We understand your frustration of having to keep you beloved friends separated but think at just over three months old you should have nothing to worry about just yet. If you are thinking of welcoming a Bichon Frise into your family, consider the amount of time that will be required for maintaining his snow-white, powder puff appearance. One of the most important attributes to learn about is the dog's temperament. Are Bichon Frise Good with Kids - Happy Bichon. By the time your dog is about three, you will likely be able to tell just what their adult coat will be like and how curly it will be. When bathed and brushed, it stands off the body, creating an overall powder puff appearance. Generally, once your dog begins to grow in the adult coat, you can tell whether the hairs are coming in curly or straight, but you wont be sure until the coat is fully in. We have had as much as 9 Bichons in our house and we never see hair on our clothes or furniture. The main concern we had was puppies being trapped under blankets when we weren't there to supervise.
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