To test the circuit, use the code in Example 6-10 in a new file called The analogWrite function can take four parameters: analogWrite(pin, value, frequency, callback), The pin that you want to use for PWM value The duty cycle of the pin, between 0 (always off) and 1 (always on), The frequency of the PWM cycle in Hz (cycles per second), The name of the function to execute the PWM value is successfully written. For the code below, I'll be using a normally closed sensor so that an open door will send a high signal and closed door will send a low signal. If you'd like to execute a script by simply typing its name, put the following on the first line of your script. In the following example, we'll keep things simple and fade an LED. When you request a URL, they dynamically generate the HTML and transmit it to you based on rules found within the code. However, since Python is such a widely used language, it's not difficult to find a way of doing things such as sending tweets, checking the weather, or pulling data from Google Maps. Try it out before we dig into the details of the code: root@beaglebone:~# python Now when you press the button, you should see "The button was pressed!" The shebangs for the languages we've used are: Bash scripts: #!/bin/bash Python scripts: #!/usr/bin/python Node scripts: #!/usr/bin/node. To get to the terminal, click Applications, System Tools, then Terminal. Without that line, the BeagleBone's processor would be burdened with checking the state of the pin every possible moment that the processor would allow, pushing it to the absolute maximum usage. You can place one in a directory and most software that wants to read or write the file will be redirected to the file in another location. The analogWrite function can take two parameters: The name of the function to execute when reading the pin has completed. There's a lot of buzz around Raspberry Pi, and while it's quite similar to the BeagleBone, there are certainly a few differences. Within the function, we can use that parameter's value by referencing it like we do in the print statement. We use the greater than sign to redirect that output to the file hello.txt, which will be created if it doesn't already exist. If you find yourself with too many windows open and you're feeling overwhelmed, you can always switch to another workspace to get a clean desktop (see -10). I was able to type in instructions to do whatever I could imagine, as long as I didn't open the box. Ethernet Port. In fact, it fit almost too perfectly inside the tin. If you have a BeagleBone Black, you can connect a monitor through the Micro HDMI port on the bottom of the board next to the MicroSD slot. It would be a good idea to use the looping method in Example 7-4 if you think the code in the loop function may take longer than the interval to execute. PWM isn't only used for LEDs; it can also be used to control things like DC motors, hobby servos, or even make some basic tones with a speaker. Gerald's passion for excellence in electronics is something that has proven itself invaluable to the community and me personally. For the tutorials in this chapter, I've provided a quick reference to a few of the pins in -4, but in case you want to use any of the other pins on the board, here's how to derive the number you'll need: You may have noticed that we've only labeled a few pins in -4 and here's why: many pins can be assigned different functions, not just digital input and output. It could be as basic as sending email alerts when a physical thing happens, sending sensor data to the cloud, or even controlling a robot via a web-based interface. xYIF9NIZ@K~TRm^{4'V-4lTZ mq|w>_;]Nq|l`BGT7L\B/L_\hPd{@jR86fOLyOo?-w6D^7mZhtgAz x X'yXX$%ld~+j`^f\xao=hl;%f$|X!~yop.S|{)q^)v Press enter to be taken to the login screen. Import the Flask library's functions. Let's say you want a command to be executed every five minutes. Loop the code indented beneath, counting up from 0 to 100 and storing that value in i. Create an account at the Xively signup page. Chances are, most of the sites you visit use JavaScript in some way or another. There's also a loop after the email alert is sent to ensure that only a single email is sent if the door has been open for more than a minute. Import HTTPError so that we can gracefully process possible errors when connecting to Xively to send data. The value should go up! You'll then create a symbolic link from the /etc/localtime file to your desired timezone file. Declare a new function called toggle, which consists of the code between the following curly braces. Be sure you use two greater than signs, which means to append the output from echo to the end of the file. root@beaglebone:~# echo 44 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport. You're viewing the contents of the root of the filesystem. Execute loop again in 1,000 miliseconds (1 second). At the time, my experience with each programming and electronics was a separate endeavor. Luckily, there's an enormous community of support around Linux, so help is usually one web search away. Find it by logging into your router and looking for "beaglebone" on the DHCP clients list. %PDF-1.6 -Check if the current time is past alertTime. Connect one lead of the button to the positive rail. Despite the fact you can do a lot within the desktop environment, from time to time you'll find yourself needing a command line. For one, the Raspberry Pi is meant as a low-cost computer to encourage the younger generation to learn about how computers work and how to program them. In most cases, you won't need to change this, but if you start to use many BeagleBones on the same network, you'll want to distinguish one from another. Read the value of pin 11; if it's high, execute the indented code beneath it. For this tutorial, we'll be using the same pins and set up as we did in Chapter 4. The BeagleBone is also pre-configured by default to synchronize with the NTP server once an hour, so you may have a period of time after booting when the time is incorrect. With a framework like Node.js, JavaScript can act as the engine of a web server, which affords web application developers many of the advantages of the event-driven nature of the language. To identify pin numbers in the middle, you'll have to count off from the pins on the end. When it senses that the door has gone from being closed to being opened, it saves a time value into alertTime. For instance, the line of code GPIO.set up("P8_12", GPIO.OUT) calls a function written by Adafruit to make it easy to set pin 12 on header P8 as an output pin. 1. If you'd like to execute your JavaScript code from the command line, you'll use the command node followed by the name of the file. Use Example 6-6 as the contents for that file. You may want to set up a separate email account for testing so you don't disrupt access to your personal email. Try changing the state of the button or switch and clicking Run again. 6. Development platforms like the BeagleBone provide an environment for a wonderful hybrid of both software and hardware hacking. Additionally, their developer libraries make it very easy to connect to their services in many different programming languages. It won't light up yet since the Power-Switch tail is currently interrupting the power between the lamp and your power source. The best way to learn the language is by example, so let's jump right in. 4. If you're on a Mac, open the Terminal application found in /Applications/Utilities/. With a connection to the Internet and the slew of GPIO pins available to you, the BeagleBone makes a fantastic platform for building Internet of Things projects. To explain, when you coded with Python and Adafruit's BeagleBone IO Python Library in Chapter 5, the Python interpreter executed a single line and waited for it to complete before moving on to the next line. By doing this, you can check the state of physical buttons and switches. Later in this chapter, you'll see how to change this in case you need something more descriptive like "toaster.". You'll see that you can to reuse the same code with different names quite easily. If the door is closed, set alertTime back to 0. Give your device a name and choose whether you want the data to be public or private. Out of the three pins of the potentiometer, connect the middle one to pin 33 on header P9. And it even spits it out of the front of the camera like a Polaroid print. Each header has 46 pins and if you look closely you can see that pins 1, 2, 45, and 46 are labeled on each header -2). A USB keyboard and mouse can be connected through a USB hub to the USB host port on the board. In most cases, this is where you'll put projects that you work on as the root user. When I was quite young, it was two books that set me on the path to understanding what could be accomplished with programmable electronics: Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest M. Mims III and Getting Started with TRS-80 BASIC by George Stewart. When the HTML is generated by the BeagleBone, it will substitute {{ doorStatus }} with the string determined in So if you haven't changed the hostname from beaglebone, you'll connect to http:// beaglebone.local:3000/. On the other hand, the BeagleBone is aimed more broadly at people interested in embedded Linux development boards and therefore has more options for connecting hardware and has a more powerful processor. You can also connect to your BeagleBone over USB via serial. You'll need to find the details of your mail provider's SMTP server, which is what you connect to in order to send email. If you want to fade that LED so that it's somewhere between totally on and totally off, you can use a method called pulse-width modulation or PWM. When digitalRead executes printStatus, it will pass x.value or x.error so that printStatus can take action based on the state of the pin (or any errors that may have occurred). 2. When you run the code, you'll see that the USR3 led will be blinking and every time you change the state of the button or switch, a message will be printed to the console at the bottom of Cloud9. Admittedly, figuring things out can get frustrating sometimes, but not much beats the feeling of mastering a new tool. (See 2. Here are a few additional resources for using Python online: This is a popular library helps you build HTTP requests and process their responses. Pass the variable level from the URL into the function. Wait here until the button changes from high to low. Another powerful feature of Flask is that it can process variables within URLs. Flask's render_template function will take in the data and HTML template filename, pass it to Jinja2, which will return the properly formatted HTML to Flask to return to the user. When it shows you the prompt "login as:" type root and press enter. Since Gmail is a popular email service, I included their server name in Example 6-2. Simply right click on the workspace switcher and click Preferences. Since you want to control an LED, you need to set the pin as an output by writing the word "out" to pin 44's direction file: root@beaglebone:/sys/class/gpio/gpio44# echo out > direction 6. This can be RISING (low to high), FALLING (high to low), or CHANGE (any state change). The system will then pass the script file to the interpreter listed on the line after the #!. If you received the error "write error: Device or resource busy", then you probably forgot to unexport pin 44 as directed at the end of "Input" on page 38. Not only does it contain reference information for each BoneScript function, but it also lets you modify and execute the code samples directly from the web page. This text-only connection is handy when you're experiencing networking problems. This response appeared when the text "Hello, world!" At the $ prompt, type ssh root@beaglebone.local b. The BeagleBone has seven pins that can be used as analog inputs to get values from these types of sensors. Luckily, it's only a few clicks or keypresses away. Feel free to experiment with the other pins in -4. There are two versions of the board: the original BeagleBone and the newer BeagleBone Black. Keep in mind that the defaults can also change as updated versions of ngstrm are released for the board. If you don't get any errors, you'll know you're ready to go. The digitalRead function can take two parameters (or inputs): The pin number that you want to read callback (optional) The name of the function to execute when reading the pin has completed. If your BeagleBone has a connection to the Internet, you can easily install or upgrade software and code libraries. This means that if your project needs to upload a large file to a server, it doesn't need to stop its other functions until the upload is over. Temboo makes it easy to connect to hundreds of different APIs. We didn't actually get the LED to blink on and off repeatedly. The GPIO pins can only handle 3.3 volts. 4. For most of this book, you'll be able to do everything with either board, with a few exceptions that I'll note. To the uninitiated, Linux may seem like a strange beast. (See You're exploring the filesystem as root, and you're using a filesystem viewer that lets you drag and drop. So as soon as you drop a file with the .js extension, it will use node to execute it and ensure that it is executed whenever you boot your BeagleBone. After a lot of Internet searching and brushing up on how to write scripts within Linux, I had the BeagleBone blinking an LED, a common first step with hardware development platforms. Print the Fahrenheit value, rounded to a single decimal place. After you save the file and quit nano, you need to reboot your BeagleBone. For instance, if you were in the hypothetical path /home/root/myProject/sound shown in the directory structure in -1, you could change to /home/root/ myProject/sound by typing cd ../code. Like all computers, the BeagleBone does its work in the digital realm, so values from analog sensors must be converted to digital. The tilde is shorthand for the logged in user's home directory. Many of the pins default to other modes. Maker Media has uploaded this book to the Safari Books Online service. You can also use the IP address of the board instead. It's quite easy to tell the boards apart. Store the current time in the variable now. Store the doorStatus string in a dictionary with the key doorStatus. The shell prompt in the following example is truncated slightly to fit on the screen without wrapping the text. If the button is pressed, it's printing the line to the terminal. It will look in the folder templates and find the specified file, in this case, main.html. Your computer will not only provide power to the board over USB, but it also acts as a means of communicating with it. Unlike Python, JavaScript doesn't care about how you use indentation. Enter vnc:// beaglebone.local:5900 (see -11) and click connect. Knowing how to execute the file from the command line will come in handy for setting your code up as a cron job (see "A Crash Course in Cron" on page 44) or as a system service (see Appendix B). A system service continually scans this directory for any JavaScript files and will run them. Your first major step into the world of Beagle-Bone is to hook it up and get to a command prompt so you can start working with files and executing commands. You'll start off by setting up email notifications for physical events. While using SSH to log into your BeagleBone may raise your geek cred, it's not an elegant solution for Internetconnected projects. Boards apart vnc: // beaglebone.local:5900 ( see -11 ) and click.... 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beaglebone black tutorial pdf