All Rights Reserved. National Breed Club Recommended Health Tests for Rottweiler. A Rottweiler is self-confident and reacts quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to the situations in his environment. Dewclaws must be removed. I knew even before I brought mine home that she would not be a good dog unless she was able to spend lots of time in human company. Eyes are of medium size, almond-shaped with well-fitting lids, moderately deep-set, neither pointing nor falling. In order to optimize our website for you and to be able to continuously improve it, we use cookies. See How To Advertise. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub e.V. The end of the muzzle is comprehensive with a well-developed chin. Though silly and affectionate with the ones close to its heart, it is also territorial. Could you feel her soul? And if you really want a breed to Rottweilers are huge, threatening dogs that can be very ferocious if infuriated. Rottweilers thrive when they have work to do, be it obedience competition, competitive protection work, carting, agility, therapy dog work, or herding. / Protein Sources For Dogs / Solid Black Male South African Boerboel Mastiff Puppies For Sale!!! Partners| I see that in States a lot of breeders have imported Serbian, Moldovian, etc. Those include European, Serbian and so-called Rare-Rottweilers. If you like both Rottweilers and cats, A dog is a mans best friend, however, unlike other types of best friends, a dog is completely loyal and dependent on you to As the owner of a dog, you should know how each has its own basic needs and this is where Hundeo plays a great For 5 years, Israeli pet owners have benefited from the comprehensive health care plans offered by the digital pet insurance agency that's currently expanding Rottweiler Life is your first and last stop when it comes to Rottweiler. (Opens in a new browser tab). Germans are known to keep the breed standard at maximum, maybe its because its their product. The nails of a Rottweiler are short, strong, and black. Required fields are marked *. You've brought home a new rottweiler puppy, and you're in the dog food aisle, feeling overwhelmed. Rottweilers are intelligent and can be trained easily. A FRIEND OF MINE WANNA SELL ROT PUPPY FOR ME( THE MOTHER IS GERMAN WHILE THE FATHER IS SERBIAN ROT) PLEASE WHATS YOUR ADVICE IN TERMS OF TEMPERAMENT AND AGGRESSIVENESS.?? The American Rottweiler Dog, originating in America, looks plain and simple. Undercoats should be present on the neck and thighs, but climatic conditions influence the amount of fur. Quantity and location of rust markings are essential and should not exceed ten percent of body color. The distinction between black and rust is to be precisely defined. I'm not too keen on that short nosed pug, loose skin look. Disqualifications are Entropion and Ectropion. Pads are thick and hard. Due to the lack of strict restrictions or standards, the Serbian Rottie can appear very aggressive. Crosses can be cute, but there are enough that get bred by accident, on purpose is just pathetic and a crime to dogs in general when there is a constant overpopulation problem as it is. Why anyone would want to breed that cross on purpose is just stupid and a shame. Undercoat should not display through outer coat. The German Rottweilers have naturally long tails as they are not involved in dock(cut-off) tails, unlike American Rottweilers. His compact and sturdy build signifies superior strength, agility and stamina. They might also be a bit disobedient too and might require a lot of individual time and care to train them. You can train them easily. Their intelligence, athleticism, and trainability make them well suited to agility and obedience competition, as well as tracking, therapy work, and their traditional duty, pulling a cart or wagon. The German Rottweiler is a premium dog and is considered the benchmark for the Rottweiler breed. Sitemap| This is done in puppyhood and often when a dog is spayed. The ideal Rottweiler is a medium-large, muscular, and powerful dog, coated black with clear rust markings. their temperaments varies due to crossbreeding. If we judge on the basis of facial structure and decide on the debate of Serbian Rottweiler vs German Rottweiler, it would appear that the Serbian Rottweiler has a more ferocious look on their side something that is a bit reflective of the nature of the dog. Muzzle Bridge is straight, broad at base with slight tapering towards the tip. Any diet should be a fit for the dogs age. The Rottweiler male sizes 23 inches to 27 inches and female sizes 22 inches to 25 inches, as the preferred size is mid-range of each sex. Early socialization and training are essential to raising a well-mannered Rottie. An example: a German Rottweiler does not have their tail docked a mandatory feature, while for an American Rottweiler, tail docking is a recommendation. These differences can range from looks to temperament and might even include something man-made like tail docking. The expression is noble, attentive, and self-assured. Well this question can be answered by going into the Serbian Rottweiler vs German Rottweiler debate. I can confirm now after all of these years. What Are The Ideal Rottweiler Eye Color, Shape, And Placement? This brings us to the FCI Standard, these dog standards are developed for a very simple reason to standardise the look of EVERY dog in this breed, and not to be ignored for the sake of fashion and personal desire. Rottweilers have natural herders instincts and may bump children. Serious faults include open, excessively short, or curly coat, total lack of undercoat, any trim altering the natural coats length. Some dogs are prone to obesity, so watch your Rottweilers calorie consumption and weight level. So, we have covered the Serbian Rottweiler in the Serbian Rottweiler vs German Rottweiler debate. All rights reserved. When carried alertly, the ears level with the top of the skull and appear to broaden it. Proper knowledge is necessary about which human foods are safe for dogs to feed. What kind of food should you get? The Serbian Rottweiler is sometimes called the Russian Rottweiler. Indeed, someone had to start to point these issues out and change the overall behaviour. ToplineThe back of the Rottweiler is firm and level, extending in a straight line from behind the withers to the croup. Serious Faults include a total lack of mouth pigment (pink mouth). The undercoat is gray, tan, or black. Be specific with what you ask the Rottweiler, dont leave any loopholes. Super Male Boerboels For New.. Brindle And Fawn Available. Solid Black Male South African Boerboel Mastiff Puppies For Sale! Eirian's Fancy Gem CGN TT HIC (April 2009-August 2020) "Jemma". Once they learn to swim, they love it for life. Their ears are weird too. I set out very early in my breeding endeavours to import and promote the German bloodlines and have continued to specialize in this area always striving to produce the very best specimen I could in relation to the FCI Standard. The undercoat lies on the neck and thighs. A reserved dog should not be penalized, as this reflects the breeds accepted character. crazy puppies! So, lets take a look into the Rottweiler types mentioned above and see if there are noticeable differences or not. NeckThe neck is well-muscled, moderately long, slightly arched, and without slack skin. Severe faults may be improper carriage (creased, folded, or held away from cheek/head). It also makes their mouth crowded, and harder for them to breathe and pant. Imprint| On January 13th, 1907, the Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub, also called the German Rottweiler Club, was established in Germany. TailThe tail is short, close to the body, leaving one or two tail vertebrae. Ears are medium-sized, pendant, and triangular. Like a marriage that has run its course and a couple who have grown irreparably apart one can only hope this new fashion is divorced from the beloved breed as we know it as quickly and with as little long term damage done as possible. The depth of the chest is nearly fifty percent (50%) of the dogs height. A Rottweiler with a long coat is a disqualification. I feel the same! A Rotties dewclaws are removed. When it comes to well bred rottweilers, i seek for German bloodlines. ColorThe Rottweilers color is always black with rust to mahogany markings. !. The Rottweiler dogs are muscular and devoted to the owner-dog breed appreciated for their calm confidence, strength, and good-natured character. Croup is broad, medium-length, and only slightly sloping. Unprofessional breeding or breeders who intentionally bred to charge a high price might be the cause of this type of breeds origin. The U.S. Pet Insurance Market Will Benefit from Animalias Pet Insurance Plans and Pricing. More energetic Rotties may need longer exercise sessions and more structured activities. Rotties love people and want to be with their families. This results in slight differences in the Rottweiler breed. Your best chance at avoiding Rottweilers health issues is to purchase a pup from an ethical, authorized breeder who has papers to show that the dogs are free of genetic disease. Excess weight is not suitable for any dog, and proper exercise can help keep your Rottweiler fit and healthy. This begs the question: How is the Serbian Rottweiler different from a German one? When training, keep in mind that your Rottweiler thrives on mental stimulation. Lips are also black, and corners are closed. As speed increases, the legs will unite under the body towards a centerline. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If the Eastern European countrys got together they could register a new breed named in another countrys name possibly the Serbian Rottweiler for an example. However, some wrinkles occur when the dog is alert. Inner mouth pigment is preferred dark mostly. An aggressive or combative attitude towards other dogs is not a fault of this breed. When we imported the first Rottweiler to Australia with a tail we made a conscious decision to never dock another pup, and yes it was a hard road to travel with the very harsh reception a Rottweiler with a tail received, but I wished to remain true to the German Standard. I have personally been breeding Rottweilers for about 37 years now spending many years traveling to the other side of the country to exhibit my dogs. The forequarters and hindquarters are mutually coordinated in a trot while the back remains level, firm, and almost motionless. Clean, fresh water should be available for your dog at all times. His movement should be balanced, rhythmic, sure, compelling, and unhindered, with strong forereach and a powerful rear-drive. During the Middle Ages, the Rottweiler dog was used as a herder, a guard, messenger dog, draught dog, and police work. Rottweiler breeds serious faults include yellow (bird of prey) eyes, eyes of different color or size, hairless eye rim. He likes learning new things and is eager to please its owners. Do Large Rottweiler Dogs Require Special Treatment When Sick? 41Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. A wavy coat is considered faulty. Disqualification includes unilateral cryptorchid or cryptorchid males. Be fair and firm, and your Rottweiler will reward you with his quick skill to learn. If the dog or its lineage was born in Serbia (or Russia), then the breed type is Serbian Rottweiler. Rottweilers are active and powerful dogs that require early socialization and training. FCI = Fdration Cynologique Internationale. Like what has happened with other breeds the time I feel is drawing near when we will have no choice but to initiate a DIVORCE within our breed before it destroys the breed as we know it. The only difference between the Serbian Rottweiler (or Russian Rottweiler) and the other types is the breeds birthplace. During spring and fall seasons, the Rottweiler sheds heavily, and throughout the rest of the year, it sheds moderately. Rear pasterns are almost perpendicular to the ground. The Rottweiler will do okay in an apartment or urban life if it is properly exercised and trained. Copyright MD Software & Design. Lets look at some of the features of the German Rottweiler: As the name goes, the German Rottweiler originates from Germany and is closely related to the Roman Rottweiler of the past. GaitThe Rottweiler is a trotter. There are countless Rottweilers in need of adoption and/or nursing, and there are several breed-specific rescue associations across the country that are listed below: Your email address will not be published. let me explain: Gerard O'Shea, at this point is one of very few that is sticking to this. My sweet Rottweiler is 3,5years old today. There is no limit for canine activities that the Rottweiler can learn to do. The loin is short, deep, and well-muscled. They need their people in order to be happy. The Rottweiler strikes an unlikely balance between a world-class guardian and a goofy companion. When Rottweilers are bred in different countries, they not only adapt to that countrys climate, but they become attuned to the way the training procedures of the country work. They also like playing with balls and going hiking. The Rottweiler dog breed has a straight, coarse, medium-length outer coat that lies flat and colored black with tan to mahogany markings. Pet owners should control the Rottweilers behavior in the show ring, willing and adaptable, trained to submit to examining the mouth, testicles, etc. A docked tail is a serious fault, according to German Rottweiler. Now, lets take a look at the German Rottweiler. They make absolutely gorgeous puppies, like little bears. Moderately active Rottweilers enjoy a couple of 10-to-20-minute walks each day. From these recommendations, you can understand that there is an external standard being set upon the Rotties of specific countries. The differences generally lie in the basic country of birth. Terms and Conditions| ForequartersThe shoulder blade of a Rottweiler is large and well laid back. Rottweiler is prone to obesity and may overeat if they are not appropriately monitored. Exaggerations are nothing to be proud of, balance in all things is desirable and sustainable. I love Rottweiler as a working dog breed. But i think i personally like the classic rottie look when full grown.. What are your guys thoughts on this? Here are some of the pointers on the Serbian Rottweiler vs German Rottweiler: DomicileAs can be understood from the name, the Serbian Rottweiler arrives from Serbia. The Rottweilers back remains horizontal to the ground while it is moving or standing. The Rottweiler dogs with unusual coloration and features are called Rare-Rottweiler, like single-color coats or long hair coats. The Rotties are to be exhibited in the natural condition with no trimming. In some cases, these dogs exhibits questionable behaviors thats not associated with rotts,they can be unpredictable when it comes to approach that goes beyond kennel club standards. I only follow a few kennels to see what they are producing. Gerard himself breeds rottweilers so that hits close to home in his case, as his dogs are bred to be working animals, not only show. This distance has probably made Australian breeders think longer and harder about their choices before they import semen or dogs because of the inflated costs and quarantine issues involved. I also prefer the stub to a full tail but they have banned that procedure in my province now. Distance from withers to the elbow and elbow to the ground is equal. GENTS, I WANT TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERBIAN AND GERMAN ROTTWEILER IN TERMS OF TEMPERAMENT AND AGGRESSIVENESS. Ears are set well apart, hanging forward with the inner edge lying tightly against the head and terminating at approximately mid-cheek. Your email address will not be published. I guess most breeds do though Those Rottskys look like mutts you find in the dog pounds, I don't see anything striking about them except for the occasional blue eyes (not worth it). The rare breed is usually the result of breeding outside the official breed standard. Brush your Rottweilers teeth 2-3 times a week to remove tartar and bacteria and trim its nails every week. In America, the American Kennel Club (AKC) is the governing body that manages the official breed standard. The stifle joint is well turned. His bone and muscle mass must be adequate to balance his frame, giving a compact and compelling appearance. Severe faults in teeth include level bite and any missing tooth. The aspired ratio of backskull to muzzle is 3 to 2. Rottweiler dog breeds serious faults include lack of proportion, oversized, undersized, reversal of sexual characteristics. The color markings should be placed as follows: a spot over each eye, as a strip around either side of the muzzle, but not on the bridge of the nose, on the cheeks, on the throat, triangular mark on either side of prosternum, on forelegs from carpus descending to the toes, on inside of back legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to front of back legs from hock to toes, but not wholly eliminating black from the rear of pasterns; under the tail; black penciling on toes. By continuing to use our websites and products, you agree to the use of cookies. Pasterns are firm, springy, and almost perpendicular to the ground. Why bring it up on a purebred site? So, one should be cautious when the kids are around them. At the same time, the German Rottweilers coat color is black with rust. The lower thigh is long, wide, and powerful, with extensive muscling leading into a tight hock joint. Rottweilers are social and cannot live alone for long periods, and can become destructive if they do not exercise properly. The Rottweiler should do well on high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-made, with your veterinarians guidance and approval. An intelligent dog of extreme hardness and flexibility with a strong enthusiasm to work, making him especially suited as a guardian, companion, and general all-purpose dog. If the Rotties are left alone for long periods or dont receive adequate exercise, they may become destructive. The Serbians also do very little health testing, while the Germans have much higher breeding standards. NAPR = North American Purebred Registry, Inc. A forum community dedicated to Rottweiler owners and enthusiasts. Disclaimer| Rotties should be brushed every week with bristle brushes to remove the dead hair, and regular baths are mandatory. Those Rottweilers are American, German, and Roman. In the judges opinion, a dog that attacks any person in the ring shall be disqualified. German Rottweilers are somewhat larger, stockier and heavier than their American cousins. Rotties put on weight quickly and need at least a couple of 1020-minute walks daily, including mental stimulation in the form of training and puzzle toys to keep their bodies and minds in shape. Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). The many experiments have been done by the dog breeders with cross-breeding to create that excellent dog companion for ages. Rottweiler males are characteristically more massive throughout, with a larger frame and heavier bone than females but without any weakness of structure or substance. The AKC first recognized the breed in 1931. The Feet are round, compact with well-arched toes, turning neither in nor out. Box-head Rotweiler Puppies In Uyo, Akwa Ibom Stat, Adult Female Rotweiler Forsale Ibadan 90k. Since German Rotties need to meet the standards of ADRK, they generally are calm and composed. Privacy Policy| great looking dog sir! Evaluating dogs that have gotten titles. I cannot stand the Serbian rottweilers! Germans will only allow dogs that are titled to breedand the litters must be approved before they can be registered. A judge shall exempt from the ring any shy Rottweiler. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Serbian Cross German Rotweiler (1999 Views), Box-head Rotweiler Puppies In Uyo, Akwa Ibom Stat / Rotweiler & Bullmastiff For Sale Abuja / Adult Female Rotweiler Forsale Ibadan 90k (2) (3) (4). Accurate proportion of the Rottweiler is of primary importance as the size is within the standards range. JLPP - Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis and Polyneuropathy. The Rotties front and rear legs are thrown neither in nor out, as the imprint of hind feet should touch its forefeet. Rottweilers are descendants of Roman Drover Dogs. The Rottweiler dog is neither coarse nor shelly. It's nice to see the love of Rotts in Vietnam! Shortly after, on April 27th, 1907, the SDRK (Suddeutscher Rottweiler-Klub (South German Rottweiler Club)) was formed, which later changed to the IRK (International Rottweiler Club). Some breeders state that there are even more Rottweilers types, unlike the three standard ones, making the situation more complicated. I prefer the longer muzzle, but for a dog with a great personality I would accept a shorter muzzle. The motion is effortless, efficient, and ground-covering. What is wrong is that they are trying to force this style of Rottweiler on the rest of the world, even on the country of Origin Germany. More dogs that get put to sleep when people get tired of them. Most of them depend on the standardizing of the body rather than the Rottie as a whole. Even five minutes of training obedience skills will give them a feeling of success. A properly set tail gives an impression of the topline elongation, carried slightly above horizontal when the dog is excited or moving. Usually, three different Rottweilers are familiar. The Rottweiler is probably a descendent from the Italian Mastiff, which accompanied the Romans herds when they invaded Europe. most of these dogs are bred specifically for their physical features, muscular formation,thick bone structure, head sizes thereby undermining the real deal i.e their temperament. Many people not ever own a really Rottweiler so they can't know a big different between German Rottweiler and "toy" Rottweiler. The Rottweiler is a calm, bold, and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness that does not permit itself to immediate and random friendships. The forehead of the Rottie is preferred dry. Read:What Are The Ideal Rottweiler Eye Color, Shape, And Placement? Basset Hound Rottweiler Mix Everything You Need to Know, ROTTWEILER CHOW MIX- EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW, Rottweiler Husky Mix - Everything You Need to Know, Corgi Rottweiler Mix - Everything You Need To Know, German Shepherd Rottweiler Mix - Everything You Need to Know, Rottweiler Bulldog Mix - Everything You Need To Know. Super Male Boerboels For New.. Brindle And Fawn Available. Rather, the Serbian Rottie is bred indiscriminately and does not have to meet a certain high external standard. The nose is broad rather than round and always black. He sheds moderately for most of the year, although he will shed more extensively twice a year, usually during spring and fall. This doesnt need to necessarily be a bad thing, in Australia we have Staffordshire Terriers & the newer American Staffordshire a much larger some would say overdone version of the original, standard & Giant versions of the same breed just to use some examples. Contact. Almost went extinct in the 1800s, the breed population began to rise in the early twentieth century due to enthusiastic breeders efforts centered in Stuttgart. The Rottweiler standard was then set. The position of the tail is more crucial than length. Rottweiler requires regular exercise and playtime. When a Rottweiler is viewed from the rear, hind legs are straight, strong, and wide enough apart to fit a properly built body. German Rottweilers have a lot of muscle mass and thus, weigh around 55 kg. Black is the specified color with rust to mahogany accent for the American Rottweiler. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! The Roman Rottweiler is the original Rottweiler breed from which all the other types have descended. The back is straight and strong. Check with your veterinarian if you have any issues with your dogs weight or diet. Serious faults include straw-colored, excessive, insufficient, or sooty markings, rust marking other than described above, white marking on the dog at any place (some rust or white hairs arent faulty markings). Either way we simply cant continue on the way we are going with our heads in the sand and hope this new fashion will go away, because it looks more like gaining momentum that fading away any time soon, and we are fooling ourselves if we think the breeders breeding these dogs and the Judges putting them up are going anywhere in a hurry. Serbian Rottweilers generally have a little bit of heft on their end. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. pugg-weils, label them as TOP dogs and TOP producers (whatever that even means) and just make puppies, people buy them thinking that what they bought is a rottweiler. So, if you ask about Serbian Rottweiler vs German Rottweiler , you can see that the differences are quite slight. Yet still many judges don't use the tools provided, some place and title dogs based where they come from, not their anatomy and that also has to be called out. If you prefer to adopt, be sure to get as much medical history as the rescue organization can provide. The underline of a mature Rottweiler has a slight tuck-up. The Rottweilers teeth are 42 in number (20 uppers, 22 lowers), strong, correctly placed, meeting in a scissors bite that is lower incisors touching inside of upper incisors. Any base color other than black or absence of all markings is noted as a disqualification for the Rottweiler breed. BodyThe chest is spacious, broad, and deep, reaching elbow, with well pronounced fore chest and well sprung, oval ribs. HindquartersRottweilers angulation of hindquarters balances that of forequarters. It has taken on a life of its own and morphed in to a need to produce the toughest meanest looking Rottweiler not the most correct looking specimen. Rottweilers can be aggressive towards strange dogs, so introduce new animals, especially dogs, carefully. Even the gentlest, well-behaved Rottweiler can put children, the elderly, smaller adults, and anyone unsteady on his feet at risk. Rottweilers are also extremely intelligent, highly trainable, and thrive when working alongside their human partners, making them exceptional therapy, search-and-rescue, guard, draft, and police dogs. Disqualifications considered in the breed are overshot, undershot (when incisors do not touch), twisted mouth, two or more missing teeth. In America, it is customary to cut off Rottweilers tails, which is specified in the American Breed Standard. JavaScript is disabled. Rottweilers are hardworking, healthy, and loyal people dogs. Despite its imposing manner, a Rottweiler is often described as a goofball by its enthusiasts. An Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Dog Food For Your Rottweiler, 6 Nutritional Tips to Follow to Make Sure Your Rottweiler Will Grow Strong, Top Things to Know If Youre Keeping a Cat With Rottweilers. Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2022 Oluwaseun Osewa. German Rottweilers have to meet the strict conditions set up for them by the ADRK. Mix dog breeds are not new. People revered these pure-bred Rottweilers & Siberian Huskies as they have incomparable personalities and distinct appearances. A dog is judged fundamentally shy if refusing to stand for examination shrinks away from the judge. I have been fortunate for so many reasons to have been born in a small yet vast distant country, but this distance although giving one a great overview of what the rest of the world is doing has its drawbacks when trying to access and breed quality Rottweilers. However, they are misrepresented at times. In the year 1901-07, Rottweilers were used as police dogs. The upper thigh is relatively long, very broad, and well-muscled. They may not have originated there, but they are bred there, in the special Serbian conditions. Courageous but not overly aggressive, this hardworking dog benefits from early training and socialization to positively direct its territorial instincts. She is Melsee (breeded by me). Pads are thick and robust. Rottweiler was bred in the German town of Rottweil in Wurttemberg. The Roman Rottweiler dog breed looks large and lean with long legs and a long tail. Some of Rottweilers talents include tracking, guarding, herding, watchdog, search and rescue, guide dogs for the blind, police work, competitive obedience, carting, and Schutzhund. Even after good training and socialization, there can be an unfair judgment about these breeds by strangers. There are many different kinds of Rottweilers that are around the planet. These dogs are inactive indoors and a small yard will be good. It has never been as obvious as it has in the past few years, watching the Eastern European countries take a totally different direction to the rest of the world in the style of Rottweiler they desire the look of, this in itself isnt a bad thing if it is truly what they want. Nails are short, strong, and black. Rottweilers are usually prone to several diseases that pet parents should be aware of. Legs are built strongly with straight, heavy bone, not set close to each other. Males must have two normal testicles adequately settled into the scrotum. Rotties have an inherent passion for protecting their home and family. Why? However, we have seen mixed-breed dogs in the last couple of decades in a new light. In the judges opinion, a dog that threatens him/her, or shows any sign that it may not be safe to approach or be examined by the judge in the usual manner, shall be excused from the ring. From the prosternum to the rumps rearmost projection, the bodys length is slightly longer than the height at the withers, as the most desirable proportion of the height to length is 9 to 10. A German Rottweiler may look menacing due to their mass but they are mostly friendly and their facial structure is developed in a way that looks amicable. HeadThe Rottweilers head is of medium length that is broad between the ears, forehead line seen in profile is slightly arched, zygomatic arch and stop well developed with strong upper and lower jaws.
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are serbian rottweilers good