Obedience training is excellent; Aussies are super working dogs. Without enough of either type of exercise, your Aussie will likely become bored, frustrated, and stressed. Due to their compact size, Miniature Australian Shepherds can be good dogs for apartment living. Related: How much exercise do Australian Shehperd puppy need? What you cant expect is for your Aussie to be fine inside an apartment when he/she doesnt get to spend adequate amounts of time outside. Australian Shepherds can live in apartments. We also hide and have her find us. The most important piece of advice I can give to make this work is about spending adequate time outside. Just make sure they get plenty of mental stimulation and physical exercise. Some apartments and home owner associations have 50lbs weight limits on dogs, we kept that in mind while looking to adapt an Aussie. However, Aussies are intelligent dogs, and with patience, a game plan, and proper training, they can thrive in a small space. If its in your budget, take your Aussie to a doggy daycare sometimes, especially when youre at work. Of course, the size of the apartment does come into play here but even still, its more dependant on daily routine, rather than size and space. If you develop a daily exercise routine of two-three times daily for 30-60 minutes, your Australian Shepherd may relax throughout the day until you two head outside for exercise. Its a high energy exercise, so its a great activity to tire your Aussie. Top Advice. When living in an apartment you have to establish a routine and take the dog out so that he can do his things outside the apartment. Most commonly, he directs his energy and the need for stimulation through destructive behavior and excessive barking. And when no one is around, and theyre bored, they can show signs of extreme distress. When living in an apartment with an Australian Shepherd its important to be careful that he doesnt bark excessively.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'citydogslife_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',174,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-citydogslife_com-leader-2-0')}; Australian Shepherds are intelligent and very active dogs who do better when they have a task to do and are around their family. Personally, I love having my Aussie in an apartment because she meets at least one new person every single day. It has the objective to help users better understand their dogs and needs as thoroughly as possible. Swimming is another good type of exercise. Mental stimulation is essential either way and fortunately can be achieved through frequent training exercises and interactive puzzle toys. Read on for helpful tips on living with an Australian Shepherd in an apartment. Its great. They are happy as long as they have some work to do. They are dogs that need to be constantly stimulated mentally and develop well learning new things. Your Aussie must get a lot of socialization as early as possible. That helps a lot. You have to do something to make your dog start barking. The Australian Shepherd, also known as the Aussie, is a very active and intelligent dog breed. When you have mastered it, get your dog to start barking with the Speak command. Ive spoke to many owners over the years about this, and heres what a lot of them say: Even though my Aussie has a yard, they are never interested in going out there unless Im with them anyway. Whether its obedience training or herding, they like a challenge. Exercise, both physical and mental will be crucial to keep your Aussie feeling satisfied, stimulated, and happy. I do notice that he gets very nippy if he doesn't get at least 2 walks a day. If you had roommates that might help. So here are a few important tips to consider: Take him out to your local park or communal yard as often as possible (several times per day) Buy a potty pad and train him to use only that spot for pees and poops Bring him to the potty pad after sleep, eating, drinking, playing, napping, or any other exciting moment. You can train your Aussie to pee and poop as much as he likes in a dedicated spot outside of your home. Breeds that are usually banned are the Chow Chow, Doberman Pincher, German Shepherd, Pit Bull, and Rottweiler. The Aussies need a couple of exercise sessions of around 40 to 60 minutes daily. When you live in an apartment and dont have access to a backyard, dog parks are a good alternative. For a dog as smart as the Australian Shepherd, mental stimulation is just as important and necessary as physical activity.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'citydogslife_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_17',176,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-citydogslife_com-narrow-sky-2-0')}; Mental activity can tire a dog as much as physical activity. Australian Shepards are extremely active dogs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ), and dogs are taught to pee and poop outside of your joint living space. Living in an apartment with an Australian Shepherd may not be easy. How much exercise do Australian Shehperd puppy need? This can lead to an array of behavior issues and increase the chances of developing anxiety. Some loud sound or something else that surprises or startles him. Aussies are a very adaptable breed and can adjust to many different living conditions. workout in 30 minutes or so of dog paddling. It's the luck of the draw as to what type of aussie you could get -- one could bark a lot, and another not much. But aussies in apartments -- it's a rough situation for some. We share the best dog research, with our audience. (P.S were not going to spoil your day, the answer is that its possible, and well explain how!). Calm when he needs to be, playful when we want to play. I like to think my house is too small for my Aussie, which is why I take him out as often as I do. I live on the 4th floor of my apartment, and my 3 month old Aussie has been doing great (but it hasn't always been that way)! Australian shepherds can adapt to living in apartments just fine. We do a lot of focus training and problem solving exercises, this actually tires her out more than long walks. Leave him his puzzle and chewing toys so that he stays entertained and has something to direct his attention and energy to. You just need to commit to putting in the time and effort. In these cases, there are some things you can do to help your dog. Australian Shepherds can make good apartment dogs as long as they receive plenty of exercise and time outside. Most Australian Shepherds can bark a lot and that can be a real problem when living in an apartment. An untrained Australian Shepherd may bark at sounds that are outside of your apartment. There are often breed restrictions; however, those are unlikely to apply to your Australian Shepherd. How Much Exercise Will Your Australian Shepherd Need? I had one aussie who lived with us in a big house in a suburb for his first 13 years. You will have problems if thats your game plan. What Are Australian Shepherd Ears Supposed To Look Like? Sufficient exercise and adequate time spent outside of your house will make up for having no yard. Australian Shepherds are high energy dogs that need a lot of physical and mental activity for them to be satisfied. While your dog is barking, bring closer a treat and say the Quiet command in a firm and calm voice. Look for a nearby lake or a large pond. Besides your daily physical exercise, its highly recommended that you do regular obedience training, tricks, or puzzles to stimulate their mind. If you live in an apartment or small space, you need to take your Aussie outside at least 2-3 times a day for exercise, pee, and poop breaks. They are playful and hyperactive pets that are ideal for individuals and families who enjoy high energy activities. Having less room to run and play inside your home will mean more will have to be done when outside. Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent dogs that develop very well through training. It will teach your pooch how to be calm and comfortable in an enclosed space. Hopefully, you are able to take him outside enough times per day to avoid most potty mishaps at home, but there will always be exceptions, of course. They thrive when they have a job to do. No, it isnt, as long as you are able to provide sufficient exercise (1-2 hours) and spend plenty of additional time outside with your Aussie, then its fine. In case they dont wear them naturally, you have to cut their nails so that they dont hurt them. I have forced myself, at 58, to go running/walking with this dog every day. Do Australian Shepherds Need a Back Yard? When your Aussie is bored and left alone, s/he is likely to display destructive behavior in the apartment while youre at work or away. My 3 month old Aussie lives with me in a second floor apt. Australian Shepherds In Apartments: Advice To Make It Work, Leaving Your Australian Shepherd Alone In An Apartment, Dealing With The Potty Training In An Apartment. I have 2 aussies on the 2nd floor of a condo. Can Australian Shepherds Live Inside Apartments? Why isnt my Australian Shepherd eating? Its important to avoid scolding him since it doesnt help at all and only makes your dog fear you and lose confidence in you.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'citydogslife_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',196,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-citydogslife_com-leader-3-0')}; If an Australian Shepherd has enough opportunities to go to the bathroom successfully and is rewarded for it, in no time he will be letting you know when he wants to go out to the bathroom. Please consult a certified veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. They excel in events like agility trials, dock diving, and herding livestock. Its important to teach your Aussie to have good manners. Regardless of whether its an apartment or house, Australian shepherds dont do well alone and shouldnt be left for more than 3-5 hours at a time. The peculiarity of potty training a dog in an apartment is that he will not have free access to a garden to go every time he needs to go to the bathroom. First of all, crate training is not cruel. There are benefits to a dog chewing rawhide. That level of activity should be enough exercise for the average Aussie. Therere a lot of activities that would be great for burning your Aussies energy when you two head outside the apartment. Also, my aussie is really into seeing everybody on the street and barking at them from inside our house (doesn't do this at all on walks). Or it could mean your sofa ripped to shreds; these things happen a lot to neglectful apartment dwellers with dogs. One of the essential items for you and your pooch is a dog crate. My love for dogs has so far outweighed everything else in my life and thats what has driven me to create this free resource for all other dog owners out there. Australian Shepherds need approximately two hours of exercise daily, preferably high energy activities. She was the runt and will likely top out at 35-45lbs. They are dogs that get bored easily if they have nothing to do and they also need to be around their people constantly. To teach an Aussie to stop barking you have to teach him the Speak and Quiet commands: Australian Shepherds are dogs that dont handle being alone well. This is original content produced and published by The Puppy Mag | www.thepuppymag.com, Popular Article: Why isnt my Australian Shepherd eating? Even for those with large open spaces, its still not advised! Its advised to buy a crate for the full adult size of your Australian Shepherd. Although having a yard is preferable for an Australian Shepherd, its not something you must have. Our current aussie really was awful that first year -- extremely energetic, needed tons of attention, hard to walk, etc. Living in a dog-friendly apartment complex means there will be other dogs around. When he begins to bark, bring closer a treat and say Speak in a calm and firm voice and immediately give him the prize. Australian Shepherds are good family pets. Like good working dogs, Australian Shepherds are dogs that never seem to tire. Physically adult dogs can control their bladders longer; they just dont know theyre supposed to. Australian Shepherds have strong social companionship needs and crave human interaction, for most of the day. Thanks for the response! Leaving your dog in a Doggie Daycares is an excellent option if you have to leave him alone often and for a long time. If you train your dog to return the ball or frisbee each time, all you need to do is throw. Ill take all the advice in consideration before committing to an aussie. They are very intelligent dogs that need and love to be challenged intellectually. Some of the reasons an Aussie often barks are: When you live in an apartment, the constant barking of your dog can cause you problems with the neighbors and your landlord. Enough daily exercise is essential for an Aussie to stay physically and mentally healthy. But to answer this question well, you need to know the Australian Shepherds, their needs, and what it means to live with one. (What to do next), 10 Ways Australian Shepherds show their owners love, The Best Way To Manage Australian Shepherd Shedding. Im on a first floor condo and we have our Aussie on a schedule of 7am, 3pm, 8pm. Some owners will play fetch or something similar outside with their pooch before they go to work. The same 3-4 hours apply for adult dogs being house-trained. Can Australian Shepherds live inside apartments? These characteristics make it difficult for an Australian Shepherd to handle being alone for a long time and even tends to develop severe cases of separation anxiety. Playing catch using a ball or frisbee is a big favorite with dog owners. If your Aussie doesnt get the mental and physical stimulation, they require with your help. This site does not constitute pet medical advice. If you are an active person or family who has enough time to pay attention to your dog and meet his physical and mental needs, the Australian Shepherd can be a loyal and loving companion and a great medium-sized dog breed for apartment living. Not only do they provide a physical activity that allows them to release their energy, but they also allow them to be mentally stimulated with the smells, sounds, and sights of the environment. You will have to teach them to control their bladder. You may have a rough time dealing with your Aussie, neighbors, other dogs, and your apartment manager. Look up some problem solving exercises for dogs, weve had a lot of success using those to drain her of her energy. (What to do next). Aussies can be very destructive and bark for long periods. Aussies that love to swim can quickly get a good workout in 30 minutes or so of dog paddling. This means that at the beginning you have to take him to the designated place every hour and reward him every time he does it there. These should be high-energy activities like running or chasing a ball or a frisbee.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'citydogslife_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',171,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-citydogslife_com-banner-1-0')}; Australian Shepherds not only require physical activity. If you are able to keep up with this, then not having a yard, wont really matter all that much! But Aussies can adapt well to apartment life with an active person or family who can provide high physical activity and mental stimulation they need. A good tip is to add some extra resistance to the walk using a dog backpack. Your pooch will be exposed to all types of dogs at doggy daycare. As you can see, your availability plays such an important factor when it comes to how well your Aussie will adapt to apartment life. One issue with an apartment typically is the lack of an enclosed backyard. If you are able to take your Aussie out for at least an hour in the morning, at least an hour in the evening, with additional breaks outside throughout the day, hell be fine. Hide and seek with her toy is a favorite of hers. I know its a little late but I had an Aussie for her first two years in an apartment and she was fine as long as we exercised the crap out of her! Having a medium-sized dog is not as challenging as people may think if you make sure their basic needs are met. These dogs are the opposite of couch potatoes! Popular Australian Shepherd Articles:The Best Way To Manage Australian Shepherd SheddingWhat Are Australian Shepherd Ears Supposed To Look Like?101 Amazing NAMES For Australian Shepherds. At these times we must take advantage and allow our dog to smell and explore the environment for a while. They can travel long distances since they have enough stamina. Aussies always love to be learning new things. In case there are accidents inside the apartment, just clean the area well with an enzymatic pet cleaner so that there are no traces of odor. But the downside is that if you are not consistent and establish yourself as the pack leader since the start, an Aussie can take advantage of you and constantly challenge you to see what things can they get away with.
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can australian shepherds live in apartments