I breed for conformation, agility, obedience rings and my main focus in the breeding program is to have athletic, intelligent, long lived happy family members. !t&&/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(t)},f=e=>{const t=d(e),i=/(iphone|ipod|ipad). Each species consumes raw food that is dense with readily bio-available nutrition needed for their unique anatomy and physiology. Proof of health testing is always provided for upcoming litters. We are very proud that many Moonstone Poodles have found their places in life as SERVICE DOGS. * Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All our puppies are AKC registered and valuatedby a vetenarian whichprovides ahealth certificate. Here are links to some videos that Diane has taken of her dogs working Performance, Breeder of beautiful quality Standard Poodles, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBMR1yNkmZE&list=UUdpy0M-3qIo05UvwVUmaj7A&index=22, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SODwaPFhU7k&index=24&list=UUdpy0M-3qIo05UvwVUmaj7A, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJJCEhZcrNg&list=UUdpy0M-3qIo05UvwVUmaj7A&index=76, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41l5kKBYhpk&list=UUdpy0M-3qIo05UvwVUmaj7A, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RKArmYzgy4&list=UUdpy0M-3qIo05UvwVUmaj7A, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9cqu-ElMts&list=UUdpy0M-3qIo05UvwVUmaj7A. We breed for our next generation of agility and show team mates, but the qualities that make a good competition dog also make for wonderful companions. I take pride and work hard so that each puppy generation will be the best representation of the poodle breed. Success inSilverPerformanceMiniature PoodlesPASSION in PERFORMANCE! All rights reserved. " GCHB MACH2 G8rcreek Far Far Better CD BN RA MXG MJG OF CGC TP is our foundation sire. Weaimto produce outstanding, versatile, and healthy standard poodles to represent the breed we love. she is owned, trained and loved by Joann Neal of Texas. Exercise is never optional.Animals are meant to move almost constantly.In the wild, playing, moving from place to place, and hunting are done daily. In 2007 I began my own adventure in the USA, as well as in Europe, to continue the family tradition while working as a Veterinary Technician for a decadeaccumulating knowledge, education and information from accomplished poodle fanciers and from people outside the breed. Please contact More Current Availability! Some of our dogs. * The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt tends to lead to an increase in natural killer cells, neutrophilis and monocytes, witch ultimately increases immune function. this site are Copyright - DO NOT COPY! 765278257 Black Swamp Gun Dog Club,and Fort Wayne Obedience Training Club. Research shows that spending time in fresh air, especially surrounded by trees and natural water sources, increases energy. *****AmyRedepenningOwner of Absolute Silver Miniature Poodlesand a few Safranne'call, text or email507.459.9361 Cgarvincrest@gmail.comFind posts on myface book page:Amy LaNae PorterRedepenning, Winona, MNMore pics on my FBCLOSEDGroup page:Absolute Silver Friends and Family, ****NOTE: Pups have full tails and dew claws intact. (jt(e,n),Gt(e,h)):jt(e,h)}))},d.connectedCallback=function(){e.prototype.connectedCallback.call(this),t.windowResizeService.observe(this)},d.disconnectedCallback=function(){e.prototype.disconnectedCallback.call(this),t.windowResizeService.unobserve(this)},d.attributeChangedCallback=function(e,t){t&&this.reLayout()},s=a,u=[{key:"observedAttributes",get:function(){return["data-is-full-height","data-container-size"]}}],(c=null)&&$t(s.prototype,c),u&&$t(s,u),a}(e)},Zt="__more__",Jt="moreContainer",Xt=function(e){void 0===e&&(e=window);var t=function(e,t,i,n,r,o,a,s){if(e-=r*(a?n.length:n.length-1),e-=s.left+s.right,t&&(n=n.map((function(){return o}))),n.some((function(e){return 0===e})))return null;var c=0,u=n.reduce((function(e,t){return e+t}),0);if(u>e)return null;if(t){if(i){var d=Math.floor(e/n.length),h=n.map((function(){return d}));if((c=d*n.length)
agility poodle breeder