to work on the behaviors. I really need some additional help. It is dead easy to get your dog used to the head halter when combined with feeding that is if your dog is food driven. Just like crate training, you will have the most success by introducing the head halter in a slow and positive way. We have trained ours to lay on the rug in the kitchen while we eat in an adjacent area. If you do something wrong he could do some very severe damage so safety first is the key. At almost 2, I have already considered his retirement. When we come across another dog she is NOT going to let me stop her from saying hello! When we see another dog on a leash however its a whole other story. You must familiarize your dog to it SLOWLY for this to be successful! My nonprofit organization and I were nominated for several awards of merit and even made the front page of the Denver Post. I use a front clip harness that was recommended by the Animal Rescue League staff due to his pulling habit. I am doing the companion dog right now so the aggression course should be next, (fyi) Read this http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog/eye-contact-focus-behavior-broken/. Get eye contact and focus if you are walking. The only positive in this is that even when he ends up getting to dogs he doesnt like he has never bitten any of them, they growl and dance around each other but thats all that has happened so far. I do not know what her fear of walking on a leash resulted from, as she is a rescue from a shelter. Im the end, I have resorted to having him on a house line and making him stay on his bed when he starts acting this way. Paul Reply:September 8th, 2011 at 1:02 pm. Even an old cat will immediately go into a curled position as though it were going to be carried by its mother. http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/blog. You know what happens to band aids over time? Just a leash that has two clips, you can fashion one yourself or you can look online for police or working dog leashes with 2 clips, There is no pressure on the gentle leader if he is not pulling. 8Th, 2011 at 10:54 am lovely 11 month old lab who really pulls when he sees he... 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can you use a gentle leader on a bulldog